2020-11-26 19:58结局
简介是不是http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMjk4MTA0MTY=.html ----------找到了!:是这个:但乱漏哪瞎是的,没了:http://v.youku.com/ 1980-2008年所有香港电影列表...
http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMjk4MTA0MTY=.html ----------找到了!:是这个:但乱漏哪瞎是的,没了:http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMTE2OTc4NDI4.htmlAhttp://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMTE2OTc4NDY0.htmlB -下面是更多关于靓妹仔温碧霞的问答
妹仔》《杀出西营《败家仔》火青春》 最佳编剧戴安平《投奔怒海》邱刚健、陈冠中、陈韵文、方令正、谭家明、金炳兴《烈火青春》文隽《靓妹仔》李碧华《细圈仔》李翰祥《武松》 最佳导演许鞍华《投奔怒海》黎大炜《靓妹仔》谭家明《烈火青春》蔡继光《柠檬可乐》洪金宝《败家仔》 最佳男主角麦嘉《最佳拍档》洪金宝《提防小手》陈惠敏《杀入爱情街》林子祥《投奔怒海》张国荣《烈火青春》 最佳女主角林碧琪《靓妹仔》张艾嘉《最佳拍档》钟楚红《薄荷咖啡》缪骞人《投奔怒海》马斯晨《投奔怒海》悔没 最佳新人马斯晨《投奔怒海》林碧琪《靓妹仔》刘德华《投奔怒海》周秀兰《柠檬可乐》叶童《烈火青春》夏文汐《烈火青春》温碧霞《靓妹仔》温碧霞《俏皮女学生》 最佳摄影黄岳泰《夜惊魂》黎萃明、钟志文《杀出西营盘》黄仲标《烈火青春》汤宝生《靓妹仔》黄岳泰《再生人》黄宗基《投奔怒海》 最佳剪接周国忠《夜惊魂》健健《投奔怒海》胡大为《杀出西营盘》周国忠《再生人》麦氏剪接组《靓妹仔》 最佳美术指导区丁平《投奔怒海》张叔平《烈火青春》黄锐民《再生人》黄锐民《夜惊魂》奚仲文、张叔平《难兄难弟》 最佳动作指导洪金宝、林正英、元彪、陈会毅《败家仔》成龙、元奎、冯克安《龙少爷》元奎、孟海《龙之者》刘家良、京柱、小侯《樱前历十八般三艺》袁和平、袁振洋、袁信义、袁祥仁、袁日初、赵中兴《奇门遁甲》马贤达、潘清福、王常凯、于海《少林寺》 最佳电影配乐鲍比达《再生人》泰迪罗宾《最佳拍档》罗永晖《投奔怒海》祝恒脊搜谦《荒漠人》林敏怡《烈火青》 最佳电影歌曲《俏皮女学生》作曲:陈秋霞作词:林振强主唱:露云娜《最佳拍档》作曲/作词/主唱:许冠杰《爱人女神》作曲:聂安达作词:黎彼得主唱:谭咏麟《小生怕怕》作曲:泰迪罗宾作词:黄百鸣主唱:谭咏麟《彩云曲》作曲:林敏怡作词:林敏聪主唱:雷安娜 我有,告诉你的邮箱 很喊搏迅多,超过1000子 纯文本的 我先传一部分 1980 点夫咁简单银陆(1980) Dian zhi gong fu gan chian chan 一招半式闯江湖 疯狂大老千(1980) Feng kuang da lao qian Crazy Crooks 师弟出马(1980) The Young Master Shi di chu ma 鬼打鬼(1980) Gui da gui Close Encounters of the Spooky Kind/Encounters of the Spooky Kind 邪(1980) Xie Hex 滑稽时代(1980) Hua ji shi dai Laughing Times 折剑传奇(1980) Zhe jian chuan ji 郑此Dragon of the Lost Ark/Dressed to Fight 少林搭棚大师(1980) Shao Lin ta peng hsiao tzu 少林三十六房续集 杀手壕(1980) The Big Brawl Battle Creek/Battle Creek Brawl 无翼蝙蝠(1980) Wu yi bian fu Bat Without Wing 碧水寒山夺命金(1980) The Life-taking Golds Bi shui han shan duo ming jin/The Enigmatic Case Victims of the Killer(1980) Victims of the Assassin 乾隆皇与三姑娘(1980) Emperor Chien Lung and the Beauty Qian Long huang yu san gu niang 英雄无泪(1980) Ying xiong wei lei Heroes Shed No Tears/Rache des Karateka, Die 迷拳三十六招(1980) The 36 Deadly Styles 插翅难飞(1980) Cha chi nan fei 复仇者 蝶仙(1980) Die xian Haunted Tales/The Other World 少林与武当(1980) Shaolin yu Wu Dang Two Champions of Death/Two Champions