2020-11-09 01:14电影
简介楼主,我找到你的对词以及720P的绿野仙踪的电影,我先写出几段台词你看是不是,具体的见附件。1 She isn't coming yet, Toto,Did she hurt you?2 She tr 急!!!!!!求电影《绿野仙踪》从开头到《somewhere over the rainbow》之前的所有英语对白台词!...

1 She isn't coming yet, Toto,
Did she hurt you?
2 She tried to, didn't she? Come on,
We'll go tell Uncle Henry and Auntie Em,
64 ...behind the moon...
65 ...beyond the rain....
66 Somewhere, over the rainbow
急!!!!!!求电影《绿野仙踪》从开头到《somewhere over the rainbow》之前的所有英语对白台词!
毕业生保镖泰坦尼克雨中曲希望采纳急!!!!!!求电影《绿野仙踪》从开头到《somewhere over the rainbow》之前的所有英语对白台词!
She isn't coming yet, Toto.200:02:08,242 --> 00:02:09,702Did she hurt you?300:02:09,902 --> 00:02:11,702She tried to, didn't she?400:02:11,952 --> 00:02:15,082Come on. We'll go tellUncle Henry and Auntie Em.500:02:23,502 --> 00:02:24,332Aunt Em600:02:24,712 --> 00:02:25,792Aunt Em!700:02:26,672 --> 00:02:29,052Listen to what Miss Gulchdid to Toto--800:02:29,302 --> 00:02:31,092Dorothy, please!We're counting!900:02:31,302 --> 00:02:34,012-But she hit him---Don't bother us now, honey.1000:02:34,222 --> 00:02:38,812The incubator's gone bad and we'relikely to lose a lot of our chicks.1100:02:39,272 --> 00:02:40,892That poor little thing.1200:02:41,142 --> 00:02:43,812But Miss Gulch hit Toto with a rake...1300:02:44,022 --> 00:02:47,482...because she says he chasesher nasty old cat every day!1400:02:47,732 --> 00:02:49,782--seventy.Dorothy, please!1500:02:50,032 --> 00:02:53,032But he doesn't do it every day!Just once or twice a week.1600:02:53,282 --> 00:02:56,952And he can't catch her old cat anyway.Now she says she'll--1700:02:57,202 --> 00:02:59,162Dorothy! We're busy.1800:03:01,372 --> 00:03:02,582Oh, all right.1900:03:06,542 --> 00:03:08,672-How's she coming?-Take it easy.2000:03:10,382 --> 00:03:11,722You got my finger!2100:03:11,922 --> 00:03:13,932Why don't you get your fingerout of the way?2200:03:14,722 --> 00:03:16,762-There you are.-Right on my finger!2300:03:16,972 --> 00:03:18,642Lucky it wasn't your head!2400:03:18,892 --> 00:03:22,602Zeke, what am l going to do aboutMiss Gulch? Just because Toto--2500:03:22,812 --> 00:03:25,152Listen, honey,l got them hogs to get in.2600:03:25,402 --> 00:03:29,522You ain't using your head.You'd think you didn't have any brains.2700:03:29,782 --> 00:03:31,152l have so got brains!2800:03:31,362 --> 00:03:32,612Why don't you use them?2900:03:32,902 --> 00:03:34,912Don't go by Miss Gulch's place.3000:03:35,112 --> 00:03:38,872Then Toto won't get in her garden,and you won't get in no trouble.3100:03:39,122 --> 00:03:41,832Oh, Hunk, you justwon't listen, that's all.3200:03:42,082 --> 00:03:45,122Well, your head ain't madeof straw, you know.3300:03:48,252 --> 00:03:51,592Get in there before l makea dime bank out of you!3400:03:54,052 --> 00:03:55,302Listen, kid...3500:03:56,802 --> 00:04:00,352...are you gonna let that old Gulchheifer try and buffalo you?3600:04:00,562 --> 00:04:03,682She ain't nothing to be afraid of.Have a little courage.3700:04:03,932 --> 00:04:05,352l'm not afraid of her.3800:04:05,602 --> 00:04:08,482Next time she squawks,walk up to her and spit in her eye.3900:04:08,732 --> 00:04:10,572That's what l'd do.4000:04:15,202 --> 00:04:17,242Help me, Zeke!Get me out of here!4100:04:17,492 --> 00:04:18,372Help!4200:04:21,162 --> 00:04:24,332-Are you all right, Dorothy?-Yes, l'm all right.4300:04:24,622 --> 00:04:27,082l fell in and Zeke--4400:04:28,962 --> 00:04:31,882Why, Zeke, you're justas scared as l am!4500:04:32,132 --> 00:04:35,172You gonna let a little pigmake a coward out of you?4600:04:35,422 --> 00:04:36,262Look at you--4700:04:36,472 --> 00:04:39,472What's all this jabber-wappingwhen there's work to be done?4800:04:39,722 --> 00:04:42,682l know three farm handsthat'll be out of a job!4900:04:42,892 --> 00:04:43,852Dorothy was--5000:04:44,102 --> 00:04:46,232l saw you tinkering withthat contraption, Hickory.5100:04:46,442 --> 00:04:48,982-You and Hunk get back to that wagon.