

2020-12-08 16:58结局

简介魂断蓝桥英语影评200字左右,见附件。如果看不到附件,请用电脑访问。 简单的英文影评一篇...

















【 Abstract 】Closely corresponding with the moral code and aesthetic of the Oriental, the film is more successful in Eastern than in Western, especially popular in China and still keeps a high statu in China nowadays.

【 Key Words 】Tragedy; Love;Languish; Banal; Charm

【Comentary Text 】

Why Waterloo Bridge is so Popular in China


Waterloo Bridge is a classical film that won the hearts of a lot of Chinese audience. All of it is romantic, tender, charming---with an Anna Karenina-like ending after a surprising twist--- and it has become one of the greatest tear-jerkers of the 40’s. With its tragic plot, truly remarkable performance of the actors and actresses and beautiful romance, this bittersweet love story moved a lot of Chinese audiences. The tragic plot, the blind and crazy love between the doomed lovers, the hardship that the heroine had went through, the banal and old fashioned ideas and the good luck charm give Chinese audiences a deep impression and play to Chines sympathy.


? TragedyPerhaps it’s tragedy that can most stokes sympathy deep inside Chinese people’s hearts who are kind, sensitive and sentimental. Full of laughter, tears, tension, misunderstanding, sweetness, beauty and fate, Waterloo Bridge tells a story that a beautiful ballerina,Myra, meets and falls passionately in love with a officer---Roy Cronin, an impetuous dreamer---only to be parted from him when he is called to duty during World War I. Fired from the troupe, sank into poverty , learned that Roy has been killed in action--and so, broken hearted and unconcerned for herself, she drifts into prostitution. Later, as Myra is "greeting" the latest batch of soldiers arriving from the front at the train station, she sees Roy. Apparently, there was a reporting error made when he'd lost his dog tags. Though Myra struggles with what to tell Roy of her recent past, she also sees an opportunity to finally "make it" and promises Kitty, before she leaves, to set her up well when she returns. Haunted by her past,Myra’s heart bitterly and fiercely struggles.She comes to realize that to marry Roy would,by the code of his class,stain his honor.She finally confesses her past to Roy’s mother on the eve of the wedding and decides to leave Roy forever. This bittersweet love story, like Romeo and Juliet, Niu Lang and Zhi Nu, creates a strong impression on thousands upon thousands of Chinese audiences.

In many chinese’s view, it’s honorable for one to die in the name of love, which may be imcomprehensible for some Americans, as in a lot of classical Chinese love tales, such as Liang Zhu, the lovers would die for each other. It’s almost the same case as in Titanic that Jack asks Rose to promise to “never give up no matter what happens, no matter how hopeless, promise me now and never let go of that promise!" and he gives up the chance to live to save his beloved Rose which was also well known in China. In Waterloo Bridge, Myra decides to kill herself to save Roy from himself, realizing that she might ruin Roy’s fame.

? Blind love and true loveLove is the eternal topic for not only Chinese audience but also all the humankind. It is aknowledged by most of the Chinese that love is blind which happened along with this story. First sight love is always believed to be blind love. And, love should be blind. When Roy’s and Myra’s eyes met it took no time at all for their hearts to feel the loving call. Dating on the first night, Roy praises the ballet while Myra said that Madame didn’t think so. Roy argues that “experts never know - it takes outsiders to know, and I tell you, it was beautiful.”. At this moment, it is revealed that Roy has fallen deeply in love with Myra. As war changes all the rule, makes people---as Roy says---more intensely alive, it may not be incomprehensible that they decided to marry just on the second day. This lightning courtship rings utterly true in every glance or smile that passes between them. Their enthusiasm impressed or even us a lot.

Blind love can be true love. When Roy suggests that they get married, Myra hesitates that, “ but you don't know me!” Roy promises, “I'll discover you; spend the rest of my life doing it.” That’s the most romantic proposal in the world. Years later when Myra meets Roy again at the statition, she tries to wipe off her lipstick when Roy goes to make a phone call, and the shame spills out from the screen. Her heart is bleeding for if only she knew Roy’s still alive, how could she take the profession of prostitution? She protests that, “I loved you, I’ve never loved anyone else.I never shall, that’s the truth,Roy, I never shall.” As a saying goes that love’s tongue is in the eyes, through their eyes and motions, we can feel their deep love which connects their hearts tightly. It’s the deep and pure love that moves Chinese audience.? To languish in povertyAfter Roy left, Maya loses her job because she goes to see Roy off instead of going to the ballet. She could not pay for food and the rent of the house. However, she keeps the roses sent from Roy which Kitty suggests to sell for some food. Then she collects money to get dressed to meet Roy’s mother properlly in the tea room and never asks Roy or his mother for financial help, though she really needs help, because she has “got a stupid sort of pride about it” and fears that Roy would worry about her. Her pride agrees with the view of most of the Chinese females, that one as a woman should withstand all the sufferings alone for her lover’s sake, even in the trough of life. This is something like a herione in Chinese history---Fan Lihua who went through a lot of difficulties to win Xue Dingshan’s love.

