2020-11-13 18:23电影
简介2002里面的那首插曲确实是《Without me》其实那早弊芦首歌是冯德伦为他谱曲,填词的,那样动听首歌,冯德伦只用了很短的时间就完成了,然后霆锋还在他的viva演唱会上唱了!但是我第一次听这首歌的 电影2002中谢霆锋唱的那首英文插曲是什么?...

2002里面的那首插曲确实是《Without me》
其实那早弊芦首歌是冯德伦为他谱曲,填词的,那样动听首歌,冯德伦只用了很短的时间就完成了,然后霆锋还在他的viva演唱会上唱了!但是我第一次听这首歌的时候是在2004年的冬天…… 正在纷乱地忙着其他的事情,开着电视,也没有留心在演什么,忽然之间有一种很清纯地感觉……Any time at all,just hear this songAny days too long,just turn it onWith or without me holding you at all......那个时间就猛然间抬头,看到了是霆锋在深卜举情地用吉它弹唱,我的心一下子就被禁锢住了,这么动听地歌,这么传神地歌,没有办法让人不跟着入境!可是…因为当时是从中间听的,没能知道这首歌叫什么名字,到后来,过了半年,才知道!一遍一遍地听,一遍一遍地写着那陆带缠绵地歌词,心里已沉入其中! 很多人只会听霆锋的《因为爱,所以爱》、《你不会了解》、《281公里》……等等,但是,好多人都没有听过这首歌,好希望你们可以听一听霆锋其他的歌曲,真的很不错!这首《Without me》是首多么美妙的歌曲,简单地调调,清新的唱腔,动人的歌词!Season changing, another year goes by too slowBerry memories, must be getting oldToo much pot and heroineToo much crack and cokeI am waiting devastating oh...Any time at all, just hear this songAny days too long, just turn it onWith or without me holding you at allTake a pink onePick a red one sir devilGive me a reasonTo be standing tallCould you wake me from miseryDon't wanna be aloneWalls are closing I am floating oh...Any time at all, just hear this songAny days too long, just turn it on With or without me holding you at all... 希望所有的人都要珍惜自己的爱人,因为失去之后,有可能再也回不来了!都是自己内心最真实的感受……
就是without me!!!谢霆锋主演的电影2002、里面的英文歌曲叫什么名字?
Let Me Die---谢霆锋粤语+英文电影2002中谢霆锋唱的那首英文插曲是什么?
当然是let me die 冯德伦写的词求2002中所有谢霆锋唱的歌曲的名字
对,就是let me die求谢霆锋演的《2002》里面的插曲~《完美启示录》的英文版
http://mp3.baidu.com/m?f=ms&tn=baidump3&ct=134217728&lf=&rn=&word=let+me+die&lm=0叫《LET ME DIE》,还有一个粤语版本叫《启示。are we at war tonightwill there be angels whispering to me goodnightdon't wake when the lightning strikesmy heart for you is truelet no one take that from youtime is running tightcan't change from wrong to rightso i'll close my eyes and dream a littlejust like how we used to be babyit's time to say fare-wellno need to cry or feeling sorrowit's alright , all in the book of lifeheaven grant me one last wish i beg youlet me say these words before i goi will love you till the end of timewith every breath of mine, i'llhold you by my sidebut i'll rest in peace, my sweet heart would youlet me die in your arms with youonly you can stop the rain tonightonly you can change my would from black to whiteso i'll close my eyes and dream moreare we at war tonightwill there be angels whispering to me goodnightdon't wake when the lightning strikesheaven grant me one last wish i beg youlet me say these words before i goi will love you till the end of timewith every breath of mine, i'llhold you by my sidebut i'll rest in peace, my sweet heart would youlet me die in your arms with youonly you can stop the rain tonightonly you can give me strength to fighttill the sky is burning , it's the end of timelook ahead tomorrow, a long and winding roadkeep the faith of mine don't let it goyou're the only reason night ain't growing coldwhat will i do , without youi will love you till the end of timewith every breath of mine,i'llhold you by my sidebut i'll rest in peace.my sweet heart would youlet me die in your arms with youonly you can stop the rain tonightonly you can make my world so bright,life, no longer empty,with you in my heart , in my heart谢霆锋灵异灵异2002电影中的歌曲叫什么名字
Let me die 、他演唱会上唱过的Tags:谢霆锋2002电影,谢霆锋电影2002的插曲,电影2002中