2020-10-20 05:32电影
简介观简爱电影观后感英文版,见附件。如果看不到附件,请用电脑访问。 简爱电影的英文影评。...

《简 爱》的英文梗概,80-100词。
Small, plain and poor, Jane Eyre comes to Thornfield Hall as governess to the young ward of Edward Rochester. Denied love all her life, Jane can't help but be attracted to the intelligent, vibrant, energetic Mr. Rochester, a man twice her age. But just when Mr. Rochester seems to be returning the attention, he invites the beautiful and wealthy Blanche Ingram and her party to stay at his estate. Meanwhile, the secret of Thornfield Hall could ruin all their chances for happiness. Written by A.L.Beneteau 本回答被提问者和网友采纳简爱英文读后感120字数
Jane Eyre, is a poor but aspiring, small in body but huge in soul, obscure but self-respecting girl. After we close the covers of the book, after having a long journey of the spirit, Jane Eyre, a marvelous figure, has left us so much to recall and to think:We remember her goodness: for someone who lost arms and blinded in eyes, for someone who despised her for her ordinariness, and even for someone who had hurt her deeply in the past.We remember her pursuit of justice. Its like a companion with the goodness. But still, a virtuous person should promote the goodness on one side and must check the badness on the other side.We remember her self-respect and the clear situation on equality. In her opinion, everyone is the same at the God’s feet. Though there are differences in statusin property and also in appearance, but all the human being are equal in personality.We also remember her striving for life, her toughness and her confidenceWhen we think of this girl, what she gave us was not a pretty face or a transcendent temperament that make us admire deeply, but a huge charm of her personality. 本回答被网友采纳《简爱》电影的英语影评
Jane Eyre is a first-person narrative of the formative years of the title character, a small, plain-faced, intelligent, and passionate English orphan girl. The plot follows the form of a Bildungsroman, a novel that tells the story of a child's maturation and focuses on the emotions and experiences that lead to his or her maturity. The novel goes through five distinct stages: (1) Jane's childhood at Gateshead, where she is abused by her aunt and cousins; (2) her education at Lowood School, where she acquires friends and role models but also suffers privations; (3) her time as governess at Thornfield Manor, where she falls in love with her Byronic employer, Edward Rochester; (4) her time with the Rivers family at Marsh's End (or Moor House) and at Morton, where her cold clergyman-cousin St. John Rivers proposes to her; and (5) her reunion with and marriage to her beloved Rochester at his house of Ferndean. Partly autobiographical, the novel abounds with social criticism and sinister Gothic elements. Jane Eyre is divided into 38 chapters, and most editions are at least 400 pages long简爱电影的英文影评。
A fast hour and a halfof psychological doom and gloom, and glimmers of happiness through truelove trounced by the realities of 1840 England. It's all pretty amazingstuff, and you have to see it to believe it, those dark clouds andsprawling stone buildings.Yes, Orson Welles is the lead male here, Mr. Rochester, and he's aphysical presence, for sure, but a stiff one. As just one slightlyunfair comparison, watch how Lawrence Olivier handles being lead malein a similar era (1939) Bronte film, Wuthering Heights. It's unfairbecause this earlier movie, directed by William Wyler, is even betterthan Jane Eyre. But here we have an actress who wowed the world in themasterful Rebecca in 1940, and with Olivier himself, and if you seethis Hitchcock movie, based on a Daphne du Maurier book, you'll see aweirdly too similar echo of Charlotte Bronte's plot, complete withmysterious master of the house and a big fire at the end.This big mix and match is meant only to say that this kind of movie,this kind of plot, reached a fever pitch in the early 1940s andproduced three masterpieces. You should see them all, and see theinfluences back and front and sideways. Great stuff, with Jane Eyre thethird in line, made by the lesser known British director RobertStevenson (who had this one early success and then the other one, MaryPoppins, of all things). But it was based on an Orson Welles radioversion of the story, which you can feel in the narrated lines withJoan Fontaine's voice. You sense Welles had a hand in the whole feel ofthe movie, the camera angles in the early scenes (looking up or down atthe child), and the overall Gothic excess and fog.Great stuff to just feel and absorb.IMDB