春天不是读书天 电影,请大家推荐几部欧美的青春校园励志电影!
2020-11-11 12:29电影
简介吐司(这部最推荐,海默主演的)安德的游戏弗莉卡仙境之桥灰姑娘的玻璃手机舞出我人生系列怦然心动社交网络朱诺 请大家推荐几部欧美的青春校园励志电影!...
安德的游戏弗莉卡仙境之桥灰姑娘的玻璃手机舞出我人生系列怦然心动社交网络朱诺 -下面是更多关于春天不是读书天 电影的问答
十六烛 Sixteen Candles (1984)早餐俱乐 The Breakfast Club (1985)七个毕业生 St. Elmo's Fire (1985)校门外 The Sure Thing (1985)深处 Say Anything... (1989)伴行 Stand by Me (1986)校园风 Election (1999)推荐几部欧美励志性的电影吧!是要欧美的!
死亡诗社要被它的名字所困惑,非常这是我转载的一些经典台词。及时行乐,让你命超越凡俗 《船长,我的船长》Oh ,captain ,my captain! 《劝少年们珍惜时光》及时采撷你的花蕾/旧时光一去不回/今天尚在微笑的花朵/明天变得风中枯萎(丁尼生) Gather ye rosebuds while ye may/Old time is still a-flying/And this same flowers that smiles today/Tomorrow will be dying 因为信不信由你,这个房间里的每个人,总有一天都要停止呼吸,僵冷,死亡。我要你们向前到这儿来,细细玩味过去的面孔,你们经过这儿无数次,但从未真正看过他们,和你的差异并不大,对吧?同样的发型,和你们一样精力旺盛,和你们一样不可一世,世界都在他们的掌握之中,他们认为注定要成就大事,和大多数的你们一样,他们的双眼充满了希望,和你们一样。他们是否虚度时光,到最后一无所成?因为各位所见到的……这些男孩现在都已化为尘土了,如果你们仔细倾听,便能听见他们在低声耳语,附耳过去,仔细听,听见了?CARPE..。听见了吗?CARPE... CARPE DIEM 及时行乐,孩子们,让你的生命超越凡俗。 Becuase believe or not, each one of us in this room is one day going to stop breathing, turn cold and die. I'd like you to step forward of you and peruse some of the faces from the past. They're not that different from you , are they? Same haircuts. Full of hormones. Just like you. Invincible just like you fell. The world is their oyster. They belive they're destined for great things, just like many of you, their eyes are full of hope, just like you. Did they wait until it was too late to make from their lives evenone iota of what they were capable? Because, you see gentelman, these boys are now fertilising daffodils. But if you listen real close, you can hear them whisper their legacy to you. Go on, lean in. Listen, you hear it ? Carpe...hear it?...Carpe, carpe diem, seize the day, boys, make your lives extrordinary。 二、诗歌、美丽、浪漫、爱情,才是我们活着的意义。 《英语诗歌五百年》序言:要完全理解诗歌,我们首先必须了解它的格调、韵律、修辞手法,然后提两个问题:第一,诗主题如何艺术地实现;第二,诗主题的重要性。 To fully understand poetry, we must first be fluent with its meter, rhyme and figures of speech, then ask two questions: 1) How artfully has the objective of the poem been rendered and 2) How important is that objective? 我们不是在接水管。We're not laying pipe。 惟有在梦中,人们才是真正自由的。Only in their dreams can men be truly free。 学会自己思考,学会欣赏文学和语言。不管别人怎么说,文学和语言的确能改变世界。 Learn to think for yourselves again. No matter what anybody tells you, words and ideas can change the world。 我们读诗、写诗并不是因为它们好玩,而是因为我们是人类的一分子,而人类是充满激情的。没错,医学、法律、商业、工程,这些都是崇高的追求,足以支撑人的一生。但诗歌、美丽、浪漫、爱情,这些才是我们活着的意义。 We don't read and write poetry because it's cute. We read and write poetry because we are members of the human race. And the human race is filled with passion. And medicine, law, business, engineering -- these are noble pursuits and necessary to sustain life. But poetry, beauty, romance, love -- these are what we stay alive for。 (梭罗)死亡诗人致力于吸取生命的精华。 The Dead Poets was dedicated to "sucking the marrow out of life"。 我们是一群浪漫主义者。我们不仅仅是念诗,诗从我们舌间滑落,就像蜜糖。情绪高涨,女人亢奋,灵魂驰骋。 