2020-11-22 18:37结局
简介网址是 http://english.cctv.com/index.shtml 频道 CCTV-9(英语频道) >> CCTV.com English Version 中央电视台英语频道是我国第 谁知道CCTV-9是什么台吗?我的电视怎么搜不到中央九套呢?...
网址是 http://english.cctv.com/index.shtml
频道 CCTV-9(英语频道) >> CCTV.com English Version 中央电视台英语频道是我国第一个以非母语播出的电视频道,于2000年9月25日开播,节目全部使用英语播音,为广大海内外英语观众提供服务。 “让世界了解中国,让中国走向世界”一直是英语频道的立身之本。频道以新闻和新闻性节目为主,以专题、文化和文艺类节目为补充,实行全天24小时不间断播出,及时、准确、客观、充分、平衡地报道发生在中国和世界各地的新闻时事和重大事件,介绍中国的历史、地理、文化和自然风光等。 英语频道的各档整点新闻对发生在国际上,尤其是亚洲和中国的重大新闻进行实时跟踪报道;各类访谈、专题、文化和文艺类节目透析中国政治、经济、历史、文化、民俗等各个社会层面,反映中国观点。 中央电视台英语频道设在首都北京,通过6个卫星向全球发送信号,在亚洲、欧洲、美洲的落地情况良好,共有4000万用户。观众也可以通过CCTV-9的网站www.cctv.com/English上网浏览新闻、专题内容,收看视频同步播放的节目。 CCTV International (CCTV-9) is the English-language 24-hour news channel of China Central Television, China's largest national TV network. Launched on September 25, 2000, CCTV International is dedicated to reporting news and information to its global audience, with a special focus on China. With a team of experienced and committed journalists, CCTV International is China's answer to introducing greater diversity and more perspective into the global information flow. 24 hours a day, seven days a week, CCTV International provides viewers with a host of news and feature programs. Its news bulletins report major events in China and around the world. Various feature programs, documentaries and entertainment magazine shows offer insight into Chinese society from politics to economy and from history to culture. Broadcasting from the ancient capital and rapidly developing metropolis of Beijing, CCTV International covers the whole globe via six satellites. Its programs can now be seen by 2.3 million subscribers outside China. CCTV's team of professionals from all over the world is working together to create a truly international channel. CCTV International is your primary source of information and your window on China and the world. Deputy Controllers: Mr. Wang Xi, Mr. Yang Fuqing, Mrs. Ma Jing Contact us: Tel: (0086)-10-68508843/68509834 Fax: (0086)-10-68514993 E-mail: CCTV-9@mail.cctv.com Add: 11 Fuxing Road, Beijing, 100859, PR China 播出栏目 Around China Asia Today Biz China Center Stage Chinese Civilization Culture Express Dialogue Documentary Nature and Science News Hour Rediscovering China Sports Scene Travel in Chinese Travelogue Up Close World Insight World Wide Watch China This Week China Today Financial Review News Asia Shanghai Today World Today china this weekhttp://www.cctv.com/homepage/profile/09/
上面英文的 这个绝对的http://english.cctv.com/index.shtml 合法 http://v.qq.com/cover/c/ch4371fr7ij512w.html 英文国际频道,我家也没有这个台 我看过预告了,就在今天播 也就是6月10号晚上7点钟。 CCTV9 部分视频和原文可在官方网站下载。我也经常去下Travologue 不过只有刚播过不久的可以下。你好,请点击下载!
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