crossing over电影,中文翻英文 请高手进来帮帮我 非常紧急 紧急!
2020-11-11 19:15电影
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请高手翻译解释一下:Avoid crossing over anti-etch if at all possible. anti-etch是什么意思?
Two. SWOT question analysis Strength/superiority weaknesses opportunities threats It is relatively early that Boston enters the Chinese market, the kind of the products is more complete, the price is relatively low, the products are sold directly to households of high qualitily, personnel dispose little, can't well arouse the enthusiasm of doctor to a certain extent, with communication of doctor being so can products fine wide application at selling system little. Market occupy share to be slightly little to contact chance offered to exchange more with domestic and international expert, the supporting dynamics of international meeting is great Cook, it is relatively early that Cordis enters the Chinese market, there are more new product categories, it is taller that new product quality gets everybody's approval correctly retail trader's price is made more to domestic meetings, there are one's own leading brands Bard, it is that the large area acts as agent that EV3 distributes the mode, market supporting dynamics relatively heavy, market share increase continuously, market share is it enter Chinese market to be relatively late to increase continuously, products form a complete set the wholly, product quality general, enter some doctor report support is it roll over case of section price medium-sized to have in the body in people most Biotronik has already been approved by several large hospitals tentatively The products are single Others The cheap products are single, it is very low that there is no price that characteristic gives to the agent Three. Marketing goal Goal market: It is estimated that distributes and spreads all over all parts of the country within the year, capture the grey area beyond the yellow: The market share of over one hundred strength common iliac artery blood vessel supports is predicted Make a reservation: Boston, cordis, metronic is all brands with all fronts products, over one hundred strength the unable with contending it,not in goal of us in and bard, braun, ev3 waits for and succeeds in the competitions of these rivals. Fix the price: Avoid price dispute in agent, put in service, quality, deliver, technological ability and can produce new factor of value while being other especially, products and service not offered to the rival. Distribute: The sales representative makes the order according to the trend of product market and stock state, it is the most valuable service to that the distributor offers then stamped and signed by the customer. Think, one is it spoil producer so next to the skin agent of service, have how much courage leave you drop others' arms into to enjoy. Four. Marketing strategy 1. We is it participate in Shenyang city get involved the scientific seminar the seventh the whole country held will it be July 12 2006 to plan, 500 when the time comes is it can should get involved to 600 authority of field present to radiate. This meeting is run once every two years, its strong influence power can expand the popularity of our products, accelerate paces that we march into the Chinese market. 2. In order to remove the agent's worry, we have made relevant clauses too, for example if the agent is unwilling to continue cooperation, can send back goods according to the original price. 3. Our slogan is " It takes 80% of the time and energy to study how to meet 20% of the large hospitals' demands " ,We require the sales manager with the regular visit circuit, go to visit the regular customer on a regular day and set time every week. If our company did in meeting the added value demand of the hospital very outstanding, paying attention to it to the professor's investment in human relation even more at the same time, then the hospital will produce very strong dependence to our products, the degree of difficulty that the rival wants to imitate and substitute us becomes great. Even our rival's bid is lower, but the hospital may be afraid whether it will be delivered in time; How is product quality; It influences channel operation to wait to strengthen with linking up the cost of new producer. 4. Propose letting the authority be a spokesman, establish our brand image.请高手们帮忙翻译一下,谢谢了啊~在线翻译实在是不敢用,语法错误太多。
Along with the modern science and technology high speed development with in the daily life fast seepage, more and more many electronic, the electrical equipment operational causes each kind of frequency the different energy electromagnetic wave to flood Earth's each quoin and even the broader space.Regarding human body this good conductor, the electromagnetic wave can constitute certain degree harm inevitably.How knew the radiation to the human body as well as the macroenvironment harm and the influence, how achieved the basic protection as well as the protection way from protects the initiative protection the change is passively at present waits for the solution the question.At present in market anti-radiation product many for material use passive protection form, if the use material and the daily necessities unify, or substitutes form, pointed strong, is unable to be separated from the specific environment use, the portability is bad, in the modelling also many is the embodiment performance, lacks the modern breath. This design instruction booklet has analyzed the radiation as well as the radiation to the human body the harm, from unifies the modern people life style, carries on the anti-radiation design, improves the life working conditions, gets rid in order to passive protection, but forms the initiative protection the way, changes for the motion way protection behavior, and rests on the people to carry on the assistance improvement to the life quality request.Simultaneously achieves carries on the radiation shield anytime and anywhere, in addition, this design in line with the humanist idea, through shows loving concern to the thing achieves to the user health safeguard, both manifested the behavior to have the compassion, and has paid great attention to the health, provided the new life feeling from as far as possible the sufficient aspect for the user, was not merely passive carries on the radiation shield, the more positive initiative reassignment user carried on the independent protection, the enhancement product appeal. Key word: Radiation, radiation protection, appeal design英语翻译:跪求英语高手,帮我回复一个邮件。产品出现问题了,和客人解释一下。
