5 款眼形的「眼线正确画法」 这样画眼就大了!
别以为单眼皮就一定要画更粗黑的眼线才能放大双眼!其实单眼皮最不适合的就是又粗又黑的眼线,想让眼睛增大,其实只要用咖啡色眼影或是眼线即可,并且画在内眼线较根部的位置,尾端勾勒平顺就可以了! Thank you ??Nite Nite ?????? #万绮雯 #joeymeng #joeymengyeeman 万绮雯的眼线一直都是细细长长,淡淡的才美! #我和春天有个约会# time ????Thank you each and every one of you??????Goodnight everybody ?? Sweet dreams ???? #joeymengyeeman #joeymeng #万绮雯 #我和春天有个约会 一般人可能觉得双眼皮怎幺画眼睛都很大,其实这是错误的,画错眼线,也会沦为无神眼,而双眼皮的人,最适合的是清晰纤细的眼线,让眼妆乾净最重要,就能让眼睛再增大! Thanks everyone for tuning into Big Big Channel today! Thats a wrap for June. ?? Time for a busy July! 朱千雪拥有典型的美女双眼皮,可见她的眼线亦是很幼细的,很适合她呢! End of day work, back to a night of school work ?? 本来就有点凤眼的美女,若眼尾再画出上勾眼线,会使眼睛更凤,所以眼线必须画于内眼线位置,到眼尾时往下垂,另外下眼尾的地方以平行眼线拉出一点点,让上下眼线有个小开口,这样就可以使眼睛更柔和,凤眼也变得不明显! #SpreadTheHope# #传递希望# 这可爱的Bubble Coat Elephant是由大黄鸭之父、荷兰艺术家霍夫曼 (Florentijn Hofman) 联同香港创意团队AllRightsReserved为万象天地设计的艺术装置延伸纪念版公仔,将于9月27日深圳万象天地开幕日公开发售,为SPREAD the HOPE公益计划筹款,全部收入将捐赠奥比斯,帮助国内患有眼疾儿童放眼艺术之美!希望大家一起支持这项公益计画,Spread the Hope! #BubbleCoatElephant# #抱抱象 #happyvalentinesday ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? 垂眼的人容易无神,所以画眼线的时候,可以加长眼尾的眼线,并且轻微向上勾勒,就能令眼形变得更精神呢! 每时每刻不停走着不一定是好事, 每昼每夜无所事事也不一定是坏事, 手停下来容易, 思考停下来却很难, 给自己一些奢侈的日子去放空, 因为懂得放手才能握紧更多。 翠如BB就是有轻微的下垂眼,所以令人感觉较无辜可爱呢! 我的鲤鱼弟弟。 I need ??to cool me down 眼形较长的女生,千万别再画极长眼线,最佳的眼线长度是画到眼尾后约1mm即可收手。像是香香的眼形比较细长,眼线亦不会画得太长。 Done! Finished filming #果栏中的大嫂 Homework it is a hate/love relationship. Homework isn’t typically fun, but it necessary for us to keep learning and expanding our knowledge. The last time I thought homework was fun was in grade 3 when I was learning multiplication. I remember thinking that after graduation, I wouldn’t have to have homework anymore, that all I had to do was survive through school! As I get older, I realise that even though I know more now than when I was a kid, I still don’t know much. So even though homework isn’t always our favourite thing to do, we need it. We need it to be disciplined, educated, to keep trying our best, to do our best, and hopefully offer the best of ourselves to to our community and the world. To me, every new script is like a new Chinese textbook. I must study the material, translate it into my own thoughts, and learn to apply it in real life. Filming is like an exam that I have to constantly study for, and the true test result is not only from the audience, but also myself when I see that I have learnt more words when I read the next script. I am only an actress and I can only hope my work sparks emotion in others. But also something that I want to share to my fellow students, is that the hardship and pain we go though while studying, is always balanced by the victory of knowledge, experience, and self-improvement. I will keep fighting! 节就到啦,今年我想同大家见下面and派喜饼!嚟紧2月13号下午2点我将会係湾仔皇后大道东188号嘅奇华旗舰店,同大家一齐share我嘅幸福moment。想食到我为大家準备嘅嫁喜礼饼,到时记得早啲嚟啦!数量有限呀!@keewahbakery . . . #奇华饼家 #奇华嫁喜礼饼 #wedding #喜饼 #利东街 #奇华旗舰店 #香香出没注意 # valentines #yum #香香 #香香公主 所以各位美女们,画眼线的同时,绝对要看一下自己是属于甚幺眼形,才能够打造出最适合自己的眼线,避免形成反效果哦! #张青青 跟大家报到,明天3:00PM ,Plaza Singapura !约定你?? #天公仔 #luckyboySG 延伸阅读1. 单眼皮:内眼线+平顺眼尾
2. 双眼皮:纤细眼线+乾净眼妆
3. 微凤眼:微垂眼线+平行下眼线
4. 下垂眼:眼线加长+微翘
5. 长眼形:短眼线+半下眼线
本页关于 5 款眼形的「眼线正确画法」 这样画眼就大了!内容仅供参考,请您根据自身实际情况谨慎操作。尤其涉及您或第三方利益等事项,请咨询专业人士处理。