2020-12-09 00:18电影
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我 想你了,我的。。。。。。。是遥远,你却在我的心中,我不知你笑容,却在我的梦中出现。连云港的柳树开花了,却没有“满城飞絮”的壮景;春天带来的是相思,是离影?为什么还有那温柔的暖风。。。。。。我有的时候不懂:海洋的潮声,黄昏的美景,------我的心被占据了;------爱遮住了我的眼睛-----那分真实的感情。有的时候回忆真的很美,缘分是天上的丘比特的箭,它射在我们的身上-----让我们相遇。但是要相知要我们自己争取。我知道我不会放弃,哪怕有十万分之一的机会,我也会百万倍的投入。 本回答被网友采纳电影观后感作文
这想起了周润发的《监狱风云》里的情景,凶残的狱警和无辜的囚犯。在肖申克的监狱中,大多数都是无辜的羔羊,都是替罪羔羊。正如瑞德说的一样,这里唯一的罪犯就是我。处于这个监狱中就好像人就没了希望。在这座监狱希望不是好事情,正如瑞德所说希望是件危险的事,希望能叫人发疯,至少在这座监狱是这样。不过希望是安迪活下来的唯一动力。安迪说,不要忘了这个世界上还有可以穿透一切高墙的东西,它就在我们的内心深处,他们无法达到,也触摸不到,那就是希望。在他心中希望是件美丽的东西,也许是最好的东西。美好的东西是永远不会死的。正是如此,他花了20年挖了一条隧道,他还能忍受排污管的恶臭爬行50 0码。 当安迪不顾一切进入监狱长办公室为大家播放《费加罗的婚礼》时那些囚友们是那么入情,希望、自由对他们诱惑很大。当安迪爬出管道,不顾一切的脱掉身上的囚衣,面向天空时,他终于尝到了自由的滋味。 在监狱里关了20年,谁都会疯的。看到假释出来的瑞德,上个厕所都要报告,我想笑却笑不出来。监狱究竟把人性摧残到什么程度?以前总觉得无期徒刑比死好得多,看完后,看到那位老人上吊时,才知道死有时就是一种解脱,比起无期徒刑,死好的多。 当我看到最后瑞德最后一次申请假释的时候,他说的那段话真让人感动。 “我没有一天不在后悔,我回过头去看看往昔,那个愚蠢的男孩儿犯下了可怕的罪行。……小男孩早已不见了,只剩下这个厌物,垂垂老矣。”看似无所谓的话其实充满了真情,难怪会被允许啊。 其实,在我们的生活当中,到处都存在着肖申克监狱一样的地方或事物,各种各样的体制化束缚着我们的行为,以至我们的灵魂,让我们逐渐由最初的反抗叛逆变得循规蹈矩、随波逐流……而瑞德说有的鸟是不会被关住的,因为它们的羽毛太丰满了。摆脱束缚的方法就是丰满自己的羽翼,最重要的是向安迪一样对未来充满希望。 恍然中,仿佛见到《肖申克的救赎》最后那个画面,太平洋蔚蓝的海水和白色的沙滩,废弃的小船,没有记忆的、温暖的地方,这是存在于每个人心中的美好梦想。 只要你不放弃,它就永远不会消失。 记住一句话:Hope is a good thing, maybe the best of things, and no good thing ever dies.(希望是美好的,也许是人间至善,而美好的事物永不消逝.)从电影里学习到的道理英语作文
The teacher gave us a few days ago to play a movie, called "Juvenile 15 and 16." Inspiration from some teaching film obtained by: Han Yu said:. "Teacher, why preach by the industry doubts" Tao said:. "One thousand teach Wan teach people seeking truth, thousands of school Wanxue learn to live" in here, I talk about some of their own views. The so-called "life" is to consciously follow certain rules of public life and social ethics, interpersonal skills. Man, it is the core of China's traditional ethics, teach students how to behave, is the foundation and the key to quality education. Person as a senior animal society, in addition to being dependent on the natural environment, the only people who live in the human society which can exist and develop, and therefore, the relationship between the individual and others, individual and collective, the individual and society, groups and communities, with the development of society and progress, this relationship more closely, more complex, which requires interpersonal produce some universally recognized norms of public life is the rules for handling and coordinating these relationships. Teaching students how to behave, that is, to within a social consciousness and social morality into individual behavior. So, what some of the basic things in life as a teacher to teach students, and students must also learn and master it? I think the main should let students focus on the following aspects: 1. Correctly handle the relationship with itself: such as receiving their own, self-esteem, self-love, ambitious, actually Chi and when to make a conscious, from the people. 2. Correctly handle the relationship with others: such as respect for others, understanding, caring, help, tolerance, bright probity, to treat people, not arrogant nor flatter. 3. Correctly handle the relationship with the collective: If a sense of responsibility, sense of duty, there is a spirit of cooperation, love group ABBA, gregarious. 4. Correctly handle the relationship with the state and society: such as love the motherland and the people, labor, science, love of socialism, love of Chinese Communist Party. Emphasizing the dedication, think of others, after Xiangong private. 5. Correctly handle the relationship with the environment: such as respect for the environment, ecological balance and consciously assume responsibility, take the initiative to maintain and create a beautiful environment of human life. Because in a socialist society, the highest state of life should be: do a noble man, a pure person, a moral person, a person from the vulgar, a benefit to the people. How to behave? How to be human? What kind of person do? This is an art, but a science, a lot of people do not understand life, usually we often hear "life is difficult, difficult people" feeling, can often feel "others before doing" comprehend, visible, a man is not a small problem, but a big problem is that each person's life required course. People educator and said: "Mr. book should not be preaching, his responsibility is to teach people to behave, students should not be designed to study, his responsibility is to learn how to make life way students learn to do this.? is the question we should think deeply about the teacher.电影作文300字