电影蓝 影评,精灵旅社观后感英文的简短30字
2020-11-14 07:08电影
简介电影蓝精灵的简单的英语影评,见附件。如果看不到附件,请使用电脑访问。只提供英语影评,不涉及视频资源,请管理员不要误删。 精灵旅社观后感英文的简短30字...

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70 and 80 we are the generation that grew up watching Blue Wizard, every character in the animated deeply into our minds. We talked to recognized the blue father, blue sister, Yanyan Cong Cong, simple-minded, and so on, annoying the Princess Witch and Azumanga cat. But the Xiaoya this generation, several small triazolam to the end of the film, not recognized, only recognize one of the most easily distinguishable blue sister. And Xiaoya impression princess witch is a grow ugly poor middle-aged bald man, not so hateful, and I do not want her to judge a book by the direction of guidance. Xiaoya but like Azumanga cat (I think) the performance of the yellow cat is out of color, the only role for the win Xiaoya smile.Compared to Moore Park ", my personal view is that the film is only suitable to watch with the following conditions:(1) read the "Blue Wizard" cartoon people to understand the pros and cons of opposing characters. Watching movies in cinemas, not to Xiaoya to explain clearly these roles to, Pachao next; say, explaining she did not understand, only the comparison image of reference, such as "He was like slow sheep sheep "metaphor. The last princess witch are simple-minded to play fly out Xiaoya finally issued "as if Wolf" perception. (I really do not understand why the final outcome of the bad guys always end up flying out of the way.)2 have the background knowledge of American culture. American films, so among the American romanticism, heroism, nationalism is to Xiaoya humor, this generation can not understand some of the director that, standing vent such as Blue sister wearing a new dress, the skirt was blown up the classic "Monroe" shape, a group of blue wizard guy whom echocardiography Zhuangzhuang this time wearing Scottish skirt (like this called) also ran it to let the wind blow up his skirts of the plot, these Xiaoya simply can not understand, but also the day moving around, I asked her if she looked, fortunately she was able to stick to it, no clamoring to go. Next to some children often stand up and move around, it seems impatient. In addition to English plus Chinese subtitles for "illiterate" Xiaoya, was "torture".English-speaking people. Some English translation of the film is far-fetched, such as princess witch's name Gargamel who called Cheikh Tiote woman is called became Garbagemel Chinese subtitles to break out the "garbage house". Yes, the translator is faithful to the original translation is right, but if the film is the Chinese version of dialogue, "princess witch called a misunderstanding of the" garbage house "rate should be low it. Or listening to English better, at least to hear the laugh.In short, I think it more suitable for American children to see, not suitable for Chinese children to see, but for moms and dads in China after 70 the end 80 of a generation to see. Smile when going to the cinema to eliminate summer heat. 追问==……这都多久了……
蓝精灵1英文版电影我有,百度云高清版,免费的,踩呐立马发你哈!( ^_^ ) 追问请先发好吗,我会采纳的以前被骗过,不好意思本回答被网友采纳
Tags:电影蓝 影评,求电影蓝精灵的简单的英语影评,精灵旅社观后感英