2020-11-14 10:53电影
简介 谁能给我提供《七宗罪》的英文影评啊?...

七宗罪:、贪婪、懒惰、愤怒、骄傲、和嫉妒讲述一个疯狂的凶手自认上帝,天主教七大死罪的惩戒逐条实施,在追凶的过程中,新老两界警探与罪犯斗智斗勇,最后却出现了出人意料与令人深思的结局。 影片中的七桩案件忽隐忽现,若明若暗,不时有“山穷水复疑无路,柳暗花明又一村”的境界。片中对犯罪心理学做了详尽的描述,而罪犯通过《圣经》的道德审判来杀人,更具社会意义。一个警察最终成为凶手计划的执行者,这是对社会和人生的讽刺,还是对茫茫之中,天主那七大信条的不可抗拒,或是象征了这多罪该罚的人世间的混乱的生活秩序谁能给我提供《七宗罪》的英文影评啊?
提示:《七宗的英文名叫做"Seven",所以你找陆缓胡个英文搜索引擎( www.google.com 以),输入关"movie seven comment"要多少就有多早拦少。下面就有一个: Director David Fincher doesn't want his audience to be comfortable for a moment while watching "Seven." Shaky camera shots, dark sets and a disturbing script that takes its characters to the extremes of emotion all contribute to the film creating a unsettled feeling that stays with you for a couple hours after the credits roll. The film begins with the overused premise of a young cop (Brad Pitt) being teamed for a murder investigation with an veteran on the verge of retirement (Morgan Freeman). The two quickly develop a tense disrespect for each other, Pitt being the cocky smartass type (who is nonetheless optimistic about the future) and Freeman the hardened, pessimist New Yorker who has seen it all. Their investigation of a bizarre murder, in which an obese man is forced to eat himself to death, turns into a hunt for a serial killer who uses the seven deadly sins -- gluttony, greed, sloth, pride, lust, envy and wrath -- as his calling card. The second victim, a rich lawyer, is the not-so-subtle tip off -- "greed" is written in blood on his carpet. What gives "Seven" it's unsettling impact is the way the film connects deeply with each character, even the victims who are never seen alive. Freeman, Pitt and Gwyneth Paltrow ("Flesh and Bone") as Pitt's wife are all in top form here and the audience comes to know them intimately -- whatever affects them, affects the viewer equally. This is especially true of Pitt, whose character struggles to maintain his optimism in the face of the horrors he sees. The killer is played, by a well-known actor who is not named in the opening credits (the producers want to keep his identity a surprize), with a calm but explosive demeanor conspicuously reminiscent of Anthony Hopkins in "Silence of the Lambs." Although very little of the violence in "Seven" is on screen, it is by design considerably more disturbing than a horror movie or more mild thrillers like "Misery." The tension is so well played that even though the unsatisfying conclusion becomes obvious a good 15 minutes before the climax, it doesn't diminish at all the churning feeling in the pit of you stomach as you leave the theater. Because of the way it assaults the emotions, seeing "Seven" should not be taken lightly. It's a difficult movie to forget.急求电影《七宗罪》英文观后感一篇~~~英文简单一些,本人英语水平不是很高谢谢!!
Seven," a dark, grisly, horrifying and intelligent thriller, may be too disturbing for many people, I imagine, although if you can bear to watch, it you will see filmmaking of a high order. It tells the story of two detectives - one ready to retire, the other at the start of his career - and their attempts to capture a perverted serial killer who is using the Seven Deadly Sins as his scenario.As the movie opens, we meet Somerset (Morgan Freeman), a meticulous veteran cop who lives a lonely bachelor's life in what looks like a furnished room. Then he meets Mills (Brad Pitt), an impulsive young cop who actually asked to be transferred into Somerset's district. The two men investigate a particularly gruesome murder, in which a fat man was tied hand and feet and forced to eat himself to death.His crime was the crime of Gluttony. Soon Somerset and Mills are investigating equally inventive murders involving Greed, Sloth, Lust and the other deadly sins. In each case, the murder method is appropriate, and disgusting (one victim is forced to cut off a pound of his own flesh; another is tied to a bed for a year; a third, too proud of her beauty, is disfigured and then offered the choice of a call for help or sleeping pills). Somerset concludes that the killer, "John Doe," is using his crimes to preach a sermon.The look of "Seven" is crucial to its effect. This