of Shaolin 拳舞(1980) Chuan Lu Dance of Death/The Eternal Conflict 钱作怪(1980) From Riches to Rags Qian zuo guai/Money Talk 少林英雄(1980) Shaolin ying xiong Story of Chivalry/The Heroes 喝彩(1980) Encore Encore 失业生(1980) Shi ye sheng On Trial 破戒大师(1980) Po jie da shi Carry On Wise Guy/Shaolin Warrior 咸鱼翻生(1980) Xian yu fan sheng By Hook or by Crook 贼赃(1980) Zei zang The Bloody Tattoo/The Loot 大杀四方(1980) Da sha si fang Killer Army/The Guerillas 第三类打斗(1980) Di san lei da dou 杀出地域门 飞狐外传(1980) Fei hu wai zhuan Legend of the Fox 铁旗门(1980) Tie qi men The Spearman/The Spearman of Death 闯王李自成(1980) Emperor of Shaolin Kung Fu 名剑(1980) Ming jian Jian/The Sword 山狗(1980) Shan kou Beasts/Flesh and the Bloody Terror 佛掌罗汉拳(1980) Fo Zhang luo han quan The Buddhist Fist 死亡魔塔(1980) Si wang mo ta 魔塔 地狱无门(1980) We're Going to Eat You Diyu wu men/Hell Has No Gates 救世者(1980) Jiu shi zhe The Saviour 背叛师门(1980) Bei pan shi men 3 Evil Masters/The Master 第一类型危险(1980) Dangerous Encounters of the First Kind Di yi lei xing wei xian/Don't Play with Fire 连城诀(1980) Lian cheng jue A Deadly Secret 武状元(1980) Wu zhuang yuan Super Power/Superpower Amazons of Hong Kong(1980) 飞天舞(1980) Bicheongwon Eagle Silver Fox/Eagle vs. Silver Fox 搏扎(1980) Bo za 醒目仔与大煞星/老子小子刀子 The Boxer from the Temple(1980) Kung Fu Kill or Be Killed 一山五虎(1980) The Bravest Fist Brigade criminelle(1980) Prostitution International Bruce Lee's Shadow Fist(1980) 龙门秘指(1980) Bruce's Fingers Bruce's Deadly Fingers 邪斗邪(1980) Che dau che Hex vs. Witchcraft/Xie dou xie 请帖(1980) Ching tieh Rendezvous with Death 出错绰头发错财(1980) Chu cu chuo tou fa cu cai 功夫发烧友 The Curse(1980) 打蛇(1980) Da she Ckui sau/Lost Souls 大控诉(1980) Daai hung hei A Grand Statement 最佳搏杀(1980) The Deadly Strike 你那好冷的小手(1980) Don't Forget the Promise 神龙猛探(1980) Dragon Bruce Lee Challenge of the Tiger 恶爷(1980) E ye Coward Bastard Eagle with a Yellow Face(1980) 勾魂针夺命拳(1980) Fatal Needles Vs. Fatal Fists 龙虎之争(1980) The Fighting Dragon Vs. Deadly Tiger Fist of Fear, Touch of Death(1980) Fist of Fear/The Dragon and the Cobra 佛掌皇帝(1980) Fo Zhang huang di 佛掌皇爷 金手指(1980) The Informer Gam sau ji 花伴舞春风(1980) Hua ban wu chun feng Flowers Just Smile In the Spring Breeze 洪文定三破白连教(1980) Hung wen tin san po pai lien chiao