
乔叟,Jonh Milton的英文简介

2020-11-03 23:05结局

简介杰弗雷·乔叟(Geoffrey Chaucer,13431400年10月25日)国小说家、诗人。主要作品有小说集《坎事集》。 Geoffrey Chaucer (1343-1400, October Jonh Milton的英文简介...

杰弗雷·乔叟(Geoffrey Chaucer,13431400年10月25日)国小说家、诗人。主要作品有小说集《坎事集》。 

Geoffrey Chaucer (1343-1400, October 25), British novelist and poet. His main works are the collection of novels, Canterbury Tales.


Chaucer was born into a wealthy business family in London. He had a college education and was familiar with French and Italian. 

In 1357, he began to go to the court, and then he often visited Europe. In Italy, he met Dante, Boccaccio and other works, which affected his later literary creation. 

Chaucer died in London in 1400 and was buried in the "poet's Corner" of Westminster Abbey.


Chaucer is recognized as one of the greatest poets in Medieval England, the founder of English poetry and the "father of English poetry" by later generations.


杰弗里·乔叟(Geoffrey Chaucer,1340年—1400年),英国中世纪著名作家,出生于一个酒商家庭。1359年随爱德华三世的部队远征法国,被法军俘虏,不久以黄金赎回。


代表作:《坎特伯雷故事集》(The Canterbury Tales)其他作品《公爵夫人之书》(Book of the Duchess)、《声誉之宫》(The House of Fame)、《百鸟会议》(The Parliament of Fowles)。

《贤妇传说》(The Legend of Good Women)以及《特洛伊罗斯与克丽西达》(Troilus and Criseyde)。乔叟于1400年10月25日在伦敦逝世,葬于威斯敏斯特教堂里的“诗人之角”。





Chaucer, Geoffrey (jef'rē chô'sur) [key], c.13401400, English poet, one of the most important figures in English literature.


Life and Career

The known facts of Chaucer's life are fragmentary and are based almost entirely on official records. He was born in London between 1340 and 1344, the son of John Chaucer, a vintner. In 1357 he was a page in the household of Prince Lionel, later duke of Clarence, whom he served for many years. In 1359–60 he was with the army of Edward III in France, where he was captured by the French but ransomed.

By 1366 he had married Philippa Roet, who was probably the sister of John of Gaunt's third wife; she was a lady-in-waiting to Edward III's queen. During the years 1370 to 1378, Chaucer was frequently employed on diplomatic missions to the Continent, visiting Italy in 1372–73 and in 1378. From 1374 on he held a number of official positions, among them comptroller of customs on furs, skins, and hides for the port of London (1374–86) and clerk of the king's works (1389–91). The official date of Chaucer's death is Oct. 25, 1400. He was buried in Westminster Abbey.


Early Works

Chaucer's literary activity is often divided into three periods. The first period includes his early work (to 1370), which is based largely on French models, especially the Roman de la Rose and the poems of Guillaume de Machaut. Chaucer's chief works during this time are the Book of the Duchess, an allegorical lament written in 1369 on the death of Blanche, wife of John of Gaunt, and a partial translation of the Roman de la Rose.


Italian Period

Chaucer's second period (up to c.1387) is called his Italian period because during this time his works were modeled primarily on Dante and Boccaccio. Major works of the second period include The House of Fame, recounting the adventures of Aeneas after the fall of Troy; The Parliament of Fowls, which tells of the mating of fowls on St. Valentine's Day and is thought to celebrate the betrothal of Richard II to Anne of Bohemia; and a prose translation of Boethius' De consolatione philosophiae.

Also among the works of this period are the unfinished Legend of Good Women, a poem telling of nine classical heroines, which introduced the heroic couplet (two rhyming lines of iambic pentameter) into English verse; the prose fragment The Treatise on the Astrolabe, written for his son Lewis; and Troilus and Criseyde, based on Boccaccio's Filostrato, one of the great love poems in the English language (see Troilus and Cressida). In Troilus and Criseyde, Chaucer perfected the seven-line stanza later called rhyme royal.


