

2020-11-10 17:37结局

简介 《天国的邮递员》讲的是什么...




(以上资料来源 )




还有吻戏哟.. 宽广草原零伫立着邮筒,那是座将信放中传达给天国爱人的传说的邮筒,在众给无法忘怀的爱人充满爱意的信件当中,SAKI(韩孝珠饰)放进邮筒的是对死去的爱人充满怨恨的,一直埋恨死去恋人的SAKI在草原中遇见了YU(金在中饰),其实YU是其他人所看不见的幽灵,因为意外而持续昏睡的YU,上帝赐予他延长2个礼拜死亡,担任天国的邮差,在现实和死去的世界往返SAKI成为YU的助手,希望带给丧失爱人而绝望的人们重生的希望,对爱人的痛苦回忆渐渐淡却的SAKI,喜欢上了YU,然而,治愈SAKI内心的YU究竟会死去或是存活下去?上帝所下的判决是……?两人再次重逢的地方是……?




对于这一点我也很怨念 楼上的亲都已经说了,剩下的你去百度百科里找吧 The extensive wide sky , the sky like the extensive edless stretching width seaside, main central authority has the seat red mailbox in that grasslands。 In extensive grasslands of local in the legend being able to speech be communicated there lonely zero is standing a long time mailbox, that is that the seat puts message inside the mailbox being able to communicate the legend giving New Jerusalem a lover among them just, letter middle being full of Aiyi in a lot of foster son lovers to can't forget, SAKI put into mailbox being is full of enmity's to passed-away lover, Always bury regret dying sweetheart's SAKI has come across YU in grasslands , YU has been the ghost that the person institute is unable to see other in fact, YU because of unexpected but sustained deep slumber, God bestows him the mail carrier who prolongs 2 Sundays death , holds the post of Uranian, before reality and passed-away the world go there and back. SAKI becomes the YU assistant, hope bring to lose a lover but despaired people the regeneration hope, pained at the lover memory is gradually thin but SAKI, has liked YU, but, curing inward YU of SAKI may die after all or survival has got down? That what God moves downwards adjudges is ... ? Two people meets again once again place be ... ? 不是天国的阶梯?