We weren't a Greek organization. We were Romantics. We didn't just read poetry, we let it drip from our tongues like honey. Spirits soared, women swooned and gods were created。 (梭罗)我步入丛林/因为我希望生活得有意义/我希望活得深刻/吸取生命中所有的精华/把非生命的一切都击溃/以免当我生命终结/发现自己从没有活过 I went to the woods because I wanted to live deliberately. I wanted to live deep and suck out all the marrow of life.To put to rout all that was not life, and not, when I had come to die, discover that I had not lived。 (丁尼生)来吧,我的朋友/寻找更新世界尚为时不晚/我决心已定,要驶过夕阳尽头/尽管我们不再有昔日的伟力,可以震天撼地/我们仍有着,同样的英雄的心/时间和命运,使它衰老/但坚强意志仍在/让我们去奋斗,去探索,去发现/永不屈服 (Alfred Lord Tennyson)Come my friends, 'Tis not too late to seek a newer world for my purpose holds to sail beyond the sunset. And though we are not now that strength which in old days Moved earth and heaven; that which we are, we are;-- One equal temper of heroic hearts, Made weak by time and fate, but strong in will. To strive, to seek, to find, and not to yield。 然后我有了信仰/然后我有了想象/我被他们沉迷的嘲笑所感染/然后我看见刚果河/在黑土地上流过/在森林中划下一道金色的沟壑(语言的节奏感) Then I had religion, then I had a vision. I could not turn from their revel in derision. Then I saw the Congo creeping through the black, cutting through the forest with a golden track。 三、要敢于开拓自己的天地 语言的目的只有一个:交流(学生)追求女人(老师) language was developed for one endeavor, and that is? To communicate...No,to woo women。 站上讲台,用不同的眼光来看待事物。 we must constantly look at things in a different way。 一旦觉得自己懂得,就必须换一种角度来看。这可能显得有些荒唐,或者愚蠢,但必须试一下。同样读书的时候,不要只想作者怎么看,想想你自己怎么看。 Just when you think you know something, you have to look at it in another way. Even though it may seem silly or wrong, you must try! Now, when you read, don't just consider what the author thinks. Consider what you think。 你们必须努力寻找自己的声音,因为你越迟开始寻找,找到的可能性就越小。 Boys, you must strive to find your own voice. Because the longer you wait to begin, the less likely you are to find it at all。 梭罗说“大多数人都生活在平静的绝望中”。别陷入这种境地,冲出来。别像老鼠逃跑似的,看看你的周围,要敢于开拓自己的天地。 Most men lead lives of quiet desperation。(Thoreau)Don't be resigned to that. Break out! Don't just walk off the edge like lemmings。 四、做一个真正的上帝! 对我来说,运动只是一种让其他人把我们推向极致的机会。 For me, sport is actually a chance for us to have other human beings push us to excel。 与逆境不屈抗争,以无畏的气势面对敌人。 Oh to struggle against great odds. To meet enemies undaunted。 做一个世界的水手,游遍所有的港口。 To be a sailor of the world, bound for all ports。 我要做生活的主宰,而不是奴隶。 Oh, I live to be the ruler of life, not a slave。 走上绞刑台,面对行刑的枪口,我息安之如泰。 To mount the scaffolds. To advance to the muzzle of guns with perfect nonchalance。 舞蹈、鼓掌、兴奋、欢叫、跳跃、飘飘荡荡、滚滚向前 To dance, clap hands, exalt, shout, skip, roll on, float on。 哦,让生活从此变成一首欢乐的诗。 Oh, to have life henceforth the poem of new joys。 做一个真正的上帝! To indeed be a god! 五、主题简单无妨,只是不要太俗套 1。爱(诗歌和生活的重要主题) 我在她微笑中看到了甜蜜/她的眼睛闪烁着光芒/但生活如此复杂/我已满意/只要知道/只要知道/她还活着 I see a sweetness in her smile. Blight light shines from her eyes. But life is complete; contentment is mine, Just knowing that... just knowing that she's alive。 