音乐剧 电影之歌,音乐剧<电影之歌>
2020-10-29 23:06电影
简介在线观话,在百度搜索“the sound of music”,就来一大堆视频光电影,舞台版,比如youku:http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XNjg4Mzk0NTY=.htm 音乐剧<电影之歌>...

在线观话,在百度搜索“the sound of music”,就来一大堆视频光电影,舞台版,比如youku:
http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XNjg4Mzk0NTY=.html下载歌曲的话 我是推荐电驴的:http://www.verycd.com/topics/12298/ -下面是更多关于音乐剧 电影之歌的问答
Uh huh, this my shit All the girls stomp your feet like thisA few times I've been around that trackSo it's not just gonna happen like thatCause I ain't no hollaback girlI ain't no hollaback girl[2x]Oooh, this my Shit , this my Shit [4x]I heard that you were talking shitAnd you didn't think that I would hear itPeople hear you talking like that, getting everybody fired upSo I'm ready to attack, gonna lead the packGonna get a touchdown, gonna take you outThat's right, put your pom-poms down, getting everybody fired upA few times I've been around that trackSo it's not just gonna happen like thatCause I ain't no hollaback girlI ain't no hollaback girl[2x]Oooh, this my Shit , this my Shit [4x]So that's right dude, meet me at the bleachersNo principals, no student-teachersBoth of us want to be the winner, but there can only be oneSo I'm gonna fight, gonna give it my allGonna make you fall, gonna sock it to youThat's right, I'm the last one standing, another one bites the dust音乐剧《电影之歌》所有歌曲的歌词...我知道都有哪些歌,但是找不到歌词,有谁有相关的链接什么的
凉拌炒鸡蛋!~哈哈!~Tags:音乐剧 电影之歌,在哪里可以看到音乐剧《电影之歌》?又在哪里