《溏心风暴3》 靓靓人妻岑丽香 减走微胖靠奇亚籽!

岑丽香 由微胖至索爆新娘 虽然香香公主入行后愈来愈瘦,但面上始终有点baby fat,笑起来肉肉的,令包包面成她的标誌。但是,原来香香一直都注重瘦身,在家经常研发不同的减肥菜谱,又keep住恆常运动,难怪结婚时能极速变V面啦! 岑丽香的招牌包包脸令她很受

岑丽香 由微胖至索爆新娘

虽然香香公主入行后愈来愈瘦,但面上始终有点baby fat,笑起来肉肉的,令包包面成她的标誌。但是,原来香香一直都注重瘦身,在家经常研发不同的减肥菜谱,又keep住恆常运动,难怪结婚时能极速变V面啦!


我好感恩终于可以同大家宣布,上帝畀我搵到我嘅Mr.Right 喇!多年前我哋喺温哥华因为工作关係而认识,但自此并冇联繫?估唔到多年之后,喺朋友嘅介绍下,我哋再次遇上?强强 (Joshua) 由朋友变成我男朋友,而到今日,成为我未婚夫! ??能够同自己嘅心灵伴侣结婚,係一种幸福,我哋好期待踏上人生另一个阶段,可以一同经历神一齐成长。感谢我嘅家人、朋友、弟兄姊妹、同事一路帮我哋保持低调同保守秘密,多谢观众同粉丝朋友们一直嘅支持同祝福!感谢传媒朋友一路以来对我嘅关心同鼓励,拍拖之后你哋都好照顾强强?? 大日子快到了,宜家忙于準备,请体谅我未必可以完全回覆到大家??。好感谢大家??你们的祝福我哋完全收到晒??????! 主祝福你哋??

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最近在溏心3 的角色更是讨好,温文又可爱!

2.5 亿次播放呀!感谢感谢大家支持 #溏心风暴3!今晚记住睇啊! 250million hits!!!???????????? , Thank you to all the viewers for watching our new drama! #iambelle #我是啊表

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香香曾公开过,奇亚籽是她的减肥好帮手 ,每天吃下最少一杯奇亚籽,就是她轻鬆减磅的秘密。而且健康又饱肚呢!

Smiles for detox. Todays menu dragonfruit, yellow plum and yogurt. Enjoy! ?????? #tastebetterinawineglass #

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#ootd for todays grand opening of J.Co Coffee in HK Wish you all #大红大紫 ???????????????? . . . Stylist @tashaling @tashalingstylist Earrings @majeofficiel #maje Dress @alicemccallptyltd @electric_sekki #alicemccall #electricsekki hair @hqivan makeup @zoefan

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奇亚籽是鼠尾草的种籽,属薄荷叶家族的一员,近年更上榜成为超级食物,它的碳水化合物量不高,但其含有必需脂肪酸,有助降低胆固醇。而且奇亚籽含有丰富营养和极高纤维,高纤维及低升糖指数。 它含有人体必需品8种氨基酸,当中包括能抗肥胖和燃烧脂肪的氨基酸。跟一般坚果类食物一样,它也含有非常丰富的Omege-3脂肪酸,有助降低胆固醇,预防血管病及血压有帮助。更甚的是它不含糖分,但有很多水溶性纤维,吸水膨胀后每100克有34.4克纤维,进食饱肚又无负担。

