公子阿尔菲 电影,
2020-11-17 04:24电影
简介Alfie: I帆基d like a little privacy please. ---------------------------------------------------------- ...
Alfie: I'帆基d like a little privacy please.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------[from trailer] Alfie: I myself subscribe more to the European philosphy of life, my priorities leaning towards wine, women and... well that's about it. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------[from trailer] Alfie: Whenever you meet a beautiful woman, just remember somewhere there's a man who's sick of shagging her. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------Julie: Where were you last night? Alfie: I thought we agreed we weren't asking each other those questions. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------Alfie: What have I got? Really? Some money in my pocket, some nice threads, fancy car at my disposal, and I'm single. Yeah... unattached, free as a bird... I don't depend on nobody and nobody depends on me... My life's my own. But I don't have peace of mind. And if you don't have that, you've got nothing. So... what's the answer? That'森轿咐s what I keep asking myself. What's it all about? You know what I mean? --------------------------------------------------------------------------------Alfie: Anyone in the mood for a little Alfie, straight-up? --------------------------------------------------------------------------------Alfie: The problem is, she doesn't have enough of the superficial things that really matter. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------Alfie: Personally, I've always suspected that everyone else is having a far merrier Christmas than I am. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------Alfie: In every doomed relationship, there comes what I like to call "此纯The uh-oh moment". When a certain little something happens, and you know you've just witnessed the beginning of the end. And suddenly you stop and you think, "Uh-oh, iceberg ahead". --------------------------------------------------------------------------------Joe: There are two things I've learned in life: find someone to love and live everyday as if it were your last. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------Alfie: Strange. But even when you know it has to end, when it finally does, you always get that inevitable twinge: Have i done the right thing? --------------------------------------------------------------------------------Alfie: In a flash I have my new year's resolution - aim higher. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------Alfie: It seems to me the problems you worry yourself sick about never seem to materialize. It's the ones that catch you unexpectedly on a Wednesday afternoon that knock you sideways. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------Alfie: If you ooze masculinity, like some of us do, you have no reason to fear pink. 我只看过老版的,这里帮你找了一些里面的经典台词,你看看有没有的吧 -下面是更多关于公子阿尔菲 电影的问答
《纵横宇宙》里唱hey jude 的是谁呀?
Hey Jude Let It Be I Want To Hold Your Hand Strawberry Fields Forever 翻滑散唱的姿罩 以信册氏下是原曲目: All My Loving - Jim Sturgess求Jude Law以前演的一部电影~ 电影里女主角叫Daisy
《I love you, I love you not》汉译《的族铅前爱》 克莱儿丹妮丝饰演一名美国曼哈某一流私立学校的犹太女孩黛西,生性害羞 ,一直无法与其他学生融为一体,为此,她只好将心中的秘密与外婆分享。此时,黛西心中暗恋的对象伊桑开始注意她并主动追求她,黛西不由自主地陷入爱情的旋涡。然而,伊桑对于黛西忧郁的眼神总是不理解,对她时常提到的外婆和二战时的梦境也并不感兴趣……然而,自从黛西泄漏她是犹太人,而祖母是奥斯威辛集中营的生存者时,伊森开始激模躲避黛西。可怜的黛西现在兆清才深深体会到今日社会......http://baike.baidu.com/view/2749637.htm
想找一部电影,是裘德·洛Jude Law主演的。
alfie求Jude Law以前演的一部电影~ 电影里女主角叫Daisy
我只看过(冷山),(大侦探福尔摩斯),(冰临城下)Daisy,是谁我还不知道。Tags:公子阿尔菲 电影,Jude Law 电影《公子阿尔菲》台词。