How to Make Confetti Poppers for Kids

Things You'll Need p1Toilet paper rollp2p1Wrapping paperp2p1Confettip2p1Ribbonp2p1Paper gift or candy bagsp2p1Rubber bandp2 p1 Let kids make their own confetti poppers for celebrations. p1Whether it is New Years Eve or a birthday party, con

Things You'll Need p1Toilet paper rollp2p1Wrapping paperp2p1Confettip2p1Ribbonp2p1Paper gift or candy bagsp2p1Rubber bandp2 p1 Let kids make their own confetti poppers for celebrations. p1Whether it is New Year's Eve or a birthday party, confetti makes any celebration more festive. Although you can purchase confetti poppers, which make the confetti explode all over the place, at party stores, you can just as easily help your kids create their own confetti poppers using basic items you likely have around your house. You can turn making the confetti poppers into an activity during the party or special event to keep kids occupied and entertained.p2p1Take an empty toilet paper roll and remove any clinging tissue on it.p2p1Cut a piece of wrapping paper, long enough to wrap the toilet paper roll, with an inch or so extra on each end.p2p1Cover the roll with the wrapping paper, twisting one end closed. Secure with a ribbon.p2p1Fill the toilet paper roll on the open end with confetti.p2p1Twist-close the wrapping paper around the toilet paper roll in the same manner as the other end. Secure with a ribbon.p2p1Grip the twisted ends and firmly pull both ends apart at the same time when you are ready to release the confetti. The toilet roll should pop open in the center and release confetti.p2p1Fill a paper gift or candy bag with confetti.p2p1Blow air into the bag, as much as it will take.p2p1Twist the open end shut quickly to prevent as much air as possible from coming out. Secure with a rubber band.p2p1Hold the bag away from you in one hand and hit the bottom of the bag with your other hand to pop the bag and release the confetti.p2Tip p1Have your kids decorate the outside of the paper bags before filling them with confetti to make things more festive.p2p1If you don't have store-bought confetti, you can use scraps of paper, hole-punch paper, feathers, glitter, and even small, foil-wrapped candy instead.p2

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