2020-11-11 19:48电影
简介西雅某个早晨,5名歹徒闯入一家银行劫在场的近四十名职员和顾客管他们表现得训练有素,经验老道,但百密一疏,仍被一位银行职员偷偷按响了警报器。警察迅速包围街区后,劫匪的头目洛伦兹要求和相识的警官昆丁康纳斯 暮光之城电影英文简介&翻译...
西雅某个早晨,5名歹徒闯入一家银行劫在场的近四十名职员和顾客管他们表现得训练有素,经验老道,但百密一疏,仍被一位银行职员偷偷按响了警报器。警察迅速包围街区后,劫匪的头目洛伦兹要求和相识的警官昆丁•康纳斯对话。康纳斯曾在一次办案过程中直接导致洛伦兹兄弟的死亡,而现在他正因一次严重失误处于停职阶段。在警方的要求下,正在度假的康纳斯勉强接受了上级的任务,和刚踏入警届的新手德克成了搭档。就在银行遭劫的现场,康纳斯凭借丰富的办案经验,很快分析出了警匪双方所面临的严峻形势。于是,在已有一名人质死亡的情况下,他决定无论如何都要进入银行,采取相关措施,才能避免更大的伤亡危险。然而,狡猾的劫匪显然是有备而来,开始折磨人质以阻止警察的秘密靠近,并且在警察试图强攻时, 引爆了他们预先设置的强力炸弹。顿时,银行内外陷入了一片火海之中,受惊的人们四散逃窜。康纳斯他们开始意识到,一场比他们想象中更为激烈的战斗拉开了序幕,正与邪的较量正式开始…
科纳斯抓获了在这个劫匪并在他的家中发现了5万元现金,鉴定却发现这笔钱来自警局的证物室。此时匪首劳伦斯居然胆大包天的直接打电话对科纳斯挑衅说,要是明天还抓不到他的话就永远没机会了。 科纳斯查出了警局的内鬼,并查出顺藤摸瓜将主嫌围堵在其家中,不幸的是一场爆炸夺去了科纳斯的生命。科纳斯的搭档迪克发现了劳伦斯的行踪并单枪匹马将其毙于抢下,为科纳斯报了仇。当即将结案前,迪克突然又发现了新的线索:10亿美元在抢劫银行的过程中被劫匪神不知鬼不觉地从银行内汇了出去,而劳伦斯已将所有的线索都带入了地下,此时,一个熟悉的声音在迪克电话里传来… Seattle, a morning, five assailants broke into a bank hijacked near the presence of 40 staff and customers. Although they were well-trained, seasoned, still secretly by a bank staff rang alarms. Police quickly surrounded the block, the robbers asked the head of Lorenz and police officers met Quentin • Connors dialogue. Connors had been handling cases in a process led directly to the death of Lorenz brothers, and now because of him a serious mistake in the suspension phase。At the request of the police, is on vacation Connors superiors have grudgingly accepted the mission, and has just entered the police novice session has become a partner Dirk. On the scene of looting in the bank, Connors with rich experience in handling cases quickly analyzed by both cops and robbers out of the grim situation facing. Thus, in one of the hostages have died,Anyway he decided to enter the bank should take relevant measures to avoid the risk of greater casualties. However, the cunning robbers apparently are prepared to begin hostage ordeal in order to prevent the secret police around, and tried to storm the police when they detonated a powerful bomb set in advance. All of a sudden, both inside and outside banks into a sea of flames, and frightened people to flee in different directions. Connors they began to realize that a more than they imagine fierce fighting started, with the evil of the contest officially began ... Captured in the corners and robbers at his home discovered the 5 million yuan in cash, identification only to find the money from the police evidence room. At this point Lawrence bandit chieftain was audacious in the extreme corners of the direct call of provocation that would also capture him tomorrow, then it will never be no opportunity to do so. Corners inside the police found a ghost, and find out for deeper investigation into containment will be the chief suspect in his home, unfortunately, an explosion claimed the lives of corners. Corners partner Dick discovered the whereabouts of Lawrence and his death in single-handedly grabbed for avenged corners. When the imminent closing ago, Dick suddenly found a new clue: one billion U.S. dollars in the process of bank robbery by robbers。Department from the bank out, while Lawrence has all the clues are brought underground, this time, a familiar voice in the phone from Dick ... 行不? -下面是更多关于chaos电影的问答
IMDB编 0402910 影片片长 98分钟 发行公 影片类型 犯罪 惊悚 剧情 动作 悬念 影级 首映日期 2007-3-9 影演 Tony Giglio 托尼·基格里奥 影片编剧 Tony Giglio 托尼·基格里奥 主要演员 《乱战》官方预告片 瑞安·菲利普 Ryan Phillippe 韦斯利·斯奈普斯 Wesley Snipes 亨利·彻尼 Henry Czerny 杰森·斯坦森 Jason Statham 海报关于 乱战(chaos) 的翻译!