The Canterbury Tales

To Chaucer's final period, in which he achieved his fullest artistic power, belongs his masterpiece, The Canterbury Tales (written mostly after 1387). This unfinished poem, about 17,000 lines, is one of the most brilliant works in all literature. The poem introduces a group of pilgrims journeying from London to the shrine of St. Thomas à Becket at Canterbury. To help pass the time they decide to tell stories. Together, the pilgrims represent a wide cross section of 14th-century English life.

The pilgrims' tales include a variety of medieval genres from the humorous fabliau to the serious homily, and they vividly indicate medieval attitudes and customs in such areas as love, marriage, and religion. Through Chaucer's superb powers of characterization the pilgrims—such as the earthy wife of Bath, the gentle knight, the worldly prioress, the evil summoner—come intensely alive. Chaucer was a master storyteller and craftsman, but because of a change in the language after 1400, his metrical technique was not fully appreciated until the 18th cent. Only in Scotland in the 15th and 16th cent. did his imitators understand his versification.



The best editions of Chaucer's works are those of F. N. Robinson (1933) and W. W. Skeat (7 vol., 1894–97); of The Canterbury Tales, that of J. M. Manly and E. Rickert (8 vol., 1940); of Troilus and Criseyde, that of R. K. Root (1926).

See C. Muscatine, Chaucer and the French Tradition (1960); G. G. Coulton, Chaucer and His England (1950, repr. 1963); M. A. Bowden, A Reader's Guide to Geoffrey Chaucer (1964); G. G. Williams, A New View of Chaucer (1965); M. Hussey et al., Introduction to Chaucer (1965); D. W. Robertson, Jr., Chaucer's London (1968); G. L. Kittredge, Chaucer and His Poetry (1915, repr. 1970); I. Robinson, Chaucer's Prosody (1971) and Chaucer and the English Tradition (1972); P. M. Kean, Chaucer and the Making of English Poetry (2 vol., 1972); D. Brewer, ed., Chaucer: The Critical Heritage (2 vol., 1978); B. Rowland, ed., Companion to Chaucer Studies (1979); D. R. Howard, Chaucer: His Life, His Works, His World (1989). Bibliographies for 1908 to 1953 by D. D. Griffith (rev. ed. 1954) and for 1954 to 1963 by W. R. Crawford (1967). 希望对你助,望采纳,谢谢~~















































literature,  Geoffrey Chaucer

  The birth date of Geoffrey Chaucer is unrecorded (probably during 1342), but by the time that ribald poet and writer died in the year 1400, he was famous enough both to be buried in Westminster Abbey (quite the honor for a commoner) and for the date of his deathOctober 25th—to be remembered. (来源:英语图片 http://photo.englishcn.com)

  Chaucer’s contributions to literature are memorable, but he is cited at only one place in the Unabridged Dictionary, as an example of a now-archaic sense of seek: "to have recourse; make request; apply." Chaucer used seek that way when he wrote "to whom I seek for my medicine." (来源:英语麦当劳-英语杂志 EnglishCN.com)

  We suppose we have no recourse but to share a few Chaucerian observations. Seek your own counsel on the meaning of this: "The greatest scholars are not usually the wisest people," wrote that wise and fun-loving fellow. He also wrote about the wisdom of forbearance in matters of love. "Anger, sickness, or planetary influences, wine, sorrow, or changing of disposition often causes one to do or speak amiss," Chaucer pointed out. "One cannot scold or complain at every word…One cannot be avenged for every wrong." So what is a lover to do? Geoffrey Chaucer believed "[He] who is the most patient in love…has the greatest advantage. Patience…vanquishe[s], as these scholars say, things that rigor would never manage."