Chia seeds are an amazing superfood that contain numerous health and healing benefits.??Chia seeds are a rich source of protein, vitamins E & B-complex and minerals such as calcium, magnesium, boron, zinc, strontium, and iron.????They are higher in omega-3 fatty acids than any other food and are known to be particularly beneficial for chronic inflammation, heart disease, brain function, cancer, and autoimmune diseases.??Chia seeds are a great “brain food” and they are known to help improve memory, sharpen focus and concentration skills, and reduce brain fog and forgetfulness.????Chia seeds are incredibly high in antioxidants and can help to prevent certain health conditions such as heart disease, cancer, and stroke.?They also contain powerful anti-inflammatory properties which makes them a good food for those who suffer with rheumatoid arthritis, COPD, fibromyalgia, multiple sclerosis, Alzheimer’s disease, cardiomyopathy, chronic fatigue syndrome, and chronic nerve pain.????Chia seeds are a fantastic food for diabetics since they help to stabilize and control blood sugar levels.??They are also an excellent weight loss food due to their high fiber and protein content which can boost the metaboli and promote lean muscle mass. ????Chia seeds are known to help soothe and cleanse the colon as well as absorb toxins while strengthening peristaltic action.??Chia seeds provides a great source of energy and can help you feel energized with sustaining energy all day long. ?????♀?Consider preparing a chia pudding by stirring together 3 tablespoons of chia seeds and 14 oz coconut milk and allowing to sit overnight in the refrigerator.????In the morning, scoop the pudding into a bowl and top with fresh berries.??It is a delicious and satisfying meal that will keep you energized and nourish all day long.??Chia seeds can be found online or at your local health food store.??

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I love experimenting new fun ways to add #Chia and #Flax seeds to my daily diet! Use #chiaseeds as a topping on anything and everything, shakes, salad, yogurts, roti, rice, and list goes on ?? Chia seeds are an excellent #energy source ????and packed with nutrition: they contain #fiber, #omega 3 fatty acids, #protein, #vitamins A, B, E, and D, #calcium, copper, phosphorus, potassium, and #zinc. They are rich in #antioxidants and a miracle for your digestive health! Flax seeds need to be roasted and ground first, to unlock their nutrition.I mostly just add them to my roti dough everyday for every meal ?? For convenience I use the cold-pressed natural #flaxseed oil by @squirrelhungry. One table spoon of this mildly sweet, nutty oil can add a sufficient amount of healthy omega-3s fatty acids to your meals ?? Add chia and flax to all meals and say hello to good health ?? -Stay fit, M #hungrysquirrel #healthyfood #foodie #productreviews #healthyreviews #healthybody #abs #toned #fit #muscle #fitness #gymselfie #workout #diet #healthydiet #superfoods #makeinindia #india

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奇亚籽 有很多吃法,因为它没有任何味道,经常会被放入不同材料中一併食用,如牛奶、水果、麦片等。

1. 加入豆浆/脱脂奶当西米食

可放入豆浆/脱脂奶浸约30分钟即成 ,当呈现西米的效果便可进食。

Morning ??I love Mondays so much!! New months. New weeks. New goals. Its so much fun to wake up with a feeling of new, fresh starts filled with motivation. It makes you want to be better. Do better. Make healthier choices. And on that note, so happy to have local spots like @rejuicenutrition right near @victoriaparkmtl for post work out breakfasts. This Chia bowl is everything, topped with banana, granola, almond butter and berries ?? #mondaymotivation

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Tomorrows breakfast ready to go! @theaccidentalsinglemum have you tried this yet?? . . . #overnightoats #oats #organicoats #organic #chiaseeds #blueberries #cravendale #mealprep #breakfast #instabreakfast #filling #startyourdaytherightway #earlybird #healthyeating #healthylifestyle #backontrack #diet #healthy #weightloss #tasty #nomnomnom #getinmybelly

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2. 加入穀麦当早餐


Bora Bora Bowl Delicious ?? @vagamundocoffee #nandabachata #enjoythemoment #enjoylife #coffee #coffeetime #bowl #boraborabowl #cabarete #republicadominicana #dominicanrepublic #healthyfood #healthy #healthybreakfast #cereals #banana #fruit #hungry #delicious #deliciousfood #granola #chiaseeds #berries #positivevibes #bananas #caribbean #thegoodlife #thegoodlifersrd #thegoodlifers #happymonday #thegoodlifedr

