2020-11-01 05:30结局
简介n.arrivalv. arrive, get to, reach, compass安全到达arrive safely 到达arrive on time 你必须按时到达那里。You must be 到达北京翻译...
n.arrivalv. arrive, get to, reach, compass安全到达arrive safely 到达arrive on time 你必须按时到达那里。You must be there on time. 到达顶点come to a head 到达饥饿点reach the point of starvation 昨天到达北京。They arrived in Beijing yesterday. 定于今天四点十五分到达。The plane is due at 4:15 this afternoon. 他定于明日到达伦敦。He is due in London tomorrow. 我们能否按时到达北京?Can we arrive in Beijing on time or not? 途中遇事耽搁,故未能按期到达。I was held up on the way and so I was late. 代表团明晨或可到达。The delegation may arrive tomorrow morning. 他们经历过数不尽的艰难险阻才到达目的地。They encountered untold difficulties and dangers before they reached their destination. 代表们陆续到达。The delegates arrived one after another. 我期待他4点钟到达。I anticipate his arrival at four o’clock. 他到达时我恰好在车站上。I happened to be at the station when he arrived. 你千万要按时到达那里。You must be there on time. 警察到达时集会就散了。The party broke up when the police arrived. 虽然经过长途旅行,乔迪到达的时候仍然显得神采奕奕。In spite of the long trip, Jody arrived looking as if she had come out of a bandbox. 他随时都可能到达。He may arrive any instant. 你务必要按时到达那里。You must be there on time. 经理将按(到达)先后次序接见这些应征者。The manager will interview the candidates in order of arrival. 先期到达have arrived at an earlier date 你到达后给我来个信儿。Please send me word of your arrival. 你开车来也好,乘火车来也好,但必须准时到达。Whether you drive or take the train, you must be here on time. 当我到达时,他业已走了。He had gone when I arrived. 他们一行5人昨天到达北京。The five of them arrived in Beijing yesterday. 这事发生在他到达以前。It happened prior to his arrival. 飞机正点到达。The plane arrived on time. 火车准时到达。The train arrived on schedule. 完好货物到达定价净值net arrived sound value 他们在日出前到达了山顶。They reached the summit of the mountain before sunrise. 我们顺着这条山道到达顶峰。We got to the top along this mountain path. 他已经平安到达。He’s arrived safely. 我们必须在黎明前到达那里。We must get there by dawn. 我们要尽快到达目的地。We should arrive at our destination as soon as possible. 傍晚我们到达了一个荒凉的村庄。At dusk we arrived at a bleak and desolate village. -
arrive ; get to ; reach ; come ; fetch arrive生词本 高频词定要记住哦!英 [ə'raɪv] 美 [əˈraɪv] vi. ,来;发生 网 络 到达; ; 达到; 到达到达抵达 过去式:arrived 过去分词:arrived 现在分词:arriving 第三人称单数:arrives get to生词本 英 [ɡet tu:] 美 [ɡɛt tu] reach生词本 高频一定要记住哦!英 [ri:tʃ] 美 [ritʃ] v. 到达,走到;够…,抓…;完成 n. 手脚能够到的范围;范围,区域;影响的范围,管辖的范围 网 络 到达率; 达到; 到达; 及过去式:reached 过去分词:reached 现在分词:reaching 第三人称单数:reaches come生词本 高频词,一定要记住哦!英 [kʌm] 美 [kʌm] vi. 来;开始;出现;发生 vt. 做;装扮…的样子;将满(…岁) int. 嗨! 网 络 来; 到; 得出; 来到 过去式:came 过去分词:come 现在分词fetch生词本 中频词,你记住了吗?英 [fetʃ] 美 [fɛtʃ] vt. 接来(某人);使发出;吸引;售得(若干价钱) vi. 抵达,到达;取来;卖得(好价钱) n. 拿取,拿来;诡计;风浪区 网 络 中取; 风浪区; 提取; 接来 过去式:fetched 过去分词:“到达"英语翻译
get to
arrive at
arrive in
1.get 2.reach 3.arrive 用法
一、 *arrive*是不及物动词,表示“到达、抵达某地(尤指行程的终
点),后常接介词at 或in,一般in接大地方,at接小地方,若是地点副词,
Do you know what time the plane *arrive* in Moscow?
They arrived at the station at 8 this morning.
Her mother saw her when she arrived home
二、 *reach*是及物动词,直接接宾语,无须介词,和*arrive*一样,属
When she reached home,her mother asked,“Have you got
They reached Beijing on February 17.
三、 和*arrive*一样,*get*也是不及物动词,只是它多用于口语,其后接的介
I *get* to school at about 7:30 every day,and I *get* home
at 5:00 in the afternoon..
Have we got to the zoo yet?
The visitors got there last night.
“格林先生昨晚抵达武汉”可以说:Mr Green arrived in /got to/reached
Wuhan last night.
抵达Arrive get there 或 reach there 或 arrive there arrive there 对应的英语翻译:Arrive there about in three days or so.或者:It takes about three days or so to arrive.. 我将会届时到达的翻译是:什么意思I will arrive at the appointed time reach+某地arrive in +某地arrive at+某地 arrive.in BeijingTags:黎明前到达,到达,翻译,到达北京翻译
三个家庭组成了一个大家庭,他们陪楼志军一起来到北京,在天安门前拍照片,然后就结束了 养父苦了一辈子到... -
唐1983年12月6日[1] 出生于上海市黄浦区籍浙江省宁波市,中地女演员。2006年毕业于戏剧学院表演系本科班。2... -
《无心法师》是搜狐和影视联合出品,改编自作者尼罗作品的奇幻剧,由李国立任总监制,林玉芬、高林豹共同执... -