电影 英雄 英文版,电影‘英雄’的内容简介
2020-10-27 14:38电影
简介 电影‘英雄’的内容简介...

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电影 英雄 英文简介
1.长The late Warring States period, the three state-owned Zhao Ming Zhen Shaquille world, they are: "sky", "Can Jian", "snow." Because they, the King of Qin decade, a quiet night sleep. But they are an unknown, unknown by the name of the Qin swordsman killed. The news excited the King of Qin, Shang Dian Ji Zhao unknown meet. In the main hall of the King of Qin, the mysterious burning candles, and the king of the unknown, only ten steps away, unknown to kill the sky, Can Jian, snow Weiweidaolai story: He took advantage of three between the love-hate Relations, the collapse of their forces to break all there to win. Qin can be witty man, listen to a story of unknown flaws, tell another story to say: Can Jian, and so is the initiative for three defeats have given their lives, desperate measure to help Shangdian unknown, unknown is the real most dangerous The assassin, and the King of Qin to tell the Unknown: he wrong one, that is, Can Jian. So the real story of starting from scratch and Syria ... ... Finally, to take up the sword unknown at this time, he is only ten steps from the King of Qin, his skills are "ten steps to kill one."2.比较短的Warring States Period, Qin ambition to annex the six countries, six countries are determined assassin to kill the King of Qin. Among Canjian, snow, the sky is the King of Qin scourge. With Shaquille three unknown paternity Canjian add, say, so delicate that they will break one by one, the reward was in the audience with ten steps of the King of Qin and out the circumstances surrounding the incident. But Qin did not agree more slowly out of the three unknown assassin stands to lose out under the sword of another version ... ...英语作文以电影《英雄》为例写一篇电影梗概
The AvengersNick Fury is director of S.H.I.E.L.D, an international peace keeping agency. The agency planned a program called the Avengers Iniatiative containing awesome Marvel Super Heroes: Iron Man, The Incredible Hulk, Thor, Captain America, Hawkeye and Black Widow. When global security is threatened by Loki and his cohorts, Nick Fury and his team needed all their powers to save the world from disaster. However, even in the face of danger, the team of strangers could not bear one another. Motivated by the death of a colleague and friend, the heroes fortunately pulled together and finally started to really work as a team, enabling them to defeat Loki and save the Earth. 本回答被网友采纳电影‘英雄’的内容简介