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Banana Tahini Cinnamon Oatmeal. My stomach is just not feeling right and the flu is the rounds in my classroom ??All I feel like having is my favourite bowl of stovetop oatmeal. On medium heat, combine: ~ 1/2 cup oats ~ 3/4 cup vanilla almond milk (or add vanilla to regular) ~ 1 banana ~ 1 heaping tbsp of tahini ~ 1 tbsp chia seeds ~ 1 tbsp hemp seeds ~ 1 tsp cinnamon ~ splash of maple syrup (optional) ~ sprinkle of brown sugar (optional) #oatmeal #stovetop #banana #tahini #cinnamon #bananaoatmeal #almondmilk #chiaseeds #hempseeds #plantbased #plantbasedvegan #vegan #veganoatmeal #veganfood #easyrecipe #comfortfood #lactosefree #dairyfree #vegansofig #healthyfood #eatrealfood #oatmealbowl

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3. 加入蔬果满足一天营养需求

营养师建议每天宜摄取约18 至30克纤维,最好每天也进食两份水果及三份蔬菜。奇亚籽吸水膨胀后每100克有34.4克纤维,加入水果和蔬菜吃用,就能满足一天营养需要!

?? call me Goldilocks ?? #oatmeal #strawberry #agave #chiaseeds #cinnamon #food #breakfast #brunch #foodie #fruit #fresh #homecooking #health #healthy #healthyfood #healthyeating #foodjournal #wholegrains #quakeroats #ralphs #microwavelife #day5

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Breakfast Papaya Bowl: We scooped out the seeds in the center and added strawberry, mint, blueberries, banana, chia seeds, and squeezed fresh lime on top. Papaya is an amazing food in supporting digestive enzymes. #papaya #papayabowl #breakfast #goodmorning #chiaseeds #lime #antioxidant #blueberries #berries #oothie #yum #health #healthy #healthyfood #healthyrecipes #organic #puravida #travelgram #namaste #fitness #fitspo #hungry #tropical #mint #fruitsalad

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4. 加入酪当甜品平日吃


2017.06.05上週六不用补班也不用上课,在家废了两天,滂沱大雨后第一个上班日,有点想偷懒?????? 火龙果奇亚籽布丁、一颗奇异果??优格、百香果火龙果优格(很微妙的粉橘色)、日清穀片。每天这幺花心思準备早餐,读书、恋爱有那幺认真就好了?????? #优格 #奇异果 #奇亚籽 #穀片 #breakfast #yogurt #yogurtbowl #キウイ #granola #chia #chiaseeds #朝ごぱん #朝食 #フルーツ #dragonfruit #ヨーグルト #kiwi #chiaseedpudding #yogurtgreco #???? #グラノーラ #pitayachiapudding #pitaya #passionfruit #日清 #nissin #ごろっとグラノーラいも栗なんきん #ごろっとグラノーラ

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Black ombré chia pait with activated coconut charcoal powder by Jo @healthyeating_jo So exited to have her in our sister magazine @originmagazine out this month! #charcoalpowder #chia #coconut

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5. 加入水樽随身携带饮用


#050617 #chiaseeds #strawberry

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香香经常在社交网络上分享 减肥餐单 ,不论早午餐或下午茶,她的餐单里几乎都包括牛油果!


Guess who the chef is me or the hubby???

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Had a perfect avocado day?????????? #stillcantbelievetheresanemoticonofeachingredient #eatwithhandsonly

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香香 30分钟 运动减肥法

虽然饮食健康均衡是 减肥 的致胜之道,不过 减肥 还是要靠勤做运动去燃烧卡路里,香香平日坚持要持续做30分钟运动。

为甚幺运动一定要做至少30分钟? 因为前10分钟主要是消耗醣类,第10分钟才开始燃烧脂肪,20分钟后才能燃烧50%的脂肪。所以运动就必须持续做30分钟。如果运动6小时后,即使停止运动,也能继续燃烧脂肪,才可以达至减肥效果呢!

Sunday funday??

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Only 30 mins workoutbetter than nothing! 30分钟的运动好过零分钟! #香香 #大小姐

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怕做激烈运动会吃不消的话,其实香香也会做较简单的滚筒(Foam Roller)鬆弛运动,大家也可以一试呢!

Stretching it out???? #adidasrunnershongkong

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本页关于 《溏心风暴3》 靓靓人妻岑丽香 减走微胖靠奇亚籽!内容仅供参考,请您根据自身实际情况谨慎操作。尤其涉及您或第三方利益等事项,请咨询专业人士处理。