chaos 来晚了……美国电影《乱战》的英文名字叫什么?求回答!!
叫《CHAOS是 斯的吧?http://movie.douban.com/subject/1493481/暮光之城电影英文简介&翻译
a smart young girl with a heart of fire, and this incredibly and deadly attractive vampire, they life intersect at this small rainy and cloudy town. something that is destined is about to happen. bella has fallen in love incurably with this vampire, and the vampire with this pure-hearted beautiful girl. but can he control his thirst for blood and stay by her side? is bella's so firm that she would risk her life for the sake of it? they did, cuz love is stronger than anything any mankind can imagine! 故事简介:聪明的女孩,有着火一样的心,另一个是美的让人窒息,迷人的难以置信的吸血鬼,他们的命运就在这个阴雨连绵的小镇上相交汇了。贝拉无可救药的爱上了吸血鬼爱德华,爱德华也爱上了这个天使般纯洁心灵的女孩儿。但是他能够控制住对她鲜血的渴望吗?在她的身边守护着她吗?贝拉会不会为了忠贞的爱情而坚定的呆在爱德华身旁,即使冒着生命的危险?是的,因为爱情如此的强大,它超出了人和凡人的想象! 《暮色-twilight》剧情介绍: 贝拉是一个与众不同的女孩,她不热爱虚荣,不会像其他女孩一样追求时髦,也不愿伪装自己刻意去和合不来的同学搞好关剧照系。因为母亲再婚的缘故,贝拉搬去和父亲同住。 在新学校里,贝拉遇到了一个名叫爱德华的男孩,他跟贝拉遇见过的所有人都不一样,不仅英俊、聪明、幽默,而且跟贝拉非常有共同点——同样孤独。两人很快就陷入了爱河。然而爱德华的真实身份其实是一个吸血鬼,自从1918年后他就没有变老过,他可以空手制止一辆飞驰的汽车,跑起来快过狮子,但和其他吸血鬼不一样的是,爱德华本人和他的家族选择了一种独特的生活方式,他们并不喝人血,只吃活着的动物的血——被称为素食者(因为动物血可以提供营养,但是不会让他们吃饱)。所以随着交往的深入,爱德华因为贝拉与自己的过分接近,必须强力控制自己嗜血的本能,同时,爱德华家族的死敌也前来挑战,面临种种困难,爱德华和贝拉能有情人终成眷属吗? 贝拉·斯旺从繁华的凤凰城搬到偏僻且终年阴雨不断的福克斯,她原本认为往后的日子恐怕会很无聊,但当神秘又迷人的爱德华·卡伦出现,不仅生活变得有趣,而且她的心也深深受到吸引。金发帅气的爱德华事实上是秉持素食主义的吸血鬼,为剧照了不让伊莎贝拉发现,他辛苦压抑对伊莎贝拉的爱。互相倾心的两人,在爱情与危险间摆荡,新鲜又刺激的每一天,就像久违的阳光,洒落在浪漫的暮光之城。 在美国西雅图一个名叫福克斯的地方,住着一位英俊帅气的男青年爱德华。他出没神秘,与世无争,没有人知道他的来历和家世,更重要的是……他是一只永远不会衰老,更不会死亡的吸血鬼。 爱德华本来将死于1918年的西班牙流感,但是卡莱尔(他的吸血鬼父亲)发现了他,并救了他(某种吸血鬼的方式),他便再也没有衰老,永远保持着年轻俊朗的外形。时光飞梭,过了近百年后,他已经不再靠吸人血为生,因为爱德华喜欢生活在人群聚集的城市中。为了避免吸食人血带来的命案干扰到他的生活,他现在只是偶尔在郊区追捕动物,维持着他永驻的青春。 十七岁的少女伊莎贝拉从小与母亲相依为命,因为父母的感情破裂,母亲带着她去了另一个城市。但当她长大的时候,母亲却决定再婚。伊莎贝拉不想母亲因为陪着她而无法陪着经常出差的继父而不开心,因此决定回到父亲查理的身边。伊莎贝拉回到了她的家乡福克斯,在学校里,她结识了爱德华,很快他便被爱德华的魅力所吸引,渐渐喜欢上了他。 不过,爱德华虽然也喜欢伊莎贝拉,可是他却深知,一只吸血鬼是没有办法和人类正常生活在一起的。但他又无法忘却伊莎剧照贝拉,也不忍心远走高飞,与伊莎贝拉断绝音信。更严重的是,每当和人类走得太近,爱德华就无法抑制自己吸血的本能,所以每次贝拉对他的亲昵举动,爱德华也只能强忍内心吸血的生物欲望。而这时候,同为吸血鬼却爱好捕杀人类的爱德华家族的其他同门找上门来,在知道贝拉的存在后,妄图猎杀贝拉。深爱这贝拉的爱德华会让贝拉受到伤害吗?会克制不住自己的本性伤害到贝拉吗?爱德华究竟与贝拉的感情会走到什么地步,家族的危机又如何去解决呢? Isabella "Bella" Swan moves from sunny Phoenix, Arizona to rainy Forks, Washington to live with her father, Charlie, while her mother, Renée, travels with her new husband, Phil Dwyer, a minor league baseball player. Bella attracts much attention at her new school and is quickly befriended by several students. Much to her dismay, several boys compete for shy Bella's attention. When Bella is seated next to Edward Cullen in class on her first day of school, Edward seems utterly repulsed by her. He disappears for a few days, but warms up to Bella upon his return; their newfound relationship reaches a climax when Bella is nearly run over by a fellow classmate's van in the school parking lot. Seemingly defying the laws of physics, Edward saves her life when he instantaneously appears next to her and stops the van with his bare hands. Bella becomes hellbent on figuring out how Edward saved her life, and constantly pesters him with questions. After tricking a family friend, Jacob Black, into telling her local tribal legends, Bella concludes that Edward and his family are vampires who drink animal blood rather than human. Edward confesses that he initially avoided Bella because the scent of her blood was so desirable to him. Over time, Edward and Bella fall in love. Their relationship is thrown into chaos when another vampire coven sweeps into