战国末期六国征秦国最强,秦始(陈道明)也就成了各国的敌人。大侠无名(李)、残剑(梁朝伟)、飞雪(张曼玉)、如月(章子怡)、长空(甄子丹)都要刺杀秦王。残剑在知道了秦王一统天下的大志后,为了天下苍生的安宁,放弃了刺杀秦王的机会。在长空、飞雪、残剑的帮助下,来自秦国的无名获得了离秦始皇只有十步之遥的机会——无名最厉害的剑术是“十步一杀”。在为秦始皇讲述了他是如何杀死三位大侠的故事后,无名拔剑刺向秦王。究竟结果如何? 导 演:张艺谋 主 演:李连杰 饰无名 梁朝伟 饰残剑 张曼玉 饰飞雪 陈道明 饰秦王 章子怡 饰如月 甄子丹 饰长空剧情介绍 战国后期,兵火纷扰、群雄并起。先后盛极一时的七雄中,惟有秦国雄霸一方。为了对抗的吞并,六国各地,一直在上演着不同的刺秦故事 剧情解密:“无名”英雄的刺秦之旅 和大家熟悉的刺秦英雄荆柯不同,《英雄》主角是四个符号化的人物:残剑、飞雪、无名、如月,分别由梁朝伟、张曼李连杰、章子怡扮演。不但他们的名字只是个象征符号,连陈道明扮演的秦王本人也没有名字。片中他既不叫嬴政也不叫二世,他就叫“秦王”。 影片开头字幕交代了这一悲壮故事的背景:“战国后期,兵火纷扰、群雄并起。先后盛极一时的七雄中,惟有秦国雄霸一方。为了对抗的吞并,六国各地,一直在上演着不同的刺秦故事 ”残剑、飞雪、如月三人联合起来刺杀秦王,但都以失败身亡。最后只有无名获得了秦王的信任,打入秦宫内部。但就在无名接近秦王决定下手时,他却改变了主意。因为他发现,自己试图刺杀的国王其实也是一位“英雄”。 许多人拿《英雄》和李安的《卧虎藏龙》做比较,但从记者接触到的剧本内容和现场观摩感受看,《英雄》显然已不仅仅是部武侠,更像是张艺谋讲给西方人听的东方英雄童话:这里有比《卧虎藏龙》更惊心的宫廷刺杀、更浓郁的历史烟尘,肯定会让西方人兴奋不已。但它到底多大程度上能引起东方人的共鸣现在还是未知数。 造型解密:红衣少女与黑装秦俑 色彩一向是张艺谋运用极为娴熟的电影语言。这次,象征激情的纯红、象征生命的纯绿和象征死亡的纯黑构成了《英雄》的三原色。而担任人物造型设计的据说是一个韩国籍设计师。 记者密访服装间和化妆间后发现,片中主要角色均着纯色服装,配纯色装饰,极富个性。其中张曼玉、梁朝伟着翠绿纱衫,章子怡着洋红纱衫,李连杰则全身黑色秦佣装。不同的颜色似乎也暗示了四位主角的不同命运。 章子怡的头饰、服装、腰带均为纯红色,只有领口和衣带上有一组花纹,线条是非常的简洁。李连杰则全身均为黑色:黑冠带、黑发额、黑盔袍、黑剑盾,活脱脱一个秦代兵佣。 置景解密:150万元搭建宫室棋馆 横店共有一大一小两个摄影棚,现在这里已经搭建起了两座恢弘的建筑:秦王宫室和漏顶棋馆。包括刺秦、论棋、比剑等重头戏都将在这里拍摄。 搭建在大摄影棚的漏顶棋馆共计81个亭子,是国内最庞大的室内建筑群。其漏顶设计更是堪称神来之笔。按照张艺谋的构想,这两处重头戏的色调上将有鲜明对比,一处以古红色调为主,一处以青灰色调为主。据现场工作人员介绍,仅搭建这两处场景就耗资近150万元。 投资3000万美元的《英雄》是国内有史以来投资最大的电影,杜可风摄影,程小东任武术设计,服装设计是黑泽明电影的服装师、来自日本的和田惠美,演员有李连杰、梁朝伟、张曼玉、章子怡、甄子丹、陈道明等,阵容之强大在国内无人可及 你是不是说的这个。求电影英雄的英文介绍.要导演.剧情什么的.请自己写不要给我搜索粘贴.这是作文.请写的短小精湛点
In the movie Jenny's forrest gump from good friend, her life has certain tragedy color, she lost on the stoop, finally because drug infection AIDS (AIDS) and death (drug with many people share a syringe and infection). But her own also reflects a trend of the history of the United States.First, Jenny's personality formation, decisive point is she young was drinking father abused experience. If you skim over Freud's books, to psychoanalysis understanding of words, will know, childhood experience is will become unconscious, and or so of the person subconscious. In fact, Jenny later in reverse to male movement, and is the cause. 本回答被网友采纳英文影片的英文简介
片名:窃听风云领衔主演:刘青云 古天乐 吴特别演出:张静初 方中信 王敏德友情演出:林嘉华 李子雄 陈伟霆主演:欧锦堂 陆诗韵 朱慧敏 方平 骆应钧 高科技侦讯揭秘香港股市“黑暗”内幕,个人贪念引爆金融界山崩地裂!全球金融市值一度超越二十万亿的香港证券市场,是地球上最重要资金集中地!市场气势旺盛,交投炽热。引来不少金融大鳄的觊觎,在法律空隙中钻营灰色地带,图以分一杯羹。其中头号目标是有绰号“老板”(王敏德饰)之称的幕后黑手!警方调查上市公司“风华国际”涉嫌内幕交易案,成立行动代号为“追风”窃听小组全力侦察。 窃听精英梁俊义 (刘青云饰)是小组的主管,行动中他与同袍老警员杨真(古天乐饰)、新扎师兄、网络天才林一祥(吴彦祖饰),负责监听“风华国际”几个高层人员的办公室及会议室里的电话系统。三人小组乔装进入“风华国际”,巧妙地布置下各种偷听及监视仪器的疑阵,展开窃听行动。 一次偶然的机会,三人从窃听仪器中,窃听到“风华国际”几个高层人员正计划将公司股价,从0.2港元钱炒高至1.2元。因为个人私欲,三人决定对上司隐瞒消息,然后在股票市场下注,赚下这笔意外之财,却不料,螳螂捕蝉黄雀在后,三人的这次秘密行动早已落入他人的观测之中……Title: eavesdropping Fengyun Starring: Daniel Wu Louis Koo Lau Ching-wan Special performances: Michael Wong Messers Alex Zhang Jingchu Friendly show:林嘉华Mr Lee Chi-hung陈伟霆 Starring: Roger锦堂European poetry should rhyme朱慧敏Fangping Jun Luo Secret Investigation of high-tech Hong Kong stock market "dark" insider, personal financial greed山崩地裂off! Once the global financial market of Hong Kong's