Clan of the White Lotus/Fist of the White Lotus 情劫(1980) Innocence Innocence Invincible(1980) Fighting Dragon Journal érotique d'une Thailandaise, Le(1980) Emmanuele 3/Carnet intime d'une Thailandaise 身形拳法与步法(1980) Juan xing quan fa yu fa Ways of Kung Fu 通天小子红枪客(1980) The Kid with a Tattoo 通天红枪 天下第一拳(1980) King Boxer II Treasure of Bruce Lee 空手入白刃(1980) Kong shou ru bai ren Daggers 8 Kung Fu of 8 Drunkards(1980) 猴驸马(1980) Kung Fu: Monkey, Horse, Tiger 李小龙的传奇(1980) The Legend of Bruce Lee Chinese Chieh Chuan Kung Fu 龙形魔桥(1980) Lung ying moh kiu 龙形摩桥 The Magnificent(1980) 懵女大贼傻侦探(1980) Meng nu da zei sha zhen tan 小傻妹与大杀手 密杀令(1980) Mi sha ling The Warrant of Assassination 广东先生与响马(1980) Mr. Kwong Tung and the Robber 南北腿王(1980) Nan bei tui wang Incredible Death Kick Master/The Invincible Kung Fu Legs 怪招软皮蛇(1980) Mad Mad Kung Fu Ol' Dirty & the Bastard 金剑残骨令(1980) The Revenger 金剑 飞鹤(1980) Rivals of the Dragon Fei hok/The Crane 三毛流浪记(1980) San mao liu lang ji Kung Fu Kids Break Away/Lee's Killer Kids 五形八掌(1980) Secret of Chinese Kung Fu 少林佛家大道(1980) Shao Lin fo jia da dao The Shaolin Disciple Shaolin Fist Fighter(1980) 蛇猫鹤混型掌(1980) She mao ho hun hsing Fearless Kid & the Lady Tiger/Lackey and the Lady Tiger 身不由己(1980) Shen bu you ji Lightning Kung Fu/The Victim 师爸(1980) Shi ba Master Father/See-Bar 识英雄重英雄(1980) Shi ying xiong chong ying xiong Two for the Road/Two on the Road 邓丽君成功故事(1980) The Success Story of Teresa Tang 情侠追风剑(1980) Swift Sword 太极阴阳拳(1980) Tai Chi Devil Dragons 泰山屠龙(1980) Tai shan tu long 天才女孩(1980) The Talent Girl Tattoo Dragon Connection(1980) Hero Tattoo with Nine Dragons 天龙八部(1980) Tian long ba bu The Battle Wizard 通天老虎(1980) Tong tian lao hu The Master Strikes Treasure of Bruce Le(1980) 甩牙老虎(1980) Two Toothless Tigers Lat a liu foo 万人斩(1980) Wan jen chan Karate Exterminators/Karate Warrior 天堂梦(1980) Way to Hell The way to hell 师妹出马(1980) Woman Avenger Fatal Claws & Deadly Kicks/Killer B's 武师花旦大流氓(1980) Wu shi, hua dan, da liu mang 花旦武师大流氓 系咁先(1980) Xi gan xian Be This First/Police Sir 夜车(1980) The Happenings Ye che 雍正与年羹尧(1980) Yong zheng yu nian geng yao The Rebellious Reign 有你无你(1980) You ni mei ni No Big Deal The Young Dragon(1980) 怨妇·淫娃·疯杀手(1980) Yuan fu yin wa feng