? Banal and old fashioned ideasIt’s certain that it’s the banal and old fashioned ideas that are the cause of the downfall of Myra in the film. At that time in England, it’s not acceptable for a aristocrat to marry a commoner, let alone that Myra was a prostitute. When Roy asks for Duke’s consent to marriage, Duke asks instantly “who is the girl?”“Lester, do I know them?”“does your mother know her? In their casual talks reveals the caste consiousness of aristocracy. When Roy introduces Myra to the relatives in Coronin House, some of the aristocrats mutters secretly, “these Cronin men were always attracted by girls who undress in public.” Roy’ uncle, the Duke who is more liberal, comments about other relatives that “they are good people, mind you. Kind people--- but they are old fashioned and rather limited in their social ideas.” When swanking his emblem to Myra, he says “that badge is never going to suffer at your hands. If I weren’t sure of that, I wouldn’t welcome you as I do now”. It’s this very remark that hurts Myra who thinkst herself has communeded with Roy’s family and would have the chance to begin a new life. It’s obvious that once the prostitution of Myra is discovered by others, the reputation of Roy and his family will inevitablely crumble away which Myra is unwilling to see, thus the only choice for her is to run away, permanently.

It’s for sure that the hero and heroine is destroyed because of the power of a pervasive, yet false, moral belief: the belief that a prostitute is tainted, unfit for marraige, love, life itself. Taken this way the story is a social tragedy. The Banal and old fashioned ideas again agree with the false moral belief in a lot of Chinese love stories that are known to every family, such as A Dream in Red Mansions(The Story of the Stone), The Romance of West Chamber and The Peony Pavilion.

? The good luck charmSpecial mention should be given to the good luck charm as it’s the one of the clues of the story---it brings them two to their first acauaintence; it blesses Roy that he could suivive in the battle; it connects the begining and the ending of the story. The opening and ending scenes of Roy remembering Myra while he strokes the small good luck charm, are sad and poignant, and you will cry for a love so pure, and so unfinished, you wish it had ended differently.

A good luck charm or something like that always apeals to Chinese audiences. For instance, in many Korean soap operas which are especially popular in China, there are always some special things that connect the hero and heroine which bear the true love between them and which would prevail in the youth soon after its screening.

What’s more, there is one more point that hs not been talked about----war and love. So far as it’s always talked about at length in some comments on this film, here we just omit it.


Poetically transcribed as Hun Duan Nan Qiao in Chinese, being short in form but rich in meaning, having its own cultural, linguistic, aesthetic features, it is a soul-stirring love classic and it’s more successful in China than perhaps anywhere else in the world. Closely corresponding with the moral code and aesthetic of the Oriental, Waterloo Bridge still keeps a high statu in China until nowadays.

【Bibliography /References】

魂断蓝桥=WATERLOO BRIDGE screen play by S.N Behrman, Hans Ramean and George Froesche :英汉对照/杨慎生主编;刘美,王勤学译—北京:清华大学出版社,1994-12

Waterloo Bridge (1940)

http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0033238/usercomments Author:gftbiloxi (gftbiloxi@yahoo.com) from Biloxi, Mississippi

Taylor and Leigh at their best...one of the all-time great tear-jerkers!, 14 April 2001

Author: Neil Doyle from U.S.A.

Never a false note, 26 August 2005

Author: Igenlode Wordsmith from England

Here, love relies on ineffable mystery and destiny..., 30 July 2005

Author: ironside (robertfrangie@hotmail.com) from Mexico

A most beautiful love story set in England during the War., 4 March 2005

Author: mamalv from United States

Very nice - couldn't be made today, 23 November 2001

Author: Spleen from Canberra, Australia 为了爱,他不顾一切地和一起,为了爱,她义无反顾地迎向驶向她的汽车……看完电影《魂断蓝桥》后,我深深地被其中的故事情节感染了,被罗依和玛拉的缠绵悱恻的爱情深深感动了。





在不相信爱情的今天,有谁还可以为爱而舍弃自己的生命?渴望永恒爱情的现代人可以为《魂断蓝桥》感受那天长地久的爱意。我们应当从这一段美丽而忧伤的爱情故事,一首催人泪下的爱情绝唱中感受爱的春天,对爱的矢志不渝。 [《魂断蓝桥》观]《魂断蓝桥》观后感2010-12-18 22:18《魂断蓝桥》观后感文/破晓微明《魂断蓝桥》在世界电影史上被评为"三大凄美不朽的爱情悲剧"之一,其经久不衰不仅仅在于悲剧本身的魅力,更是因为悲剧的无奈,《魂断蓝桥》观后感。影片的片名本身就具有悲剧意味,"蓝桥"暗喻人间天上一相逢的美事,虽缠绵一时却最终飘渺无奈,归于虚无;"魂断"男女主人公如昙花一现,彼此深爱却最终黄泉相隔,魂断梦萦。在文学艺术赏析课上终于有幸看了这部电影,尽管在此之前我已经看过了《魂断蓝桥》的剧本,但不得不承认,看电影和看剧本的剧本感觉着实不同。导演以其独特的视角,纯熟的技艺向世人展现了一个色彩斑斓的历史画面,没有气势磅礴的场面,没有扑朔迷离的悬念。有的只是近乎回忆的朦胧的视觉享受和心灵感触,有的只是剧情中一点一滴流露出的对爱的执着与坚贞信念…在此,我简单的描述一下片中给我感触最深的三个人物,也许文笔有些拙劣,但此刻的心情是诚挚的!玛拉:美丽智慧与脱俗的她让我感动的同时,也不得不让我为之深深叹息,尽管她有一段不平的人生经历,但是自始至终她在我心目中的形象丝毫没有贬值,没有动摇。无论是当初的清纯脱俗,还是后来因为命运的逼迫沦落风尘,无不给我一种坚强,坚贞与震撼。洛伊:坚持不懈,他的坚决、勇敢、忠贞成为了评判好男人的标准,尤其是他向玛拉求婚时说的那些话,更是让我感动。尽管这对恋人相识仅仅只有两天而已,但是他们的真情却使爱情发展的自然而然,毫不做作。凯蒂:玛拉的好友,甘愿为了自己的朋友而付出一切。用她的行动向我们诠释了什么是真正的友情。中国有句古话:疾风知劲草,板荡识诚臣。看到凯蒂之后我对这句话有了更为深刻的理解,在她身上我看到了友谊的伟大,人性的光辉,观后感《《魂断蓝桥》观后感》。爱情,这是一个亘古不变的话题,古往今来有无数的男男女女在追逐、演绎。爱情,这个闪光的字眼,她射进多少青年人的心扉,拨动了多少人的心弦?然而,什么是爱情的真谛?莎士比亚说:真正的爱情是不能用言语来表达的,行动才是中心最好的说明。《魂断蓝桥》中的男女主人公也真是在用他们的行动,用事实向我们演绎了爱情的忠贞,诠释了情感的真谛。我们为之感伤,为之动容。也许艺术有一丝共性,那就是残缺。如断臂的维纳斯一样,《魂断蓝桥》的结尾,玛拉在滑铁卢上平静的走向死亡,然而面容上所闪现出的凄美让我心痛、让我感动的同时也给我留下了不可磨灭的的震撼与不解。我在想如果我是玛拉,我会为心爱的洛伊而放弃自己的生命吗?我想不会。因为那样多少有些不负责任,洛伊是爱玛拉的,而且是深深的爱、发自内心的爱。爱一个人就希望他(她)快乐的生活着。所以就算玛拉不能和洛伊结婚,洛伊也渴望他能勇敢的活下去,快乐的生活。爱情的珍贵在于爱情本身,而并不在于是否能真正的走进婚姻的殿堂。也许玛拉会说"洛伊,爱你,没变,但我已不是昨日之我,无法承担起那荣誉的徽章!"但我想说:"女人可以天真但不可以无知",洛伊说过:一切都过去了,也就是说他可以接受你的过去,你在他心目中永远如圣母玛利亚一样圣洁,因为他爱你。你走了,释然了,然而多少次,洛伊手握你送给他的护身符独自一人站在滑铁卢的大桥上想你、念你?又有多少个暗夜里,他疯狂的跳回那记忆的深渊妄图寻找你的痕迹,哪怕是一丝丝、一点点,可结果却只能如以往一样一无所获,只留下自己缩在黑暗的角落里抽着一支支寂寞的烟,孤独的流着伤心的泪?…最后我想代表洛伊向天堂的玛拉说句话:"玛拉,我爱你!这份爱从不曾因为岁月的流逝或周遭变化而有一丝改变,难得是,你已不知道我爱你,我却仍旧孤自在世间为你苦苦守候,一生保持缄默,只为你---这样一个让我深爱的女子!"戊子年冬于北京  〔《魂断蓝桥》观后感〕随文赠言:【人生舞台的大幕随时都可能拉开,关键是你愿意表演,还是选择躲避。】
