2020-10-18 22:10ǿ
Madonna Ciccone ȫMadonna Louise Veronica Ciccone 굤ȫƣȡ գ1958816 ǵľ...
Madonna Ciccone
ȫMadonna Louise Veronica Ciccone 굤ȫƣȡ գ1958816 أݵɺ ʨ ߣԼ164 أԼ60 ۾ɫɫȻ ɫɫͥԱ5λֵܡ2λ״飬2000¼Guy Ritchie . 20081015ʽ飩Ŀǰ1ӡ1Ůϲʳ&īϲϣ&֭ϲɫɫϲԱJack Nicholson.ϲŮԱMarilyn Monroe.ϲĵӰ"Every Hitchchock film Ever Made".£ȫ磡ȫŮ֣ר2ڣ˹¼ ˹佱ѵӰ19961997ֺϲŮǽ(¡ˡ1996)ѳƪ¼Ӱ(Blond Ambition World Tour Live, 1991)Ѷƪ¼ӰRay Of Light1999רRay Of Light1999רRay Of Light1999ѵӰ(Beautiful Stranger,1999)ѵ/רConfessions On A Dance Floor2007ѳƪ¼ӰConfessions Tourۼƻ21VMADz۲۵ĵýרҵ2004귨NRJ佱ɾͽҡúӢãΪгʱ̵һλʷΰľ (ʯ־) ɹŮ (¼) ʷ (Խè) ӵȫʮнˣ37ףʷݳѲ߶ 4.08Ԫ12ȫھ40ȫйھ7ȫھר20Ƭ ʷӵӢнھŮˣ13ףʷӵӢнھרĶ 11ţͷʿ152008310ʽҡ˵á (ϳ25һѡ2009긻ʿٴ˰Ӱĸʾ־(billboard) "ɾͽ" 7ȫ2רۡ13ר¶20MTV¼Ӱ ߵĸ֣2007뿪Live Nation ǩ¸ߴ1.2Ԫ 10ĺԼʷ˵һѲݳƱھ¼Sticky & Sweet Tour 48Ʊ˹֤ȫŮ֣2.75ڣƬҵЭȫΧר֤ݣ̳ʷɹŮаϣеڶ -(Madonna Ciccone) 1958816ճЪݵɸĺ-ǡ һʦĸһλͥ Ǽ8Ů 6ʱĸ鰩ȥ ͯʱȵӺֺܴҵͷԡ μѧУıݣӳϹٿΣҲѧϰ衣ȵ輼ʹӮЪѧĽѧ1978꣬ڴѧ꼶ʱжѧҵǰŦԼչдɫʵֻŽе35ԪһǻѪܵŦԼ"ʱ㳡"˼ҡһһʵĹʱ㳡Dunkin' DonutsһʡԼõĵԱ֮Ȳμİ-(Alvin Ailey)-ķ(Martha Graham)赸ţһʱľʿ衣ݵıʹijõػ켣һȺ赸ԱУʼĬĬš⣬Ҳ赸ת赸ԱתеĸֲμһСģֶӡ80ʼдʣѧ˵١ȿʼڵص赸ֲʿָ֣˵ɤ͵Ƥ̨ڶڵע⡣1982꣬ߵ糪ƬֽĿ-˹ṩһһEverybodyһɹľֲ̨磬ѳ¶ͷǵȽܸ˻ɳƬ˾(Warner Bros.)ԱλԱĸdz⣬һ¼ͬ1983꣬ȳרMADONNAûǵע⡣ȻųƬļŦԼҹܻıطŸ¼ӰĹ㷺֪ȣ˺ò״ͷ¶ĸȹʹڽɫʵװƷЩȾϵɫʡ1984꣬ɳƬ˾ijƬŮ(Like a Virgin)ȵһٵаĵרҲаһλá1985꣬ȵרκһλҡ͵ȿʼѲݳڹƬVision Quest(1985)͡Ѱɺ(Desperately Seeking Susan,1985)СμˡDavid Rabe's Goose͡Tom-Tom̨ݳЩݷӳƽƽͨЩݳʹлʶݳĺ-(Sean Penn)̸̳۵Ľ㡣1985816գȵյһ죬ڼݵMalibuˡ1986꣬˾ƬϺ顷(Shanghai Surprise)˼ķ졣ǵĻά˲ͽˡۡ--ʱǻرܲ˵ģȾһֱ1989ȵרߡ(Like a Prayer)еǻΰ¼Ӱ˺䶯¼Ӱȼŵʮּǰ裬һͽչʾܵĶӡڽԴ˴Ϊ߿¹˾Ҳ˶ȡ˶ѲݳжڵҵƬIJȴһ¼ѧʲôѵأȼļ1990"Ұ"ȫѲݳԼ¼ƬTruth or DareƱȡԡ(X)ԴдƬEroticaۡԡд¼ƽϢԺҲʶȷʵǡѵùͷˡǵ̳ҰġѲʱѾƳһѲص¼ 19903£Ѳݵ120Уָⲿ¼Ƭ˹ϣȫȵΪΪͬӰƬʵ 濴ͬһġݳĻļ¼ƬʵϣǹƽһӰ ¼ƬһΪǵŮݣΪǵذճ뾵ͷЩͷʵԸɵţ̣ һdzźСγīȥĸĹءĸķǰԼܵĸĹԱߡĵܵܺߵضһı֮ȿﳤȥ ڡͬӰƬijУ˴ֱϷһƿӣĸͼĸڸڵķ¶ĵܵܿ˹һͬĸһƹȺƷ깺ȺЦŭĸס һĻУѸ״̨ϣһտָ裬Ϊף٣ڸ¡⣬ϸѲ7Ϊ飬ÿǰ档ϵ˵еĺǶǺܴڼ¼ƬеԱϴ֣һв̶ͬȵ¶ͷ һЩ¶ȹԼdz˽ľͷӰʦء˶еȲѡ˵ʹԶȵǣDz£Ƕô˾ȵѽˣǾԲǵ˽ Ҳⲿ¼ƬٵŬ˵ɾȥ¶ѿij棬ȵĻشǣ˶֪Ǹӣ˭ںЩأΪķϣա ⲿ¼Ƭȵ쵼˶ڱáмȣվûгɹ 19915£ͬʽСƬһһȻֲòȷʵһλвŻıߣòڱݺͶij̶ȡΪûмȦ˻ŬȡùڣûмзḻͿҰҲDzỶӭܵ˽ǵΪֻϲΪҵȣϲԼʵеѣʱЩڴ˺ҲΪǸ˵ĽǶ ѡͬеʱ˵㲻Ѹ㶼չֳһ¼Ƭʲô壿Ͳм¼ƬˣһʲôУʵIJ֣зȫǹһ͡һʱдա ⲿ¼ƬҶԱݵȺͷǺЩһʱĹ¡ ⲿκһеǼ¼Ƭȷ¶ǹ½ۻҵijıʵһ棬ֳһżΪԵĶչֳȵ壬ġըµ飬ʹⶼʾ˳ÿӰǶάʵԣýҲһľʱֱӴԼΪƲ ҹ졷־ۣʹҲˡʱԱĻΪԹɵˡ һۼ˵ĿɿڴΪʵƷdzԱȥ顣ǵijԾչĵһƬӡ ǻ˵֪ĵӰεֻ̾ϷѡǼʱϷҵıҲһʵԡ˽ҵס˽һ̶ȵʱ˻߿˵,㻹DzңҲΪԶҲ˽ҡ 1991꣬ڵ44ɵӰļ¼Ƭͬӳʽʱ˵ҲԷɫԼΡⲿӰҵոµĿʼҰͷȾɫȥ𡣡 ڸɵӰϣȵ˵ӰʷעĿijɹɫͷ߸ϽһɫۡƲϵ˸⣬ڵأȻˣɫij֣Ľ̿㣬Ťβǰȥͣر任ƣ˶Ұ ɵʹ20Ӣ˶ܸܵҫ۵Ĺâ˶---ȡ ʱһλ˵DzͬѰķװΪ˷ͷýعʱȻ۸ɵӰǼҪࡣ1995꿪ʼ˼СɱĵӰBlue in the Face͡ĸ䡷(Four Rooms)³ɽʱֳ˶ȫµı仯һĸһŮԱ19961014գʱѿ˹-(Carlos Leon)ӭǵ٬˼---(ourdes Maria Ciccone Leon)(Lola)λ̳ˡŮ˭(Who's That Girl?1987)֤ݡ(Body of Evidence1993)1996ӰƬ¡ˡ(Evita)ŮǡɫֱһΪƵģٺЭΪģЭȽֺϲŮǽ1998ƳµĵRay of LightԭΪӳ̫ϵųƬѸٵаλԴ˹4ٻųƬķ-±(William Orbit)1994רBedtime Storiesһȫµš࣬衱(ȵıƣMaterial Girl)Ѿµ赸ֵķؽˣͳֵķһµԣġAustin Powersе2һ±صŬʹBeautiful StrangerѸߺ죬ΪӮѵӰMTVֵӽ» ڶ汾ȳЪݵıǣһͥ8еһͱֳ--ʱ--赸Ȱ֮飬سʹùЪѧĽѧŦԼãͿʼ赸ģ-ķ(Martha Graham)-(Alvin Ailey)赸šƾŶֵһǻ飬ȼ˼ֶӣаBreakfast Clubֲ1982SireƬ˾ǩԼͿʼ20֮õijƬģΪǵΪɹΪӰĸ֮һڹȥ25Уȫ2.4ר,˹֤,ΪϳƬߵŮˣ25ٵʮѵаף"ŮMaterial Girl""Like A Prayer""Express Yourself""ʱVogue""Ray of Light" "Music"ȣùθ,MTVʷϵýˡ ķսרAmerican Life()20034¿ʼСȵӰİݺ䶯һʱġѰɺDesperately Seeking SusanDick Tracy,A League of Their Ownͱļ¼ƬTruth or DareƬEvita¡ˣгŮʹ˽ȳݵİϻӰƬDavid Mamet's Speed-the-Plowܵ˸߶ۣʹ2002괺״̨ݳUp For GrabsһͼΪƱաȻ2002007ϵе,ھһλʦΪⲿӰƬ.ѾΪͯĴ5ͯ飬һӢõ塷2003915ȫ10030ͬ淢С-------˽-----ɷӰݸǵһסӢ2008꣬50յ֮ʣĵڶλѡ1015գƽ顣ʱ12СŮ˼LourdresĸĻԵκΣϾ1996ȺĻСŮ2000˼ܵܣȵˣȸŮŮ Lourdes Maria Ciccone Leon19961014գȵ˽˽ӣ Rocco Ritchie 2000811գӢGuy Ritchie -Ǹ美国明星暴光?ʴ
Tom Cruise(ķ³˹)In 1976, if you had told 14 year old Franciscan seminary student Thomas Cruise Mapother IV that one day in the not too distant future he would be considered one of the top 100 movie stars of all time, he would have probably grinned and told you that his ambition was to become a priest. Nonetheless, this sensitive, deeply religious youngster who was born in 1962 in Syracuse, New York, was destined to become Tom Cruise, one of the highest paid and most sought after actors in screen history. The only son (among four children) of nomadic parents young Tom spent his