电影city of angel,City Of Angel所演的主题思想是什么
2020-11-16 00:18电影
电影<city of angle>中的经典
I don't understand the God who'd let us meet if we could never be together. When they ask me what I liked the best,I'll tell them "It was you". I would rather have had one breath of her hair, one kiss of her mouth,one touch of her hand than an eternity without it. I have a feeling there's something bigger out there. Bigger than we and bigger than you. I wait all day just hoping for one more minute with you. 上帝既已我识,怎能不让我们相守! 当他们问我的是什么,我会告诉他们。。。就是你! 我宁可呼吸到她飘散在空气中的发香, 轻吻她双唇,抚摸她双手,而放弃永生。 我老觉得,有种巨大的力量,让你我都显得好渺小! 我整日都盼着能与你有多一分钟的相聚!简介Seth is the one over Los Angeles Angels for his tireless running around everywhere, as people who solve problems. trace to the day he arrived at a hospital, but he came to one step too late. cardiac surgery patients have died in the operation table. Fumaji great physician. PTA that it is her responsibility, she lost confidence and spirit about the collapse. Understanding the situation, Maggie Seth decided to stay to help overcome the crisis of the spirit. In the process, he had fallen in love with a beautiful Maggie. To be able to earnestly contact Maggie, he shaped a significant risk themselves. Maggie is aware of the sudden appearance of strangers is also helping in the morning every day, she was entranced by Seth. However, as more and more of their feelings, no family Maggie started to doubt, not whether from the past where Seth. When she finally learned angel Seth is a surprise, she into deep confusion. difficult to make a choice between the beliefs and feelings. Meanwhile, Seth also found themselves unable to truly enter the mortal world. But he has not given up on Maggie's love. To Sharing the joy of life together with Maggie, a resolute decision to give up the identity of angels, and thus become a mortal. However, sometimes it is impossible to achieve the desire, even a desire Angel ...... -下面是更多关于电影city of angel的问答
电影 city of angle简介
塞思杉矶上空的一位天使,他不知地四处奔走,为凡人们排忧解难,这天他无影无踪地到来一家医可惜他来晚了一步,接受心脏外科手术的病人已经死在了手术台上。主刀大夫玛吉.瑞丝认为这是她的责任,她失去了自信,精神也一下垮了。见此情景,塞思决定留下来帮助玛吉战胜精神上的危机。在这个过程中,他爱上了美丽的玛吉。为了能切切实实地接触到玛吉,他冒险使自己显了形。 玛吉不知道这位突然出现的陌生人就是每天都在帮助也的精灵,她被塞思迷住了。但是,随着他们的感情越来越深,玛吉开始怀疑没有家庭、没有过去的塞思究竟来自何方。而当她最终得知塞思居然是一位天使时,她陷入深深的困惑之中,在信仰与情感之间难以作出抉择。 与此同时,塞思也发现自己无法真正进入凡人的世界。然而,他已无法割舍对玛吉的爱。为了能与玛吉一起分亨生活的快乐,他毅然决定放弃天使的身份,从此做一个凡人。但是,愿望有时是无法实现的,即使是一个天使的愿望 ......City of Angle
2个小时前才刚下了这首歌楼上的打开就是了电影<city of angle>中的经典对白
I don't understand the God who'd let us meet if we could never be together. When they ask me what I liked the best,I'll tell them "It was you". I would rather have had one breath of her hair, one kiss of her mouth,one touch of her hand than an eternity without it. I have a feeling there's something bigger out there. Bigger than we and bigger than you. I wait all day just hoping for one more minute with you. 上帝既已安排我们相识,怎能不让我们相守! 当他们问我的是什么,我会告诉他们。。。就是你! 我宁可呼吸到她飘散在空气中的发香, 轻吻她双唇,抚摸她双手,而放弃永生。 我老觉得,有种巨大的力量,让你我都显得好渺小! 我整日都盼着能与你有多一分钟的相聚!City Of Angels是什么意思
天使之城,有这么一部电影哦~□ 导 演: Brad Silberling 布拉德 西尔伯林 □ 主要演员: 尼古拉斯 凯奇 Nicolas Cage 梅格 瑞安 Meg Ryan 安德烈 布劳格 Andre Braugher 丹 弗朗兹 Dennis Franz Colm Feore Robin Bartlett 乔安娜 默林 Joanna Merlin □ 电影类型: 爱 情 片 □ 影片评价: ★★★★★ □ 内容简介: 国家 德国/美国 类型 剧情/荒诞/爱情 日期 1998/4/10 出品 华纳 片长 114 分级 英国:12/美国G-13 剧情简介: 塞斯(尼可拉斯凯吉饰)是一各充满好奇的天使,他被上帝派驻在洛杉矶,专门护送垂死的病人上天堂。而在当地医院中从事心脏科手术的医生玛姬(梅格莱恩饰)却成日在手术台上帮助病人与死神交战。因为职业的冲突,天使注意到了这个美丽、自信的女医生。 有一天她在进行手术时,一名病人突然暴毙于她手中,当塞斯前来护送病人上路时,却发现了玛姬的脆弱和自。玛姬无法释怀如此打击,顿时对一切失去信心,天使情不自禁的想要伸出援手,帮助这个令他心动的女人。于是,塞斯冒着极大的危险,毅然在玛姬面前现身。他从一名虚无飘缈的天使,变成一个神秘的陌客, 一尝他向往已久却只能袖手旁观的凡人生活。 当他们相遇后,玛姬也喜欢上温柔体贴的塞斯,可是她对这名没有过去的男人感到十分怀疑,但却又无法抵抗他的魅力,玛姬因此感到困惑、害怕。而这时候的赛斯却对自己无法真正融入现实生活,体会凡人的触摸、感官而无奈沮丧。但他深爱着玛姬,渴望分享她生活的点滴,于是他对上帝提出要求,那就放弃天使的身份,成为一个真实的凡人,会饥饿、会疼痛、会流泪。为了爱情,他宁愿用在天堂里亿万年的永生,换取人间短暂却甜蜜的生活。 「天使之城」改编自温馨备受好评的德国影片「欲望之翼」。制片朵恩史提深深感动于片中天使为了爱情,甘愿被贬为凡人,于是买下这部影片的版权,想拍出一部风格截然不同的影片,于是美国版的「天使之城」从此诞生。浓浓的现代都会风情,加上梅格莱恩和尼可拉斯凯吉的超级组合,并请来以「英伦情人」一片荣获奥斯卡奖的摄影指导约翰席尔掌镜,创造出一部视觉和故事都是唯美的浪漫爱情电影。。 很好看,值得一看,呵呵!电影《天使之城》的相关内容?
mei kan guoCity of Angle什么意思?
City of Angel 天使之城就是 洛杉矶 , Los AngelesLos Angeles 就是西班牙语的 City of AngelsTags:电影city of angel,电影 city of ang