2020-11-16 04:24电影
简介歌名叫 angel这首歌阿唱过ANGELby sarah mclachlan Spend all your time waiting for that second chance 用你一时间等待第 电影<天使之城>里面的插曲是谁唱的,歌曲叫什么名字...
歌名叫 angel
这首歌阿唱过ANGELby sarah mclachlan Spend all your time waiting for that second chance 用你一时间等待第二次机会For the break that will make it ok 因为逃避一切更敏咐好There's always some reason to feel not good enough 总是有理由说感觉好And it's hard at the end of the day 在一切日将近之时觉得难过I need some distraction or a beautiful release 我需要散散心,或是一个美丽的解脱Memories seep form my veins 回忆自我的血管渗出Let me empt or weightless and maybe 让我体内空无一物,了无牵挂I'll fina some peace tonight 也许今晚我可以得到一些平静In the arms of the angel far away form here 在天使的怀里飞离此地From this dark,cold hotel room and the endlessness that you feel 远离黑暗、阴冷的旅馆房间和你惧怕的无穷无尽You are pulled from the wreckage of your slient reverie 你在无声的幻梦残骸中被拉起You are in the arms of the angel,may you find some comfort here 你在天使的怀里愿你能得到安慰So tired of the straight line and everwhere you turn 厌倦了走直线,你转弯的每一个地方There's vultures and thieves at your back 总有贪婪的人和贼跟在身后The storm keeps on twisting,you keep on building the lines 暴风雨仍肆虐不止,你仍在编织谎言That make up for all that you lack 以弥补你所缺欠的It don't make no difference, escape one last time 但那于事无补,再逃避一次It's easier to believe 会使人更容易相信In this sweet madness oh this glorious sadness 在这甜蜜的疯狂、光荣的忧伤里That brings me to my knees 使我锋备颔首屈膝In the arms of the angel far away form here 在天使的怀里飞离此地桥基纯From this dark,cold hotel room and the endlessness that you feel 远离黑暗、阴冷的旅馆房间和你惧怕的无穷无尽You are pulled from the wreckage of your slient reverie 你在无声的幻梦残骸中被拉起You are in the arms of the angel,may you find some comfort here 你在天使的怀里愿你能得到安慰You are in the arms of the angel,may you find some comfort here 你在天使的怀里愿你能得到安慰 -下面是更多关于电影天使之城主题曲的问答
cole paula :this fire You make me feel like a sticky pistilLeaning into her stamen.You make me feel like Mr. Sunshine himself.You make me feel like splendor in the grass where we're rollingCole PaulaDamn skippy babyyou make me feel like the Amazon's running between my thighs.You make me feel loveYou make me feel like a candy apple all red and hornyYou make me feel like I want to be dumb blondeIn a centerfold, the girl next door.With my tits soaking through this tiny little t-shirtThat I'm wearing and you would open the doorAnd tie me up to the bed.You make me feel loveLover I don't know who I am.Am I Barry White - am I Isis?Lover I'm laced with your unconscious,I will be your Desdemonahttp://bbs.breezecn.com/read.php?tid=267375
If God will send his angels U2 天使之曲这个是我最喜欢的听的,呵当有好多。 http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMTgyOTY1MDQ=.html这个是视频播址。 http://www.verycd.com/topics/21678/这个可以下到全专集。中文名称:天使之城英文名称:City of Angels资源类型:MP3!发行时间:1998年03月31日专辑歌手:原声大碟地区:美国简介:专辑:天使之城 (City of Angels)制作:Gabriel Yared出品:Warner Brothers专辑介绍: 负责该片音乐的是法籍配乐大师Gabriel Yared,他曾为《英国病人》、《情人》等多部爱情文艺片做过配乐。但在这张大碟中他却只亲自操刀了最后的四首,而把重点放在了将诸多知名流行与摇滚乐队或个人的创作协调起来。从20世纪六七十年代的Jimi Hendrix、Eric Clapton、Peter Gabriel,八十年代的U2,到近年来的Alanis Morissette、Paula Cole、Sarah Mclachlan等,无一不增加了本碟的卖点。U2恍惚迷离的一曲《If God Will Send His Angel》奏响了影片的序曲,仿佛预示着这故事的虚幻,Bono冷调的声音却似乎多了几分悲悯。而两位摇滚元老级人物JimiHendrix和Eric Clapton的旧作《Red House》和《Further On Up The Rord》出现在影片中,则给细腻缠绵的音乐平添了几分旧日激情。Peter Gabriel轻柔妙曼的琐碎音符铺陈出恢弘的音乐画卷,《I Grieve》一曲中前后的反差正与影片中男女轿凳桥主人公的情绪相呼应。在《Uninvited》中,Alanis Morissette发出的呼喊与澎湃的鼓声及低调的钢琴声相互交缠,Jude柔情的嗓音演绎的一曲《I Know》自有一番动人的力量。《Feeling Love》那跳落之间的鼓声像是在撞击着听者的胸膛,而Paula Cole含糊不清的嗓音似乎在召唤着天使的来临。与此不同的是Goo Goo Dolls的《Iris》,沧桑沙哑的声线,动情的演唱,渲染着影片悲悯深情的爱之主题,而这种悲悯之中又蕴涵着激情,给人勇气去直面真实而又平凡的人生。点题之作《Angel》在我看来,是全碟中最为清澈温暖的一曲。Sarah Mclachlan舒缓的嗓音,行云流水般的钢琴声,宛如一股清泉从听者心中流淌而过,抚慰着你所有源于过去的伤痛与苦楚。当你闭上疲惫的双眼,在静夜里闭猛聆听这首歌,你能看到天使在夜空中缓缓飘过。当它消逝之时,淡淡伤感中绽放的美丽与这首歌一起已在你心中烙下了难以磨灭的印记。 最后,Gariel Yared以飘渺的女和声,细腻滑落的吉他和弦,凄婉的小提琴,悲悯大气粗卖的弦乐为影片优美的主题意境画上了圆满的句号。尼古拉斯凯奇,天使之城,the city of angels 这部电影中间的音乐叫什么名字?很动人,谢谢你