

2020-10-28 04:17结局

简介有7首:Carmella (Four Tet Remix) by Beth Orton:(Opening Scenes) Bailey walks her son around the hospi 实习医生格蕾第四季大结局时的歌...


Carmella (Four Tet Remix) by Beth Orton

:(Opening Scenes) Bailey walks her son around the hospital. The Chief hangs something up on the bulletin board. Meredith talks with her therapist about fantasies involving Derek kissing her.

Only Yesterday by Taken By Trees

场景:When the marine was dying

Brighter Hour by The Submarines

Like a Virgin by Madonna

场景:Cristina sings as she harvests cadaver hearts in the morgue.

Mansard Roof by Vampire Weekend

场景:George tries to collect the sexual relations forms from everyone at lunch. Rose shows up and whispers that she needs one after all and everyone worries about Meredith's reaction, but she claims that everything is okay. Lexie tells Meredith that Cristina is acting strangely. Alex forgets to put Lexie on his sexual relations form and she freaks out about it.

Know When to Walk Away by Jay Clifford

Good Arms Vs. Bad Arms by Frightened Rabbit



在《实习格蕾》第四季充斥着实习医生跟主治医生、护士生,甚至患者跟医生之间的性爱场面。上世纪六七十年代,美国医药协会曾专门设立一个审查医务剧的机构,为了保证医务人员的形象,他们甚至有改编剧本的权力。不过,这个机构很快就退出了历史舞台。如今剧中对医务人员的刻画,若放在当时那个年代,估计能让美国医药协会中最开放的成员都气得口喷鲜血。原因很大程度上跟这部剧的编剧是个家庭主妇而非专业的医务人员有关(羊城晚报评 )。

Off I Go - Greg Laswell 补充:看成第五季最后一集了。囧 第五集的是Live Like You’re Dying – Lenka _Sükιé 哎 他们就是这样 他们两个觉得跟对方在一起太复杂了 需要点时间不见对方 其实去射手网下载个英字幕就好了,不中文的可以文字幕盖掉