is a very dark film, the gloom often penetrated only by the flashlights of the detectives. Even when all the lights are turned on in the apartments of the victims, they cast only wan, hopeless pools of light.Although the time of the story is the present, the set design suggests the 1940s; Gary Wissner, the art director, goes for dark blacks and browns, deep shadows, lights of deep yellow, and a lot of dark wood furniture. It rains almost all the time.In this jungle of gloom, Somerset and Mills tread with growing alarm. Somerset intuits that the killer is using books as the inspiration for his crimes, and studies Dante, Milton and Chaucer for hints. Mills settles for the Cliff Notes versions. A break in the case comes with Somerset's sudden hunch that the killer might have a library card. But the corpses pile up, in cold fleshy detail, as disturbingly graphic as I've seen in a commercial film. The only glimmers of life and hope come from Tracy (Gwyneth Paltrow), Mills' wife.A movie like this is all style. The material by itself could have been handled in many ways, but the director, David Fincher ("Alien 3"), goes for evocative atmosphere, and the writer, Andrew Kevin Walker, writes dialogue that for Morgan Freeman, in particular, is wise, informed and poetic. ("Anyone who spends a significant amount of time with me," he says, "finds me disagreeable.") Eventually, it becomes clear that the killer's sermon is being preached directly to the two policemen, and that in order to understand it, they may have to risk their lives and souls."Seven" is unique in one detail of its construction; it brings the killer onscreen with half an hour to go, and gives him a speaking role. Instead of being simply the quarry in a chase, he is revealed as a twisted but articulate antagonist, who has devised a horrible plan for concluding his sermon. (The actor playing the killer is not identified by name in the ads or opening credits, and so I will leave his identity as another of his surprises.) "Seven" is well-made in its details, and uncompromising in the way it presents the disturbing details of the crimes. It is certainly not for the young or the sensitive. Good as it is, it misses greatness by not quite finding the right way to end. All of the pieces are in place, all of the characters are in position, and then - I think the way the story ends is too easy. Satisfying, perhaps. But not worthy of what has gone before.电影《七宗罪》的英文简介
既然文的,那就去IMDB找吧帆余晌,自己动手会对你的水平有帮助!:http://www.imdb.com/七宗罪 影评
电影《七宗罪 影评Mervin1996大鱼号03-11关注梗概 电影讲述的是警探萨默赛特和新调来的警探米尔斯二人合力侦查一起谋杀案,并引出一连串符合有关天主教教义中七种罪行的谋杀案。这期间两位警探顺藤摸瓜依据线索找到了嫌疑犯的住处,但却被疑犯逃脱,米尔斯也命悬一线,险些死于枪口。当还差两件命案之时,幕后的真凶却前来自首,并最终把二位警探引入自己设下的最后圈套,米尔斯未能忍住丧妻之痛,将凶手杀死,而也正是米尔斯的这一“愤怒”举动,使得七宗罪行全部完成,凶手的计划终得以实现。电影《七宗罪》的原版海报 导演在电影短短120分钟里将人性、社会和城市里等诸多的黑暗面加以呈现,让观众观赏之余又似乎压力重重,三位主演精湛的演技,让人拍案叫绝、峰回路转的剧情,富有技巧和特点的摄影,灰暗湿冷的影调……这一切最终促成了《七宗罪》这部完美的电影的诞生。叙事 首先不得不提的是该片精彩至极的故事。电影从一件谋杀案开篇,引出了故事的主人公萨默赛特警官:一位老练的、富有敏锐洞察力和责任心的、却又即将退休的警探,以及另一位刚落脚这座城市的主人公:一位年轻气盛、雄心勃勃却又脾气暴躁古怪的年轻警探米尔斯。仿佛命中注定,二人没过多久便接到了其他手法残忍且类似的多起谋杀案件的调查,经过二人努力,他们发现这其中的联系是天主教教义中的“七宗罪”,每一起案件的受害人都对应不同的罪状,比如暴食、贪婪等等。二人暗地里查到了嫌疑犯的住处却不料被他逃跑,在追捕过程中米尔斯受伤并险些被疑犯枪杀。而全片的高潮段落,是二人对案件的侦查陷入僵局之后,嫌疑犯约翰·杜自己前来自首,并把米尔斯和萨默赛特二人带向自己设计好的最终圈套,约翰·杜因为嫉妒杀害了米尔斯的妻子,而他也深知,被激怒的米尔斯终将因愤怒,杀死自己而完成“七宗罪”的最后杰作,而萨默赛特则是这一杰作从头至尾的“见证者”。影片的剧情行云流水却又高潮迭起,扣人心弦,环环相扣,让人无法挪开眼睛。尤其是编剧将谋杀与宗教教义相互联系,即增强了剧情的合理性和说服力,又使其蒙上了一层宗教面纱而增加了神秘感,而这一手法也被之后的诸多电影和电视剧等所效仿。而影片结尾,萨默赛特警探所说的一番话,更是让很多影迷产生了疑问和讨论,发人深思。 本回答被网友采纳电影《七宗罪》观后感及疑点
基督撒旦的七个恶魔的形象来代表七种罪恶: 暴食(Gluttony)、贪婪(Greed)、懒惰(Sloth)、淫欲(Lust)、嫉妒(Envy)、暴怒(Wrath)、傲慢(Pride) 。《七宗罪》使人们接触带到人性最黑暗的一面,尽管它是虚构的,可是它的气息已经进芦键扰入了现实的思绪和情感之中。杀手的动机是以宗教为名义的,在杀手的彻底疯狂里似乎还有某种理智,这是最恐怖的事。运用心理学的理论我们来分析杀手的杀人动机。精神分析学派的代表人物弗洛伊德认为人的本能有两种:生的本能和死的本能。这两种本能是人类行为的动机源。影片中的杀手正是在死本能的驱使下制造了一连串的凶杀案。在现实社会中,人们必须面对越来越多的压力和应亮慎激事件,当个人防御机制无法缓解内心的冲突和矛盾时,人们往往把死本能向外转化,做出攻击和伤害他人的行为。 有人说《七宗罪》是对人性的警示,也有人认为《七宗罪》是对现实生活中美国持续不断发生的连环变态杀手事件的反映和体现。对我们来说,重视人性的健康发展,宣扬积极的人文思想,形成和谐的社会,才是我们工作奋斗的最终目的。人性,不应该被淹没在机械的工作中;人,不应该是无感情无思想无人性的机器;人与人之间也不应该只有相互攻击、相互伤害的关系。或许在现实生活中,很少有人能完全做到不犯七宗罪的任何一种,但是保持着一份健康的心态、陪旦热爱生活、尊重生命是我们能努力做到的。世界是美好的,我们应该为此奋斗!Tags:电影七宗罪英文影评,有电影《七宗罪》的英文影评或赏析吗??,