艾尔菲 电影,
2020-11-15 14:30电影
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电影《尽善尽美 as good as it gets》中出现的一幅手绘的艾尔菲铁塔的图片谁能找得到不?
上百度图片电影上醒电影《尽善尽美》(As good as it gets)为什么翻译成"猫屎先生"?
影片在香港的译名叫《猫屎先生》,这是因为Melvin的发音跟"猫屎"在广东话中一样。无语吧。 来自:求助得到的回答 你对这个回答的评价是? 回答量: 采纳率: 帮助的人: 访问个人页 有时候英语就是这么无解。。。。。。。asgoodasitgets是什么意思
你好,很高兴为你解答,答案如下:As Good as It Gets猫屎先生; [电影]尽善尽美; 希望我的回答对你有帮助。这个就是传说中的艾尔非铁塔?
对 追答不对不对
As good as it gets 尽善尽美|猫尿先生|渐入佳Melvin:"you make me want to be a better man."Melvin: 是你另我想成为一个更好的Carol:"that's maybe the best compliment of my life."Carol:能是我此生听过的最受用的恭维。《Shadowlands 曾经深爱过|幻境》"I can't have the happiness of yesterday without the pain of today."没有今天的痛苦,哪来昨天的幸福。《Moulin Rouge 红磨坊》"The greatest thing you'll ever learn is just to love and be loved in return." 一生中最重要的就是学会爱和被爱 《Jerry Maguire 甜心先生/征服情海/杰里·马奎尔》Jerry:" i love you,you…complete me."Jerry:我爱你,你让我变得完满。Dorothy:"shut up,just shut up, you had me at 'hello'."Dorothy:停,别说了,我见你第一眼时就已经被你征服了。《when Harry Met Sally》很经典的一部爱情戏剧:电影最后Harry在除夕夜向Sally的表白And it's not because I'm lonely and it's not because it's New Year's Eve. I came here tonight because when you realize you want to spend the rest of your life with somebody, you want the rest of your life to start as soon as possible! (我来这)不是因为我寂寞,也不是因为除夕夜。今晚我上这来,因为如果你知道了自己想和谁一起度过余生,你会希望余生开始得越早越好!Tags:艾尔菲 电影,电影《尽善尽美 as good as it g