Dear ***I am really sorry for that issue. I just confirmed with our representative in the plant. He informed that the inventory of white-base adhesive was running out at the time, so they decide to use yellow-base adhesive instead. We apology that we didn't realize the issue in advance. If yellow-base cannot be accepted, we can re-arrange the fulfillment of proper products immediately, and it will take about 15 days to deliver. Again, we are sorry for the mistake and troubles may be caused. We have warned factory to avoid such a mistake in the future and ganrantee the accordance between sample and products. 本回答被网友采纳英译汉 请高手帮忙翻译一下 谢了(详解)谢谢……满意再加 (谷歌及类谷歌翻译者勿扰)
对Eco书馆持反对意见的人,是把角度放在已知的事,这往往思维误区。人们羞于己没学过没经历的事告诉一个招聘主管(其他竞争者会打小报告的)但如果能这样做是很好的。其实我们应该跳出已知的陷阱,就像我们应该跳出迂腐的知识积累逻辑一样。(书不是用来收藏的,而是用来拓展知识的)(2)据称,这一日志是在夏勒自己也无法预测下一步会发生什么的情况下写成的。还好,提前获取的信息跟后来所发生的事还是吻合的。一些评论也很有启发性,特别是法国笃信希特勒只能称霸一时的那些评论,就透露出法国的准备不够以及随后的受降。 当时根本没人认为会存在什么大破坏。(3)跟某些国家的那些经常往图书馆跑的学者,和擅长于解决数学难题的人相比,美国人的创造力要强出很多,还有,美国人对那些极具颠覆性的创意以及对未知勇敢的尝试是采取宽容的态度的。 深夜为你翻的,翻完可以安心的睡了。 追问先谢过了……不过想问一句是深夜用谷歌翻译的吗???追答
中文翻英文 请高手进来帮帮我 非常紧急 紧急!!!!!!!!!!!!!!可再加分 禁止翻译软件
It is believed that a great many have heard or seen news report about infants sudden death for some reason or experienced similar things. Some people may feel surprised why babies suffer from sudden death without any reason.What on earth can we do to prevent such symptoms from appearing? In fact, where there are babies, there is the chance of infant’s sudden death, and this is quite possible even if they are at home or in the hospital. You can imagine that one day you let your baby sleep at noon as usual .Then you enter the room to wake it up because it should wake normally.However, when checking it you suddenly find him with no breath. Could you accept such an emergency? No one at that time is more grieved than the painstaking parents for conceiving it for ten months before seeing it grow up ,and they are even immersed in the delight of having the new life but suddenly it leaves the new world for sudden infant death syndrome, which is believed impossible for anyone to accept .Then ,what is sudden infant death syndrome at all and what are the causes of it? This essay will study and explore the impacts and symptoms of sudden infant death syndrome. I do believe that there are some vital factors which may influence infant’s health and gradually lead to its death.Above all, there is a problem with sleeping position because improper sleeping positions such as sleeping with the face down may result in death from suffocation. The peak period of sudden infant death syndrome occurs on babies of twelve months old .The younger the infant is, the more difficult it responses to external stimuli when sleeping.In addition, infants’ neck may become stiffer and steadily lift up its heads to ninety degree only after four months old on average. Before this period, babies’ mouths and noses may be accidentally held or covered by pillows, quilts and clothes and the like, which may put the babies into the danger of sudden death. <infants should be placed only on their backs for sleep to decrease the incidence of SIDS and other sleep for every sleep''> (Patricia L. Jackson Allen, MS, RN, PNP, FAAN Primary Care Approaches ) . The best sleeping position is to let them make sure that the infants are sleeping on their backs, which can prevent infants from sudden death or ensure they sleep with their face upwards. Furthermore, choosing tough and safe bed cushions and don’t have infants sleep on soft things as pillows. Besides, try not to get infants to sleep with mothers or others in the same bed, which can help avoid infants’ choking hazard from being pinned. Keep infants in their own beds.The environmental problem of smokingInfants should not be arranged to sleep in the same bed with an adult just having finished smoking or the mother smoking in pregnancy Some mothers or other family members with the habit of smoking sometimes put the infants in the bed they were smoking minutes ago or the environment with the smell of smoke for little awareness, which may cause infants sudden death for the smoke and infants’ weak resistance .< Mothers shouldavoid smoke exposure during pregnancy and after birth because maternal smoking has been associated with an increased risk of SIDS> (Patricia L. Jackson Allen,MS, RN, PNP, FAANPrimary Care Approaches)The best solution to such problems is to encourage mothers or other family members to try their best to give up the habit of smoking, for they have to take care of the infants for long while smoking does no good either to the health of infants or to the adults’. If that’s impossible, better smoke in the environment far from the infants and not to return to the infants before making sure there is no smoke all over their body or in the infants’ environment. Therefore, offering the infants a safe and comfortable environment with no smoke or drugs can keep them off sudden death and decrease the chance of sudden death.Indoor temperatureSometimes, the indoor temperature is too high or too low ,which in turn cause the infants ‘ body too hot or too cold and even lead to infants sudden death.< SIDS increases in cold weather because parents want to use more blankets to keep their child warm at night> From this point of view we can see that it is bad to protect the babies too much because they will be stifled to death fordisagreeing with the temperature, which is often the case in freezing weather. Inorder to stop such things from happening, we must be careful with thetemperature. If indoors, we must make sure it is not too cold or too hot but moderate. If you feel the temperature is all right, that means it is acceptablefor infants, which can ensure the infants to feel comfortable and warm to makethem have a sound sleep.全部翻译完毕,你抽时间审下哦祝你开心如意! 本回答被网友采纳Tags:crossing over电影,请高手翻译解释一下:Avoi