战争游戏2死亡代码,战争游戏2死亡代码里面的“游戏” 或者和它类
2020-11-22 16:26结局
简介哥们,和我,我看着也丈二和尚摸不着,上网找些资料都没有 - -~ 我发表我的一点小小的见解:1.那脑游戏好像很难,必须要有很高的武器和生化的只是才能过5关。那个男孩最后过关了,电脑把他自动设置成恐怖 战争游戏2死亡代码里面的“游戏” 或者和它类似的游...
哥们,和我,我看着也丈二和尚摸不着,上网找些资料都没有 - -~
我发表我的一点小小的见解:1.那脑游戏好像很难,必须要有很高的武器和生化的只是才能过5关。那个男孩最后过关了,电脑把他自动设置成恐怖分子(好想那个游戏就是为抓恐怖分子设定的)2.老电脑不行了,换了个新的电脑。两者关系好像是两个版本(我是这么想的)3.人类最后没死,之所以不行是因为电脑假如真发动的武器攻击的话,那么地球就完了,可能会爆炸,换句话说那个主机也会死。 -下面是更多关于战争游戏2死亡代码的问答
呃,首先,男孩子用精生化武了那个游戏,FBI以为他是懂生化武器怖...老电脑是那个新电脑的前辈,虽然性能不如新电脑,但是比新电脑“听话”。最后那个游戏,如果人类全死,那么新电脑就会引爆美国军方的秘密炸弹,会毁灭世界的... 下载地址有的呀,就在歌词那个网我已经贴出来啦。 起见,再直接个给你(下载方式挺复杂的,我已下好听过,是MP3格式的): http://rs294.rapidshare.com/files/126007263/Satllites.mp3 下载说明: 不要用迅雷软件,可先卸载,然后点击以上链接,会进入一个网页,会看到“RAPIDSHARE”,点击后会进入另一个下载页,等“still * seconds”的读秒变成零,就出现“DOWNLOAD”的按纽,这时就可以直接下载了。 找过一圈啦,连外国的网页都大概看过了,虽然歌曲名字没找到,歌词倒是有了: 转载自: http://www.allthelyrics.com/forum/identify-it/45377-song-the-end-of-wargames-2-the-dead-code.html We're safe here tonight Like stars in the sky The world just sleeps around us The starlight still surrounds us We kiss tonight I'll hold your hands in mine We've made it through these darkened days And nothing else can break us cause we try, so hard We're waking up the satellites And all the stars are shining so bright With all of this arounds you With all of this arounds you'll still be mine Just go, there's nothing left to say Is it leaking through the window While everyone is sleeping and their ... will go Where no one else can find This place is where we're hiding from Yeah you're still safe beside me and we try, so hard We're waking up the satellites And all the stars are shining so bright With all of this arounds you With all of this arounds you'll still be mine Just wait .. .. .. And don't try .. .. .. And pretend the night is so .. .. We're waking up the satellites And all the stars are shining so bright With all of this arounds you With all of this arounds you'll still be mine We're waking up the satellites And all the stars so bright With all of this arounds you With all of this arounds you'll still be mine 虐杀原形 刺客信条 战争游戏2:死亡代码我有,已存百度云,+可以直接发你,免费的,踩呐立马发你 本回答被网友采纳 哥们你好,建议到360论坛发帖问一下,那里有这资源 的哥们会帮你的 本回答被网友采纳Sounds Under Radio
本回答被网友采纳 一圈啦,连外国的网大概看过了,虽然歌曲名字没找到,有了: 转载自: http://www.allthelyrics.com/forum/identify-it/45377-song-the-end-of-wargames-2-the-dead-code.html We're safe here tonight Like stars in the sky The world just sleeps around us The starlight still surrounds us We kiss tonight I'll hold your hands in mine We've made it through these darkened days And nothing else can break us cause we try, so hard We're waking up the satellites And all the stars are shining so bright With all of this arounds you With all of this arounds you'll still be mine Just go, there's nothing left to say Is it leaking through the window While everyone is sleeping and their ... will go Where no one else can find This place is where we're hiding from Yeah you're still safe beside me and we try, so hard We're waking up the satellites And all the stars are shining so bright With all of this arounds you With all of this arounds you'll still be mine Just wait .. .. .. And don't try .. .. .. And pretend the night is so .. .. We're waking up the satellites And all the stars are shining so bright With all of this arounds you With all of this arounds you'll still be mine We're waking up the satellites And all the stars so bright With all of this arounds you With all of this arounds you'll still be mineTags:战争游戏2死亡代码,战争游戏2死亡代码 没看明白,战争游戏2
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