Forks. James, a tracker vampire who is intrigued by the Cullens' relationship with a human, wants to hunt Bella for sport. The Cullens attempt to distract the tracker by splitting up Bella and Edward, and Bella is sent to hide in a hotel in Phoenix. There, Bella receives a phone call from James, who claims he is holding her mother captive. When Bella surrenders herself, James attacks her, but Edward, along with the other Cullens, rescues Bella and destroys James. Once they realize that James has bitten Bella's hand, Edward sucks the venom from her system before it can spread and transform her into a vampire, and she is then sent to a hospital. Upon returning to Forks, Bella and Edward attend their school prom and Bella expresses her desire to become a vampire, which Edward refuses.http://baike.baidu.com/view/1738736.htm?fr=ala0_1_1
"City of Twilight: Twilight," Bella himself exiled to the Fox and the remote town of rain throughout the year. She could not think of how is this choice, let her meet him at the crossroads of destiny. Fair eyes that moment, have to understand each other, waiting for them, apart from the well-being of the temptation, there is a danger of the abyss. Cordial with each other two, in love and the risk of inter-swing, with new and exciting Spend each day, as long as the sun,romantic evening in the City of Light. Since he has a charming appearance, Superman's body, and the ability to see through people's minds, he is? And she is just a natural motor neuron worse, skin as white as sick as ordinary girls. Meeting that year, they are all 17-year-old. Wheel of time is the solidification of him, for her it is rapidly rotating. Youth willhim, she will eventually corrupt the youth, their world, there are really mixed it? From Adam and Eve started, in the face of a love-hate vortex desire, mankind is always at a loss. Happiness slowly forward, waiting for waves moving. When a vulnerable young girls to integrate into a very human world, she faced the danger of the devil than with the kind of kiss is much more difficult. After dusk the day after a beautiful evening, this adventure story of ups and downs at this time is just a prelude. Author will be the main character's emotional adolescent feelings of confusion and bewildering entanglement describes a real delicacy,description andelegant language to arouse the reader's endless imagination,stories and bizarre plot twists and turns readers aroused continuous reading impulse. In the fresh, gentle and touching, and readers have witnessed the brilliant youth, first love of the beautiful, also witnessed the struggle Sense & Sensibility, soul and body of the struggling ... ... "Twilight City: Crescent" Edward deeply fascinated Beira, also loved her unique scent. But Happy Hour is always short-lived, in her eighteen-year-old birthday party, the Beira accidentally cut his arm, the blood flows evoked Edwards family bloodthirsty nature. In order to protect his beloved people, Edward and his family left the town of Fox. Edward left, Bella's world completely collapsed, and she began to try all kinds of risky behavior, because she found that as long as she is dangerous to do one thing, Edward's voice will appear in her mind. Beira-style self-flagellation act crazy and did not let Edward change her mind and this time, young Jacob appeared uninhibited pale in her world, though he knows the hearts of otherwise