sha shou The Stud and the Nympho 越战仅存者 (1980) Yue zhan jin cun zhe Without a Promised Land 撞到正(1980) The Spooky Bunch Zhuang dao zheng/Xiaojie zhuang dao gui 2 Wondrous Tigers(1980) 白发魔女传(1980) Bai fa mo nu chuan White Hair Devil Lady 癫螳螂(1980) Dian tang lang The thundering mantis/Mantis Fist Boxer 六合八法(1980) Liu he ba fa The Six Directions of Boxing 天龙八部(1980) Tian long ba bu The Battle Wizard 通天老虎(1980) Tong tian lao hu The Master Strikes Treasure of Bruce Le(1980) 甩牙老虎(1980) Two Toothless Tigers Lat a liu foo 万人斩(1980) Wan jen chan Karate Exterminators/Karate Warrior 天堂梦(1980) Way to Hell The way to hell 师妹出马(1980) Woman Avenger Fatal Claws & Deadly Kicks/Killer B's 武师花旦大流氓(1980) Wu shi, hua dan, da liu mang 花旦武师大流氓 系咁先(1980) Xi gan xian Be This First/Police Sir 夜车(1980) The Happenings Ye che 雍正与年羹尧(1980) Yong zheng yu nian geng yao The Rebellious Reign 有你无你(1980) You ni mei ni No Big Deal The Young Dragon(1980) 怨妇·淫娃·疯杀手(1980) Yuan fu yin wa feng sha shou The Stud and the Nympho 越战仅存者 (1980) Yue zhan jin cun zhe Without a Promised Land 撞到正(1980) The Spooky Bunch Zhuang dao zheng/Xiaojie zhuang dao gui 2 Wondrous Tigers(1980) 白发魔女传(1980) Bai fa mo nu chuan White Hair Devil Lady 癫螳螂(1980) Dian tang lang The thundering mantis/Mantis Fist Boxer 六合八法(1980) Liu he ba fa The Six Directions of Boxing 天龙八部(1980) Tian long ba bu The Battle Wizard 通天老虎(1980) Tong tian lao hu The Master Strikes Treasure of Bruce Le(1980) 甩牙老虎(1980) Two Toothless Tigers Lat a liu foo 万人斩(1980) Wan jen chan Karate Exterminators/Karate Warrior 天堂梦(1980) Way to Hell The way to hell 师妹出马(1980) Woman Avenger Fatal Claws & Deadly Kicks/Killer B's 武师花旦大流氓(1980) Wu shi, hua dan, da liu mang 花旦武师大流氓 系咁先(1980) Xi gan xian Be This First/Police Sir 夜车(1980) The Happenings Ye che 雍正与年羹尧(1980) Yong zheng yu nian geng yao The Rebellious Reign 有你无你(1980) You ni mei ni No Big Deal The Young Dragon(1980) 怨妇·淫娃·疯杀手(1980) Yuan fu yin wa feng sha shou The Stud and the Nympho 越战仅存者 (1980) Yue zhan jin cun zhe Without a Promised Land 撞到正(1980) The Spooky Bunch Zhuang dao zheng/Xiaojie zhuang dao gui 2 Wondrous Tigers(1980) 白发魔女传(1980) Bai fa mo nu chuan White Hair Devil Lady 癫螳螂(1980) Dian tang lang The thundering mantis/Mantis Fist Boxer 