毕业生电影原著 英文,电影《毕业生》的英文名 插曲有几个 都是什
2020-10-31 02:55电影
简介After a successful stint away at an eastern college, twenty-one year old Benjamin Braddock returns t 电影《毕业生》的英文名 插曲有几个 都是什么 要英文的...
After a successful stint away at an eastern college, twenty-one year old
Benjamin Braddock returns to his parents' Los Angeles area home a graduate. Although the world should be his oyster, Ben is instead in a state of extreme anxiety as he has no idea what to do with his life, which is made all the more difficult since everybody asks him what he plans on doing or tells him what he should do. In his confused state during which he would rather be alone to wallow in self-pity, he is easy prey for the aggressive Mrs. Robinson, the wife of his father's business partner who he's known all his life and who seduces him. Thinking about and then eventually succumbing to her advances only adds to his anxiety and confusion as he hides what they're doing from the rest of the world, and as he needs more than just sex in a relationship, sex which is all she wants from him. His confusion is lessened but his life becomes more complicated when he is reacquainted with Elaine Robinson, the Robinsons' daughter who too is home from college at Berkeley and who he has not seen since high school. Despite a rocky start directed largely by the wants of Mrs. Robinson, Ben and Elaine start to fall for each other. In this complicated situation, Ben has to try to figure out how at least to start to strive for what he believes should be that successful post-graduate life. 来源:IMDB -下面是更多关于毕业生电影原著 英文的问答
http://www.mtime.com/movie/13910/很全的资料 概 详细 图片 演职 上映日期 幕后/花絮都有了^_^。谁知道电影《毕业生》的主要内容?
整部电为母女通吃加上反战和大学生途迷茫的问题在这里升华 因此才拿下当斯卡奖记得在贴吧里讨论过这个问题 Elian的父母和参加婚礼的人的无声呐喊 代表了什么什么的 貌似是自私 不负责 只考虑自己不顾及别人的意思 ,比如她老妈可以追求性福跟ben做 就不同意自己的女儿 她老爸跟老婆关系不好可以忍受老婆跟ben做(后来知道的),但不允许女儿的幸福,以此来表明当时的美国人只注重越战是不对的 但没考虑士兵的心情, 还有就是想当然的规划大学生(ben)的前途 ,却不看重他对社会的看法。。。。。。说的不太清 最好去贴吧看看用十字架封住教堂的大门 很有寓意的。。就像是《飞越疯人院》里边土著人拿着代表纯洁正义的冲水器(WC里出水的那个)砸破(正义的医治病人的精神病医院)监狱式的窗户 都是差不多的意思 。。。这不仅仅是那一代的反叛 还有对生活的挣扎在公交车上两人喜极而视 是一种对亲人的无奈 他们不知道这样做事对是错 但是为了自己的人生自己的未来不得不这样做 整个电影一开始就为表现达斯汀霍夫曼的而插放保罗西蒙 寂静之声 和犹豫的 斯卡布罗集市 还有在影片中溺水 以及偷情 ben整部电影都没笑过 只有结尾真正开心的笑了。。。。。 确切的说,那是一个时代或当时社会的缩影。电影是在70年代末拍摄的,很清晰的反应那个社会里普遍存在的社会问题实质:迷茫的一代。同时期的电影还有《午夜牛郎》,同样也是达斯丁霍夫曼的作品。也是反应当时年轻一代的迷茫。追求迷失,不知道命运在什么方向,或者说诱惑让他们失去了理智!评价一部电影或是小说都要联系当时的社会背景,当时的社会就是那样的,所以从某种意义上说,它是一部很经典的电影!像是最近的《贫民窟中的百万富翁》一样,反应社会的问题! 本回答被网友采纳电影小黄人的英文简介
Minions is a 2015 3D computer-animated family comedy film, and a prequel/spin-off to the Despicable Me franchise. Produced by Illumination Entertainment for Universal Pictures, it was directed by Pierre Coffin and Kyle Balda, written by Brian Lynch, and produced by Chris Meledandri and Janet Healy. The film stars Coffin (as the Minions), Sandra Bullock, Jon Hamm, Michael Keaton, Allison Janney, and Steve Coogan, and is narrated by Geoffrey Rush. It was first foreshadowed in the end credits of Despicable Me 2, where Stuart, Kevin, and Bob, three of the Minions, are seen auditioning for the film. 追问内容简介追答
Minions Stuart, Kevin and Bob are recruited by Scarlett Overkill, a super-villain who, alongside her inventor husband Herb, hatches a plot to take over the world.追问
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