2。主题简单无妨,只是不要太俗套 Sometimes the most beautiful poetry can be about simple things. Just don't let your poems be ordinary。 3。惠特曼“站在世界屋脊上,我喊出我野性的狂叫”I sound my barbaric yawp over the rooftops of the world。 一个牙齿流汗的疯子a sweaty-toothed madman。 我闭上眼睛,他的形象在我眼前晃悠I close my eyes. this image floats beside me。 一个牙齿流汗的疯子,瞪得我心怦怦直跳A sweaty-toothed madman with a stare that pounds my brain。 他伸出手,掐信我的脖子His hands reach out and choke me。 他一直在念叨真理all the time he's mumbling.Truth。 真理就像一床总让你双脚冰凉的毯子/你怎么扯,怎么拽,总也不够/踢也好,打也好,它总也盖不住我们/从我们哭着降生/到我们奄奄一息/它只会盖住你的脸/不管你如何痛苦/不管你如何痛苦/如何叫喊 Truth is like, like a blanket that always leaves your feet cold. You push it, stretch it, it'll never be enough. You kick at it, beat it, it'll never cover any of us. From the moment we enter crying to the moment we leave dying, it will just cover your face as you wail and cry and scream。 六、你们用不着表演,完全为你自己。 坚持与从俗不同的信仰的困难。 the difficulty in maintaining your own beliefs in the face of others。 我们都有一种被人接受的需要。但是你必须坚持自己的信仰是独特的是你自己的,哪怕别人认为它们很怪,或者很讨厌,哪怕一群人都说,那太差。 we all have a great need for acceptance. But you must trust that your beliefs are unique, your own, even though others may think them odd or unpopular, even though the herd may go。 罗伯特·弗洛斯特:希望你们也找到自己的路,找到自己的步伐、步调,任何方向,任何东西都行,不管是自负也好,愚蠢也好,什么都行。 I want you to find your own walk right now. Your own way of striding, pacing. Any direction. Anything you want. Whether it's proud, whether it's silly, anything. Gentlemen, the courtyard is yours。 你们用不着表演,完全为你自己。You don't have to perform. Just make it for yourself。 要敢于逆流而上。Swim against the stream。推荐几部欧美励志电影
1,魔法灰姑娘级推 (安妮海瑟薇主演 2,贱女孩〔超级推荐〕(林赛主演) 3,灰姑娘的玻璃手机〔超级推荐〕 4,美人鱼〔超级推荐〕 (里面音乐也很好听) 5,舞出我人生〔超级推荐〕 (励志的!刚出了第二部) 6,录取通知书 7,水瓶座女孩 8,倒霉爱神 (2006林赛罗汉主演) 9,儿女一箩筐 10,冰雪公主〔超级推荐〕 11,我的朋友是明星〔超级推荐〕 12,辣妈辣妹〔超级推荐〕 (林赛罗汉主演) 13,物质女孩〔超级推荐〕 14,疯狂金龟车 (林赛罗汉主演) 15,平民天后〔超级推荐〕 16,公主日记(不用说勒)〔超级推荐〕(还有第二部哟!) 17,歌舞青春〔超级推荐〕[很热的电影!](Ⅰ和Ⅱ都喜欢) 18,律政俏佳人 19,麻辣宝贝〔超级推荐〕 20,恋爱刺客 21,美少女啦啦队〔超级推荐〕 22,12月男孩〔超级推荐〕 (哈利波特演的哟) 23,足球尤物 24,魔法双星 25,超完美男人〔超级推荐〕 25,劲歌飞扬〔超级推荐〕 26,纽约时刻 27,奶牛美女 28,穿PRADA的恶魔〔超级推荐〕 29,天生一对 30,高校天后〔超级推荐〕 31,像乔丹一样 32,牛仔裤的夏天〔超级推荐超感人~〕 33,初恋的回忆〔超级推荐 欣慰~〕 34,甜心辣舞〔超级推荐〕 35,花豹美眉 36,女兵报道 37,女生向前翻〔超级推荐 很立志!〕 38,小姐好辣 39,欧洲任我行 40,留级之王 41,风云才女(希尔顿酒店继承人之一尼克•希尔顿首部主打影片! 这是一部有关大学女生校园生活的喜剧,影片描述大学校园里一群正处于青春叛逆期、蠢蠢欲动的特权阶层少男少女平日里生活的点点滴滴…… 有点点SEX)〔超级推荐I LOVE HILTON SISTERS〕 42,谁领风骚〔超级推荐 女生的可怕和可爱〕 43,SAVED 44,疯狂有理 45,初露锋芒 46,美丽坏宝贝〔超级推荐(很有教育意义)〕 47, 新欢乐满堂 48,几乎正常 49,总统千金欧游记 50,辣妹保镖 51,我爱猫头鹰 52,朋友一场 53,偶像有约 54,彻夜狂欢 55,窈窕美眉 56,第1女儿〔超级推荐〕 57,被拯救者 58,对此承诺〔超级推荐〕 59,魔法保姆 60.对面恶女看过来 61,变装拍档〔超级推荐〕 62,虚拟偶像 63,新丁驾到 64,怪女孩出列〔超级推荐〕 65,一吻定江山 66.篮球兄弟 67,流行教母 68,魅力四射 69,美国甜心 70,超完美夺分〔超级推荐〕 80——86美国派1——6 87,小王子(韩) 88,不设防都市(韩) 89,科洛弗档案 90,十诫 91.恋爱假期(急速推荐) 92.乔治亚法则(林赛罗汉) 93.美女与丑姑(风流女帕里斯希尔顿新作) 94.附注我爱你(新片!唯美爱情) 95.珍妮朱诺(韩国,有关怀孕少女和纯情少男的) 96-100惊声尖笑1-4(美国超级讽刺好莱坞大片大搞笑电影,极力推荐)推荐几部类似电影《一天》的欧美电影,感人的
当幸福来敲门Tags:春天不是读书天 电影,有没有类似春天不是读书天的欧美电影,或