六合八法(1980) Liu he ba fa The Six Directions of Boxing 神驹古刹(1980) the old time legend 誓不两立(1980) Duel of Death Disco性狂热(1980) Disco Sex Fever 誓不两立(1980) Duel of death 错有错着(1980) Two wrongs make a right 摩登土佬(1980) Disco bumpkins Mo deng tu lao 惨痛的战争(1980) Rising sun Can tong de zhan zheng 情网(1980) Lotus Triangle 只手遮天(1980) Absolute monarch 欲火焚琴(1980) Yu huo fen qin House of the Lute/Yuk feng fai kam 扮嘢小子(1980) Ban ye xiao zi Baan yau siu ji/The Young Avenger 坏小子(1980) Huai xiao zi The Cheeky Chap 阿灿正传(1980) The Story of a Refugee 踢窦(1980) Ti dou 黑帮风云/一女二男三叫碰 按摩女郎(1980) The Massage Girl 惩罚(1980) Magnificent 3 三虎将 笼里鸡(1980) The desperados 失落的一代(1980) Bad Girls 扮嘢(1980) Ban 喜剧王 烂命一条(1980) The Desperate Trio 千王斗千霸(1981) Qian wang dou qian ba Challenge of the Gamesters 鬼马智多星(1981) Gui ma zhi duo xing 夜来香 勇者无惧(1981) Yong zhe wu ju Dreadnaught/Dreadnought 摩登保镖(1981) Security Unlimited Mo deng bao biao/Mr. Boo 4: Security Unlimited 陆小凤之决战前后(1981) Liu xiao feng zhi jue zhan qian hou Duel of the Century 长辈(1981) My Young Aunite Cheung booi/Elders 书剑恩仇录(1981) Shu Jian en chou lu The Emperor and His Brother 千门八将(1981) Notorious Eight Notorious Eight 碧血剑(1981) Bi xie jian Sword Stained with Royal Blood 武馆(1981) Wu guan Instructors of Death/Martial Club 射雕英雄传第三集(1981) Se diu ying hung juen saam jaap Blast of the Iron Palm/Brave Archer 3 上海滩十三太保(1981) Shanghai Thirteen Shanghai tan shi san tai bao/Shanghai 13 乌龙天师招积鬼(1981) Wu long tian shi zhao ji gui Kung Fu Zombie 绝代英雄(1981) Chuet doi ying hung Fight for Glory/Jue dai ying xiong 魔剑侠情(1981) Mo jian xia qing 多情剑客断情刀/小李飞刀 单程路(1981) One Way Only 执法者(1981) Zhi fa zhe 警网双雄 猫头鹰(1981) Mao tou ying The Legend of the Owl 叉手(1981) Cha shou 碧琪(林碧琪饰)是个来自破碎家庭的问题少女,家里得不到父母关爱,在学校也是公认的坏学经常被老师责骂。她和三个女同学一起,整日在街上闲逛圆此试衣服,结识小混混,生活毫无目标。很快,碧琪交了一个男朋友(麦德和 饰),他们在歌厅结识,碧琪深深爱上他,但他却只是图一时新鲜,很竖乎快抛弃碧琪 去找新的女人。碧琪已经很久没回家了,一日在街上遇到母亲,被告知最疼她的祖父已经去世,伤心的碧琪更没有了回家的理由,她成了舞女,仍心余腔悉存一点痴念等待男友折返。堕落的生活没有她想象那么自由快乐,很快,碧琪目睹了一个姐妹沉浸在毒品,一个人被男人抛弃落下地铁车轨(温碧霞饰),昔日好友只剩她一个,深爱的男友回来了,她满心以为可以重新开始,却又只能目睹他被人乱刀砍死。Tags:靓妹仔温碧霞,香港电影《靓妹仔》?林碧琪 温碧霞主演,198
三个家庭组成了一个大家庭,他们陪楼志军一起来到北京,在天安门前拍照片,然后就结束了 养父苦了一辈子到... -
唐1983年12月6日[1] 出生于上海市黄浦区籍浙江省宁波市,中地女演员。2006年毕业于戏剧学院表演系本科班。2... -
《无心法师》是搜狐和影视联合出品,改编自作者尼罗作品的奇幻剧,由李国立任总监制,林玉芬、高林豹共同执... -