boyhood eternally on the move and by the time he was 14 he had attended 15 different schools in the US and Canada. He finally settled in Glen Ridge, New Jersey, with his mother and her new husband. While in high school, he developed an interest in acting and abandoned his plans of becoming a priest, dropped out of school, and at age 18 headed for New York and a possible acting career. The next 15 years of his life are the stuff of legends. He made his film debut with a small part in Endless Love (1981) and from the outset exhibited an undeniable box office appeal to both male and female audiences.Though below average height and not particularly handsome in the traditional sense, within 5 years Tom Cruise was starring in some of the top grossing films of the 1980s including Top Gun (1986); The Color of Money (1986), Rain Man (1988) and Born on the Fourth of July (1989). By the 1990s he was one of the highest paid actors in the world earning an average 15 million dollars a picture in such blockbuster hits as Interview with the Vampire: The Vampire Chronicles (1994), Mission: Impossible (1996) and Jerry Maguire (1996) - for which he received an Academy Award Nomination for best actor. In 1990 he renounced his devout Catholic beliefs and embraced The Church Of Scientology claiming that Scientology teachings had cured him of the dyslexia that had plagued him all of his life. A kind and thoughful man well known for his compassion and generosity, Tom Cruise is one of the best liked members of the movie community. He was married to actress Nicole Kidman until 2001. Thomas Cruise Mapother IV has indeed come a long way from the lonely wanderings of his youth.ǵ
ȣNickiMinaj1982128ճʥղķ˹֡2010ƳרPink Friday2011ȫֽõܻӭ/Hip-Hopר201145գsuper bassõ2011MTV¼¼ưǿ3201243գڶ¼רPink FridayRoman Reloaded 2014521գרthe Pinkprint֧Pills N Potions84գеڶAnaconda1219գרThe Pinkprint 201528գȻøѶ/ݽ˵ӰǶЩ