  开放分类: 人物、名人

  杰弗雷·乔叟(Geoffrey Chaucer,约1343~1400)英国诗人。他的个人生活是相当丰富的:1357年做宫廷侍童,1359年参加对法作战时被俘,翌年由国王赎回,1361年-1367年在内殿法学协会受训,1366年与王后寝宫的女官结婚,此后多次代表爱德华三世出使欧洲大陆,到过比利时、法国、意大利等国,有机会遇见薄伽丘与彼特拉克,这对他的文学创作产生了很大的影响。1374年,乔叟任伦敦毛皮关税管理员,1382年兼任酒类及其它商品的关税管理员。1385年,乔叟任肯特郡治安法官,第二年被选为该郡骑士代表出席议会下院。1389年理查德亲政后,乔叟又先后担任过王室建筑工程主事和萨默塞特王室森林副主管。乔叟在庇护者失宠期间,被剥夺了官位和年金,经济拮据。他曾写过打油诗《致空囊》给刚登基的亨利四世,申诉自己的贫穷。1400年乔叟逝世,安葬在伦敦威斯敏特斯教堂的“诗人之角”。

  乔叟的诗歌创作分为三个时期:①法国影响时期(1359~1372):主要翻译并仿效法国诗人的作品,创作了《悼公爵夫人》(The Book of the Duchess (1369)),用伦敦方言翻译了法国中世纪长篇叙事诗《玫瑰传奇》等。②意大利影响时期(1372~1386):诗人接触了资产阶级人文主义的进步思想。这一时期的创作如《百鸟会议》、《特罗伊勒斯和克莱西德》(Troilus and Criseyde (c. 1385))、《好女人的故事》,反映了作者面向生活现实的创作态度和人文主义观点。③成熟时期(1386~1400):乔叟在这最后15年里从事《坎特伯雷故事集》的创作。无论在内容和技巧上都达到他创作的顶峰。他首创的英雄双韵体为以后的英国诗人所广泛采用,被誉为“英国诗歌之父”。



  乔叟在他生活的最后十五年进行了《坎特伯雷故事集》 (The Canterbury Tales(1387-1400))的创作。这是他最杰出的作品。





  杰弗里·乔叟(Geoffrey Chaucer,1340年—1400年),英国中世纪著名作家,出生于一个酒商家庭。1359年随爱德华三世的部队远征法国,被法军俘虏,不久以黄金赎回。乔叟当过国王侍从,出使许多欧洲国家,两度访问意大利,发现了但丁、薄伽丘和彼特拉克的作品,对他的文学创作起了极大的作用。代表作:《坎特伯雷故事集》(The Canterbury Tales)其他作品《公爵夫人之书》(Book of the Duchess)、《声誉之宫》(The House of Fame)、《百鸟会议》(The Parliament of Fowles)、《贤妇传说》(The Legend of Good Women)以及《特洛伊罗斯与克丽西达》(Troilus and Criseyde)。乔叟于1400年10月25日在伦敦逝世,葬于威斯敏斯特教堂里的“诗人之角”。乔叟的死因不明,可能是被谋杀,英国的中世纪研究专家特里·琼斯曾出了一本书《谁谋杀了乔叟?》。


(来源:英语麦当劳 http://www.EnglishCN.com)

本回答被网友采纳 The original plan:

Chaucer originally planed to write 120 stories, 2 for each pilgrim to tell on the way to Canterbury and 2 more on the way back. But he actually completed only 22, though there are 2 more existed in fragments. The work was probably first conceived in 1386, when Chaucer was living in Greenwich, some miles east of London. From his house he might have been able to see the pilgrim road that led toward the shrine of the famous English saint, Thomas a Becket, the Archbishop of Canterbury who was murdered in his cathedral in 1170. Medieval pilgrims were notorious tale tellers, and the sight and sound of the bands riding toward Canterbury may well have suggested to Chaucer the idea of using a fictitious pilgrimage as a "frame" for a number of stories. This practice was common in the later period of the Middle Ages. Boccaccio had told 100 tales in his Decameron, each of the ten characters told a story a day for ten days. Another Italian, Gioanni Sercambi, had placed a series of stories in the mouth of the leader of a group of persons journeying on horseback. But it seems that Chaucer was unaware of the Italian precedents; his artistic exploitation of the device is altogether his own.