-All right.5200:04:49,232 --> 00:04:51,612But someday they'll erecta statue to me--5300:04:51,862 --> 00:04:54,402Well, don't start posing for it now.5400:04:54,652 --> 00:04:56,992Can't work on an empty stomach.Have some crullers.5500:04:57,242 --> 00:04:59,282-Gosh, Mrs. Gale.-Just fried.5600:04:59,532 --> 00:05:01,452You see, Dorothy toppled into the--5700:05:01,662 --> 00:05:03,832lt's no place for Dorothyaround a pigsty!5800:05:04,082 --> 00:05:07,332Feed those hogs before theyworry themselves into anemia!5900:05:07,582 --> 00:05:11,672Do you know what Miss Gulchsaid she was going to do to Toto?6000:05:11,922 --> 00:05:14,422-She said she'd---Stop imagining things.6100:05:14,672 --> 00:05:18,512You're always in a fret over nothing.You just help us out today...6200:05:18,802 --> 00:05:22,302...and find a place whereyou won't get into any trouble.6300:05:24,852 --> 00:05:27,682Someplace where thereisn't any trouble.6400:05:28,522 --> 00:05:31,482Do you suppose there issuch a place, Toto?6500:05:32,192 --> 00:05:33,612There must be.6600:05:35,652 --> 00:05:39,322lt's not a place you can get toby a boat or a train.6700:05:41,072 --> 00:05:43,532lt's far, far away.6800:05:44,662 --> 00:05:46,332Behind the moon...6900:05:47,292 --> 00:05:48,792...beyond the rain....7000:05:49,502 --> 00:05:54,632Somewhere Over the Rainbow7100:05:56,132 --> 00:05:59,132Way up high7200:06:01,392 --> 00:06:05,932There's a land that I heard of7300:06:06,472 --> 00:06:09,692Once in a lullaby 本回答被提问者和网友采纳over the rainbow 的歌词和中文翻译
Over the rainbow somewhere over the rainbow way up high 在遥远的天上,彩虹的那 there's a land that i heard of once in a lullaby 有一个在摇篮曲中的地方 somewhere over the rainbow skies are blue 天空是蔚蓝的,在彩虹的那一端 and the dreams that you dare to dream really do come true 你的每一个梦想都会变成现实 someday i wish upon a star 我梦想有一天飞到一颗星上 and wake up where the clouds are far behind me 当我醒来,云朵远远的在我身后 where troubles smelled like lemon drops 烦恼就像柠檬糖 way above the chimney tops that's where you'll find me 我就在那烟囱之上的路上 somewhere over the rainbow blue birds fly 兰鸟自由飞翔,在彩虹的那一端 birds fly over the rainbow 鸟儿飞过彩虹 why then, oh why can't i? 为什么我不可以 if happy little blue birds fly beyond the rainbow why, oh why can't i ? 如果快乐的小鸟飞翔在彩虹的边上 为什么我不可以《OVER THE RAINBOW》这首歌的来历?
原唱是 美国乡村音乐的朱迪.加兰 这首歌是第十二届奥斯卡最佳电影歌曲 其他的不晓得了.“Somewhere over the rainbow” 出自哪里?是什么意思?
《Over the Rainbow》(有时被成《Somewhere Over the Rainbow》)是1939年影野仙踪》内首歌曲。 歌曲的旋律,略显;歌词通俗易懂,表达一名10多岁的小女孩渴望逃脱世界「绝望的混乱」,从雨点的悲伤中走向崭新的世界——【彩虹的彼端】翻译过来的意思就是彩虹之上的某个地方,其实就是暗指天堂 本回答被网友采纳求绿野仙踪里的插曲:飞越彩虹的中文歌词,请看下面的详细——
歌名:Over the Rainbow歌手:Israel Kamakawiwo'ole作词:E·Y·哈伯作曲:哈罗德·阿伦woooooo..喔喔喔Somewhere over the rainbow way up high彩虹之上,有个高高的地方And the dreams that you dream of那个仙境Once in a love a by你曾在摇篮曲中梦到oh Somewhere over the rainbow彩虹之上bluebirds fly天空蔚蓝And the dreams that you dream of在那仙境你敢于梦想Dreams really do come true wooo在那仙境你的梦想都会实现Someday you wish upon a star wake up你期待有一天到那星星之上Where the clouds are far behind梦中醒来,白云匍匐在脚下Be where trouble melts like lemon drops一切麻烦迎刃而解High above the chimney top高于烟囱的顶端It ’s where你们将在那儿You find me oh找到我Somewhere over the rainbow彩虹之上bluebirds fly有个青鸟飞翔的地方And the dreams that you dare to青鸟飞跃了彩虹oh why oh why为何Can ’t I...为何我不能?Someday I wish upon a star你期待有一天到那星星之上wake up till the clouds are far behind梦中醒来,白云匍匐在脚下Be where trouble melts like lemon drops.一切麻烦迎刃而解High above the chimney top高于烟囱的顶端That ’s where你们将在那儿You ’ll find me找到我Oh Somewhere over the rainbow way up high彩虹之上,有个青鸟飞翔的地方求Somewhere Over The Rainbow的中文歌词
在彩上,有个很高的 有一块乐土,我曾在摇篮曲中过 在彩虹之上的某个地方,天空是蔚蓝的 只要你敢做的梦,都会实现 有一天,我会对着星星许愿 然后在云远天高的地方醒来 在那里,烦恼像柠檬汁一样溶化 远离烟囱的顶端 你就可以找到我 在彩虹的某个地方,青鸟悠然飞翔 青鸟超过了彩虹 那么,我为何不能? 如果快乐的小青鸟儿 飞过了彩虹 那么,我为何不能?Tags:绿野仙踪电影英文台词,急!!!!!!求电影《绿野仙踪》从开头
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