中式糖水英文教学 糖水不是sweet water 一文学识常见中式糖水功效
功效:Nourishing the lungs for arresting cough and moisturising the skin 滋养颜、润肺止咳 功效:Dispelling cold 驱寒 功效:Moistening dryness for relaxing the bowels and keeping our hair dark 润肠通便、乌黑头髮 功效:Clearing heat, detoxication and whitening skin 清热下火、排毒美白 功效:Invigorating the spleen and nourishing blood for detumescence 健脾、补血消肿 功效:Clearing summer heat 消暑下火 功效:Invigorating the spleen for eliminating dampness, regulating blood circulation 健脾化湿、促进血液循环 功效:Whitening skin and anti-aging 美白肌肤、抗衰老 功效:Regulating blood circulation and blood pressure, nourishing yin and skin 行气活血、降血压、滋润肤 功效:Clearing summer heat 消暑下火常见中式糖水 功效各有不同
1. Stewed papaya with apricot kernel and snow fungus南北杏雪耳木瓜
2. Sweet potato with sweet ginger soup老姜番薯糖水
3. Home grinded black sesame soup生磨芝麻糊
4. Dried Beancurd with Chinese pearl barley and ginkgo nuts soup
5. Red bean soup with dried tangerine peel and lotus seeds陈皮莲子红豆沙
6.Green bean soup with dried kelp 海带绿豆沙
7. Mixed bean soup with coconut milk椰汁喳咋
8. Almond with egg white sweet soup蛋白杏仁茶
9. Sang Ji Sheng sweet soup with lotus seeds and egg桑寄生莲子蛋茶
10. Mango Sago Pomelo杨枝甘露
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