再造人卡辛 电影,看不懂《再造人卡辛》
2020-11-08 16:00电影
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再造人卡辛电影 里那首英文歌叫什么 求求求!!!!!!!!!!
是不是林檎 -(ステム):There's a door here, but it will not breakThere's a stone there, but it won't remainUp there a heaven now, but it will not waitAnd the lies there, the scent of it, just too muchSo should you,Sow it once and make it grow, the sweet clematisLet it flower, and paint it all of the colors boldInstantly things fall and fade, return to silenceWhy oh why, why does it all feel so sorrowful?Dreams of what is realThere's a breath here, but it will not breakThere's a face there, but it won't remainUp there a heaven now, but it knows no nameAnd the stain is the color of red through redAnd thus,You cannot cry, confuse the lies, try to rememberWhen you rise, you take you steps with a strong desireTime goes by, a breath it comes, like something givenWhy oh why, why have these nightmares not long expiredThe real is but a dreamFrom now on,Should it grow and open full, the sweet clematisFlower bold, but there's no need for rejoicing morePrecious life, this life, just once,it comes just one timeKeep it close, keep it from ever just leaving youCrying tears confusing fears they are no longerWhen I stand I know I'll never be down againNothing that I need now,once it comes just one timeSomehow, somehow, someone, ahEntry Number One再造人卡辛的电影简介
宇多田光的前夫纪里谷和明曾为前妻制作多个音乐录像,才华备受肯定,这位摄影师、音乐录像导演,正全力发展他的电影事业,他首部执导、策划、编剧电影《再造人卡辛》(CASSHERN),斥资50亿日元拍摄,构思时间长达两年,由伊势谷友介、唐泽寿明、麻生久美子及寺尾聪等领衔演出。该片讲述人类大战持续了近50年后,世界分化为亚细亚联邦和欧共体两大阵营。持久战结束后,大亚细亚联邦共和国终于取得了胜利,并统治了欧洲和亚洲的部分大陆,但战利品并不多,而且遗留下很多战争后遗症。比如一些在战场上使用过的上上杀伤性化学武器、细 菌武器、核武器等。这一情形告戒我们拯救人类、拯救社会、拯救世界刻不容缓。在这危急的时刻,东博士提倡“完整的制造出人类所有器官的新造细胞”理论,这在学术会上得到了认可。东博士的爱妻已久病卧床不起,为了把妻子从死神手中夺回来,东博士也必须完成这个研究。终于, 新造人类造出来了,但原本是以拯救人类为目的制造的“新造细胞”到头来却与人类为敌,把人类赶近血的世界。该片最大的卖点就是演员强大的阵容。伊势谷友介、麻生久美子等众多明星加盟出演。宇多田光为支持丈夫的首部电影,特别制作和主唱了主题曲《谁人愿望成真之时》。求再造人卡辛高清版,720P以上,体积不限,格式最好是MKV的 有的话发到邮箱972571627@qq.com 谢谢了
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Tags:再造人卡辛 电影,再造人卡辛电影 里那首英文歌叫什么 求求求