How to Harden an Eggshell

Things You'll Need p1Clear nail polishp2p1Tissuep2p1Small fanp2 p1 A coat of clear nail polish can help harden an eggshell. p1Eggshells are naturally fragile, which leaves them prone to cracking or completely breaking if they are handled in

Things You'll Need p1Clear nail polishp2p1Tissuep2p1Small fanp2 p1 A coat of clear nail polish can help harden an eggshell. p1Eggshells are naturally fragile, which leaves them prone to cracking or completely breaking if they are handled in a rough manner. Hardening the shell gives the eggshell an extra measure of protection. While this will not prevent an eggshell from breaking due to a fall or extraordinarily rough handling, the eggshell will not be as prone to breaking when handled in a normal manner.p2p1Apply clear nail polish onto one half of a clean eggshell. Sit the egg painted-side up in between two wadded-up pieces of tissue to prevent the egg from rolling over onto the painted side.p2p1Allow the clear nail polish to dry for 15 to 20 minutes. Use a small fan set on its lowest setting to speed up the drying process.p2p1Turn the egg over on its unpainted side. Apply the clear nail polish to the other half of the eggshell. Allow that side to dry for 15 to 20 minutes.p2Tip p1Remove the contents of the egg before hardening the shell.p2

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