securities market exceeded 20 trillion is the world's most important concentration of funds! Strong market momentum, market hot. Soros has attracted some of the coveted market skills gap in the legal gray area, plans to share. Number one goal of which is nicknamed "the boss" (Michael Wong decoration) is called behind! Police investigation of listed companies "Fenghua international" suspected insider trading case, the establishment of operation, code named "Wind" group to detect eavesdropping. Tapping the elite梁俊义(Lau Ching-wan decoration) is a group of managers, operations officers, he and colleague Dr really old (Louis Koo ornaments), Moving Targets, networking genius Xiang Lin (played Daniel Wu), is responsible for monitoring "Fenghua International" for several a high-level conference room of the office and the telephone system. Into the three-member team, posing as "Fenghua International", cleverly arranged under the various eavesdropping and surveillance equipment,疑阵start tapping action. By chance, three instruments from eavesdropping, wire-tapping to the "elegance international" is planning a number of senior officers of the company stock price, the Hong Kong dollar money through improper means from 0.2 to 1.2. Personal desires, the three decided to hide the news boss, and then place bets in the stock market, to make under this windfall, but unexpectedly, mantis oriole in the post-catch cicadas and three of the covert operations already fall into the hands of others Observation of ... ...英文电影的英语介绍
《阿甘正电影介绍:In the sky, a feather Piaowu wind, drifting across treetops, fly blue sky ... ... And finally, it fell on the feet of Gan Forrest, Forrest Gump sitting on a bench on the state of Alabama, watching is not Jedi tell the story of his life -- Forrest Gump was born shortly after World War II in the United States, Alabama, an isolated southern town, He was born with mental retardation, IQ of only 75, but his mother was a strong female character, she let her son and others like normal life, She often encourages Forrest Gump, "stupid people have stupid blessing" to make him self-reliance. And God has not abandoned the Forrest Gump, Forrest Gump, he not only given a pair walked quickly like a champ of the "Scud", but also gave him a simple upright, no longer exists the slightest evil thoughts mind. In the school, Jenny Agan met with the blond girl, since then, in the mother and Jenny's love, the Gump began his life of running non-stop. In middle school, students in pursuit of Forrest Gump to escape but ran into a school football field, and thus ran into the university. At the university, he was admitted an exception, and became a football star, has been an audience with President John F. Kennedy. After graduating