Beira others, or affectionately to accompany and protect her. One is as firm as a rock of ice-cold heterogeneous, a Some Like It Hot are the hot werewolf, Bella will be a choice ... ... Edwards mistakenly think Bella had jumped into the sea and death, can not afford such a sudden a huge blow, he decided to make all One of the broken. Dusk gradually retire, what awaits them is the horizon shows the most dark nightsCrescent, Bella and Edward will fall into this irrevocableit? They can recover before the end of life is also precious than their own each other to save this world with the most exciting of love? Tsam enjoy continued life and death entangled Romance, "New Moon" will be the reader into the novel category than ordinary youth more magical pluralistic world, the readers are not so much to accompany Bella SPEND the first paragraph of her life during the darkest as it is with Mel Miaoying pen magic world experienced a real life experience of love could not exist. Edwards struggles, Beira on the demands of love and desire for true love Jacob of tension throughout the three novels has always been, a good interpretation of the eternal theme of love. Mel with her unique style and gifted ability to control the reader's heart, sentimental readers inevitably and Bella together, or hold your breath, or tears. "Twilight City: eclipse" Bella is about to graduate from secondary school into a dilemma: she wanted to Edward and Jacob in the Select a lover, and this choice may lead to ethnic Karen family and between werewolf a bloody war ... ... blood boilingwould like to choose to die with Edwardappearance, but before their marriage, Edward does not allow her to do so. On the other hand, Jacob's involvement so that the feelings of their red light to visit the injured in Beira Jacob, the Jacob King took her to his home, the opportunity to declare her love, and regardless of the wishes of her kissing her. This forced a deep kiss printed on the minds of Beira, for Jacob's feelings, Bella has When Bella for the selection of much pain and suffering of lovers, she discovered that someone from her room robbery, follow the above purpose is to sniff out the odor Her lies. Bella will be all sorts of accidents linked to the past, and finally to understand from the legendary Victoria Crane family is all behind the scenes manipulation. In order to revenge for the death of James, Victoria is gathered a group of accomplices hurried to Fox for Edward and Bella's life caused a great threat, Karen werewolf family decided to go to deal with ethnic groups a common enemy. Ice and Fire irreconcilable contradiction, love and sacrifice in the scale, Bella found her dedication to not only the soul ... ... When you can be immortal, you live why? "Eclipse"the dark veil, Body and Soul of the struggling show. Karen irreconcilable werewolf family and ethnic conflicts of the question of how to solve? Angelic kind are Edward and Bella fragile glass-like step-by-step on the marriage altar, hand in hand into the Garden of Eden, or Jacob and Bella and her childhood had on the ordinary human life? Alternating day and night from the "twilight", experienced the "Crescent" and the heartbreaking "eclipse" of grief, the reader will be our doubts in the "dawn" hours one by one to crack, and the truth will also complicated in the "midnight sun "in Sudden Impact.Tags:chaos电影,求一篇电影chaos(乱战)的英文简介,暮光