2020-10-27 12:11电影
简介 超市夜未眠(CASHBACK)的对白...
《超市夜未眠》短片的片尾曲《Royksopp what else is there》这个应该是你要的 欧美的What Else Is There - RoyksoppGenre/Lang. : Dance It was me on that road But you couldn't see me Too many lights on, but nowhere near here It was me on that road Still you couldn't see me And then flashlights and explosions Roads are getting nearer We cover distance but not together I am the storm and I am the wonder And the flashlights, nightmares And sudden explosions I don't know what more to ask for I was given just one wish It's about you and the sun A morning run The story of my maker What I have and what I ache for I've got a golden ear I cut and I spear And what else is there Roads are getting nearer We cover distance still not together If I am the storm if I am the wonder Will I have flashlights, nightmares And sudden explosions There's no room where I can go and You've got secrets too i don't know what more to ask for i was given just one wish超市夜未眠(CASHBACK)的对白
配乐其官站上5首. 地址是: http://www.cashbackthemovie.com/ 《超市眠》插曲:Casta Diva - Vincenzo BelliniSnack Bar Lounge - Exit 9Duncan Enchanted - The Olive GroveBolero - Maurice RavelBaby Scratch My Back - Rick CardinatiInside - Bang GangMysterious Ways - Bryan AdamsSet It Off - PeachesYou Can't Hurry Love - The ConcretesJerk It - The GypsiesLast Night A DJ Save My Life - IndeepYou Are Not Through - Evil 9Girl Is On My Mind - The Black KeysFunk The RichShe - Grand AvenueThe Power Of Love - Frankie Goes To HollywoodWhat Else Is There ? - Royksopp请问CashBack是什么意思啊?国外的朋友知道吗?怎么查也查不到啊?能不能告诉我?谢谢!
1, cash back, 100% cash back是一种保证,100%原银奉还这是很多服务提供会提出来以吸引消的一种手段。近似于退如果顾客所买的服务或者货物(通常是前者,后者大多数是退货,自然也就原银奉还了)不符合该服务广告表明所达到的效果,或者销售员告诉顾客所可以达到的效果(说白了,就是无效)那么,该服务提供者有义务原银退还。现实中,服务提供商会根据顾客的要求是否合理,态度是否坚决等协商决定是否100%原银奉还,还是用其他方法补偿等等。2, cash back 现金返还保险促销手段买保险的时候,如果选择类似保险+投资的配套,会有cash back.例如,每个月要存入保险户口200$那么两年过后,第三年可以拿到cash back 700$,第四年1050$。依此类推(例子而已,具体数额比例,保险经济会算给顾客听)这种cashback, 在某些地区是合理合法的实行的一种商业推销手段。(也就是,符合某些消费者的利益)不过,羊毛出在羊身上是放之四海而皆准的真理。3, cash back = cash rebate, 用后者更合适。就是小部分现金退给现金折扣的促销手段。用信用卡或者某种卡买东西,所能享受到的一种小部分现金退给的优待。或者在商品促销期可以享有的特价优惠。比如原价499$,cash rebate 50$,那么顾客只需要付449$。这用情况,有时候,收据会表明原价499$,cash rebate 50$。(例子而已,仅供参考)求《超市夜未眠》无删减版
我就是在迅雷下的 有完整版 你是指在超市画画的那段吧 本回答被网友采纳Tags:超市夜未眠电影片尾曲,谁知道<cashback>