from college, in a recruit's support and encouragement, Agam candidates took part in the Vietnam War. In one battle, his unit in an ambush, I heard the withdrawal order, Agam remembered Jennifer's orders, Satuijiupao, his Scud saved his life. In the Vietnam War, the Agam paid two friends: keen shrimp buba and awesome Deng Captain Taylor. After the war, Forrest Gump as a hero by an audience with President Johnson. At a peace rally, Gump has met Jennifer, but Jennifer has degenerated, and led a dissolute life. Forrest Gump has been in love with Jenny, but Jenny does not love him. They parted hastily rushed encounter. As a ping-pong diplomacy envoy, Agam has also participated in table tennis competitions in China, and Sino-US relations legislation has achieved. In the "say we should do" this doctrine, under the guidance of a Forrest Gump finally finally found his own sky. He taught, "Elvis Presley" Elvis Pulaisili study dance; to help John Lennon writing songs; in the turbulent civil rights movement, he collapsed in a hair-trigger large-scale ethnic conflicts; he even inadvertently forcing the thief sneaked into the Watergate building into custody, eventually leading to President Nixon's downfall. Because the "stupid people have stupid fu", Agam has also made a fortune in strange combination of circumstances to become a billionaire. The Forrest Gump reluctant to fame and fortune are tired, and he has done a gardener. Gump often miss Jenny, but at this time Jenny has long been led astray and are in despair. Finally one day, Jennifer back, she and Forrest Gump lived together for some time in the day, night, Jennifer Forrest Gump put the arms, and later at dawn to leave quietly. A year later, again saw Jennifer Agan, as well as a little boy, it was his son. This time, Jennifer has got a kind of incurable diseases, Gump, together with Jenny and her son returned home, spent a happy time. Janet passed away, and their son to school age. One day, Agam sent her son on the school bus, when, from the son's book came to a one feathers, a gust of wind blowing, it began to wind Piaowu.中文翻译:天,一根羽毛随风飘舞,飘梢,飞向青天最后,它落在福雷斯特·甘的脚下,阿甘坐在亚拉巴马州的一个长椅上,滔滔不绝地诉说着自己一生的故事——阿甘于二战结束后不久出生在美国南方亚拉巴马州一个闭塞的小镇,他先天弱智,智商只有75,然而他的妈妈是一个性格坚强的女性,她要让儿子和其他正常人一样生活,她常常鼓励阿甘“傻人有傻福”,要他自强不息。而上帝也并没有遗弃阿甘,他不仅赐予阿甘一双疾步如飞的“飞毛腿”,还赐给了他一个单纯正直、不存半点邪念的头脑。在学校里,阿甘与金发女孩珍妮相遇,从此,在妈妈和珍妮的爱护下,阿甘开始了他一生不停的奔跑。在中学时,阿甘为了躲避同学的追打而跑进了一所学校的橄榄球场,就这样跑进了大学。在大学里,他被破格录取,并成了橄榄球巨星,受到了肯尼迪总统的接见。大学毕业后,在一名新兵的鼓动下,阿甘应征参加了越战。在一次战斗中,他所在的部队中了埋伏,一声撤退令下,阿甘记起了珍妮的嘱咐,撒腿就跑,他的飞毛腿救了他一命。在越战中,阿甘交了两个好朋友:热衷捕虾的布巴和令人敬畏的邓·泰勒上尉。战争结束后,阿甘作为英雄受到了约翰逊总统的接见。在一次和平集会上,阿甘又遇见了珍妮,而珍妮已经堕落,过着放荡的生活。阿甘一直爱着珍妮,但珍妮却不爱他。两人匆匆相遇又匆匆分手。作为乒乓外交的使者,阿甘还到中国参加过乒乓球比赛,并为中美建交立了功。在“说到就要做到”这一信条的指引下,阿甘最终闯出了一片属于自己的天空。