The structure:

The Canterbury Tales is not merely a collection of stories strung together by some loose thread, as was the general practice for some European writers of the late Middle Ages and early Renaissance to assemble a rather large group of tales into a single work of some magnitude, but Chaucer creates in the "General Prologue" a whole gallery of vivid characters from all walks of life and then assigns to each of them some appropriate tale shedding light on the respective narrator's distinctive personality, and then in the separate "prologues" to some of the tales, and in the "links" that link up some of the tales, the author makes further efforts to show the interplay between the characters as well as their respective traits and idiosyncrasies. Thus the total effect of the poem as a whole is a comprehensive picture of the social reality of the poet's day, especially since the pilgrims portrayed include men and women of all different professions, the high and the low, the lay and the clerical, the learned and the ignorant, the roguish and the upright, all excepting the very highest (i.e. the king and the top nobility) and lowest (i.e. the very poor laboring folk) in social rank at the time.

Characters included are:

(1) the monastic orders which include a rich monk, a friar, a prioress with her chaplain, a nun and three priests; (2) the secular clergy which include a parson, a pardoner and a summoner, to be joined by a canon and his yeoman devoted to alchemy; (3)the upper rung on the social ladder includes a knight, a squire, and a yeoman, a wealthy franklin, a doctor, a lawyer, and an Oxford scholar; (4) the trade which is represented by a merchant and a shipman; (5) the burgesses or freemen which include a haberdasher, a carpenter, a weaver, a dyer, a tapestry-maker, a cook, and the Wife of Bath; (6) the rural dwellers which include a miller, a reeve, a manciple and a plowman.

The merits

The merits of the 24 tales are of unequal merits. Taken as a whole they represent practically the whole range of literary genres in medieval and early Renaissance Europe, embracing minstrelcy, chivalric romances, fabliaux, lays, legends, legendary epic sagas, animal epics, mythology, moral allegories and sermons. Though Chaucer did not always succeed in his experiments with all the different popular literary media of the day, he certainly had wide interest in numerous literary traditions and innovations not alone in England but also on the Continent of Europe.


乔叟的《坎特伯雷故事集》不是本短篇小说甚至让一群人中每人个故事这种形式也不是什么新主意。在卜伽丘十日谈》中就有十个人,为了躲避1348年在佛罗伦萨肆虐的温疫逃到城郊的庄园。他们就是通过讲故事来消磨时间的。 《坎特伯雷故事集》中也有一群人,每个人讲述一个故事。我们不仅对故事本身感兴趣,而且对讲述故事的人也感兴趣。他们中的每个人都是真实的。乔叟在引言中把他们一一作了介绍。然后,我们又在故事中与他们相识。很快,我们就觉得对他们每个人都有所了解。

乔叟(约1343—1400) 英国诗人。伦敦酒商的儿子。十几岁起进入宫廷当差。1359年随爱德华三世的部队远征法国,被法军俘虏,不久赎回。乔叟与宫廷往来密切,当过廷臣、关税督察、肯特郡的治安法官、郡下议院议员。他曾因外交事务出使许多国家和地区,到过比利时、法国、意大利等国,有机会遇见薄伽丘与彼特拉克,这对他的文学创作产生了很大的影响。乔叟在庇护者失宠期间,被剥夺了官位和年金,经济拮据。他曾写过打油诗《致空囊》给刚登基的亨利四世,申诉自己的贫穷。1400年乔叟逝世,安葬在伦敦威斯敏特斯教堂的“诗人之角”。








































《坎特伯雷故事集》的艺术成就很高,远远超过了以前同时代的英国文学作品,是英国文学史上现实主义的第一部典范。作品将幽默和讽刺结合,喜剧色彩浓厚,其中大多数故事用双韵诗体写成,对后来的英国文学产生了影响。人物形象鲜明,语言生动活泼。乔叟用富有生命力的伦敦方言进行创作,也为英国文学语言奠定了基础。他首创的英雄双韵体为以后的英国诗人所广泛采用,因而乔叟被誉为“英国诗歌之父”。 s

Tags:乔叟,乔叟英文简介,Jonh Milton的英文简介