他教“猫王”埃尔维斯·普莱斯里学跳舞;帮约翰·列农创作歌曲;在风起云涌的民权运动中,他瓦解了一场一触即发的大规模种族冲突;他甚至在无意中迫使潜入水门大厦的窃贼落入法网,最终导致尼克松总统的垮台。因为“傻人有傻福”,阿甘还阴差阳错地发了大财,成了亿万富翁。而阿甘不愿为名利所累,他做了一名园丁。阿甘时常思念珍妮,而这时的珍妮早已误入歧途,陷于绝望之中。终于有一天,珍妮回来了,她和阿甘共同生活了一段日子,在一天夜晚,珍妮投入了阿甘的怀抱,之后又在黎明悄然离去。1年以后,阿甘又一次见到了珍妮,还有一个小男孩,那是他的儿子。这时的珍妮已经得了一种不治之症,阿甘同珍妮和儿子一起回到了家乡,度过了一段幸福的时光。珍妮过世了,他们的儿子也到了上学的年龄。一天,阿甘送儿子上了校车,这时,从儿子的书中落下了一根羽毛,一阵风吹来,它又开始迎风飘舞。《肖恩克的救赎》介绍:Story takes place in 1947, banker Andy because his wife was having an affair with guns to kill her and her lover, and he was accused of killing his wife and his lover, Andy Pipanwuqi resettlement sentence, which means that he will Shawn prison rest of their lives. Arie 1927 Beipanwuqi resettlement sentence for murder, were released on parole on several occasions without success. Shawn has become a prison, he is now the "authority figures", as long as you can afford to pay the money, he was almost there are ways to be made into anything you want: cigarettes, candy, wine, and even marijuana. Whenever a new prisoner comes, everyone who bet on the first night crying. Arie that the fragile, bookish Andy will cry when the foot a result, Andy's silence so that he lost a four-pack of cigarettes. But also to make Arui him a new light. Since a long time, Andy is not, and any human contact, while everyone complained about the same time, he was in the yard is a leisurely stroll, as the same as in the park. A month later, Andy please Arui to help him carry out the first thing a small pickaxe, he explained that he would like carving some small things to while away the time, and said that he think of ways to escape the prison The routine inspection. Soon, Arie went on to play Andy carved chess. After Andy has carried out for a Rita. Haihua wire attached to a huge poster of the cell wall. Time, Andy and the other prisoners out of several labor, he inadvertently heard the prison officer in the taxed talk about things. Andy said he had an approach could allow prison officials to legally remove to a large tax, as the exchange, he was a friend more than a dozen inmates each win two bottles of Tiger beer. Drinking beer, Arie said that over the years, he first felt the sense of freedom. As Andy proficient in the knowledge of the financial system, and soon made him out of prison and heavy physical labor, and other abnormal prisoners harassment. Soon, Andy notorious for an increasing number of prison guards began to deal with tax issues, and even children's educational problems came to him for advice. At the same time Andy has also gradually become warden warden Shawn important tool for money laundering. As Andy wrote to the governor constantly, and finally to the prison for a small amount of money for the prison library building. Prison life is very flat to talk about, and always want their own to find some things to do. Andy heard the original Arie liked Chuikou Qin, she bought one given to him. After the dead of night, you can hear the melodious sound of the harmonica a slight echoed in prison. The arrival of a young prisoner Andy broke the quiet life in prison: the inmates at another prison before, when heard Andy's case, he knew who the murderers! But when Andy request to the governor to re-try the case, they were met with refusal, and has been in solitary confinement for two months severely punished. Andy in order to prevent the release of the design at the prison killed an insider! Face the harsh reality, Andy became very depressed ... ... One day, he Arie said: "If one day you will receive parole, be sure to go somewhere for me to complete a wish. It was the first time I and his wife dating place, to where the big oak tree dug up under a box. that when a you know what it is. "That night, wind and rain, thunder rang out, has been the success of the soul salvation Andy Jailbreak . The original two decades, Andy every day with that the little pickaxe to dig holes and then use the posters will cover the hole. Andy after his release, took the part of black money kept by the warden and the warden was denounced corruption of the truth. Governor kept a small account book in its own coffers to see is Andy left a Bible, placed inside the hollowed out part of the ground into a round that put nearly a mattock. Arie was released, he found a box under the oak in cash, two old friends finally sunny beach in Mexico, a reunion.中文翻译:故事发生在1947年,银行家安迪因为妻子有婚外情,用枪杀死了她和她的情人,因此他被指控枪杀了妻子及其情人,安迪被判无期徙刑,这意味着他将在肖恩克监狱中渡过余生。阿瑞1927年因谋杀罪被判无期徙刑,数次假释都未获成功。他现在已经成为肖恩克监狱中的“权威人物”,只要你付得起钱,他几乎有办法搞到任何你想要的东西:香烟,糖果,酒,甚至是大麻。每当有新囚犯来的时候,大家就赌谁会在第一个夜晚哭泣。阿瑞认为弱不禁风、书生气时足的安迪一定会哭,结果安迪的沉默使他输掉了四包烟。但同时也使阿瑞对他另眼相看。好长时间以来,安迪不和任何人接触,在大家报怨的同时,他在院子里很悠闲地散步,就象在公园里一样。一个月后,安迪请阿瑞帮他搞的第一件东西是一把小的鹤嘴锄,他的解释是他想雕刻一些小东西以消磨时光,并说他自己想办法逃过狱方的例行检查。不久,阿瑞就玩上了安迪刻的国际象棋。之后,安迪又搞了一幅丽塔.海华丝的巨幅海报贴在了牢房的墙上。一次,安迪和另几个犯人外出劳动,他无意间听到监狱官在讲有关上税的事。安迪说他有办法可以使监狱官合法地免去这一大笔税金,做为交换,他为十几个犯人朋友每人争得了两瓶Tiger啤酒。喝着啤酒,阿瑞说多年来,他又第一次感受到了自由的感觉。由于安迪精通财务制度方面的的知识,很快使他摆脱了狱中繁重的体力劳动和其它变态囚犯的骚扰。不久,声名远扬的安迪开始为越来越多的狱警处理税务问题,甚至孩子的升学问题也来向他请教。同时安迪也逐步成为肖恩克监狱长沃登洗黑钱的重要工具。由于安迪不停地写信给州长,终于为监狱申请到了一小笔钱用于监狱图书馆的建设。监狱生活非常平谈,总要自己找一些事情来做。安迪听说阿瑞原来很喜欢吹口琴,就买了一把送给他。夜深人静之后,可以听到悠扬而轻微的口琴声回荡在监狱里。一个年轻犯人的到来打破了安迪平静的狱中生活:这个犯人以前在另一所监狱服刑时听到过安迪的案子,他知道谁是真凶!但当安迪向监狱长提出要求重新审理此案时,却遭到了断然拒绝,并受到了单独禁闭两个月的严重惩罚。为了防止安迪获释,监狱不惜设计害死了知情人!面对残酷的现实,安迪变得很消沉……有一天,他对阿瑞说:“如果有一天,你可以获得假释,一定要到某个地方替我完成一个心愿。那是我第一次和妻子约会的地方,把那里一棵大橡树下的一个盒子挖出来。到时个你就知道是什么了。”当天夜里,风雨交加,雷声大作,已得到灵魂救赎的安迪越狱成功。原来二十年来,安迪每天都在用那把小鹤嘴锄挖洞,然后用海报将洞口遮住。安迪出狱后,领走了部分监狱长存的黑钱,并告发了监狱长贪污受贿的真相。监狱长在自己存小账本的保险柜里见到的是安迪留下的一本圣经,里边挖空的部分放这一把几乎磨成圆头的鹤嘴锄。阿瑞获释了,他在橡树下找到了一盒现金,两个老朋友终于在墨西哥阳光明媚的海滨重逢了。电影
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