2020-10-18 18:02电影
简介剧绍1: 影片主要讲述了醉心功美国小子Jason(迈克尔·安格拉诺 饰)偶古董店找到一刚棒,穿越时空返回古代中国,并在成龙和李连杰饰演的两大功夫高手鲁彦和默僧护送下历险,最后战胜邪恶势力。 一个夏 ...
剧绍1: 影片主要讲述了醉心功美国小子Jason(迈克尔·安格拉诺 饰)偶古董店找到一刚棒,穿越时空返回古代中国,并在成龙和李连杰饰演的两大功夫高手鲁彦和默僧护送下历险,最后战胜邪恶势力。 一个夏日,这个十七岁的男孩骑着脚踏车,到波士顿唐人街的一家当铺寻找具有收藏价值的中国功夫片,但他总是在穿过自己家附近的巷子时遇到麻烦,因为杰森经常被一群混混盯上,并且常受到他们的欺负。杰森精通电子游戏,对于功夫片也是如数家珍,他总是希望自己也能成为一名功夫高手,然而当铺的老板老霍却认为,杰森根本不是这块料,他根本不知道什么是功夫。 这天,杰森偶然在当铺里面发现了一根神秘的金箍棒,竟然因此穿越“无门之门”来到了古代的中国!他发现自己已经置身于一个惊世预言中:一个使者要将传说中的武器交还给它的主人,从而解救被困在石头中五百年的齐天大圣。 在古老而神秘的中国,杰森开始了充满艰险的旅途。他一路遇到许多来自武侠世界或古代传说中的人物:号称是八仙之一及醉拳大师的吟游诗人吕岩(字洞宾)(成龙饰),报仇心切的侠女金燕子(刘亦菲饰)与沉默寡言又神秘强悍的默僧(李连杰饰)等。一行四人共同前往五行山,传说中的齐天大圣就被邪恶的玉帝督军(邹兆龙饰)禁锢在那里。玉帝督军派出麾下第一杀手--恶名昭著的白发魔女霓裳(李冰冰饰),霓裳率领一众杀手多番追杀杰森等人,令杰森在苦心领会中国功夫的同时还要面临内心的恐惧。到底杰森的这一趟旅程是因为太过着迷功夫所作的一场幻梦,还是他真真切切的穿越时空去实现古老的预言? 精彩看点 《功夫之王》不仅仅是一部功夫片,他和《杀死比尔》和《功夫》一样,都是一部向功夫和武侠这一类型致敬的影片,所以影片中除了原创的武打设计,更多的是向那些经典的老功夫、武侠电影致敬,其中,也包括了向老武侠电影经典人物的致敬。在电影中,这些人物通过武侠迷小男孩杰森的想象,而作为反派、朋友、师长、爱人的形象出现,陪伴这个男孩完成这个天真的童年梦想。 在这些经典人物身上,袁和平为其设计了精彩而颇经得起琢磨的动作场面。 今天,虽然影片还没有上映,但从预告片中所透露出来的一些片段,我们已经可以从中窥探到影片武打的一鳞半爪。 成龙的角色来自于他从前所饰演的经典人物,其中最重要的是《醉拳》中的黄飞鸿,从造型上来看,这个角色落拓,草根,如武侠小说中洪七公似的角色。成龙在片中的拳术,便是以醉拳为主,很多经典动作来自于《醉拳》中袁和平设计的“醉八仙”。另外,成龙在和李连杰的对打中还使出了刁手一类的武功,这显然同样来自于袁和平当年为成龙执导的《蛇形刁手》。此外,成龙还使出了虎拳,可以看到,在成龙打出虎拳的时候,背景音是虎啸的声音。 李连杰饰演的默僧与成龙饰演的鲁彦有一段武打,片中出现了接近《黄飞鸿》的经典动作,另外,李连杰还使出了螳螂拳与成龙对打,李连杰在电影中从未使过螳螂拳,只有一次例外,是在《南北少林》里于海用螳螂拳对付于承惠时,李连杰也耍了一个螳螂拳的架势,但并未真的使用。这次可以看作是一次迟来的弥补。 邹兆龙饰演的玉疆战神没有确切的原型,编剧表示,这个角色是武侠片“经典反派”的代表,邹兆龙在片中使用青龙大刀与李连杰对打,同时还以意念(原力?)控制几十支长矛,飞向李连杰,这个画面让人想起武侠小说中所描写的“御剑术”,以及老神怪武侠电影中“放飞剑”一类的想象。可以看到,意念,或者称为原力,是玉疆战神的重要战斗手段。
电影《功夫之王》剧情简介 杰森大(Michael A. Angarano饰)除了昆汀-塔伦蒂诺,世界上收藏最多功夫电影迷了。 一个夏日,这个十七岁的男孩骑着脚踏车,到波士顿唐人街的一家当铺寻找具有收藏价值的中国功夫片,但他总是在穿过自己家附近的巷子时遇到麻烦,因为杰森经常被一群混混盯上,并且常受到他们的欺负。杰森精通电子游戏,对于功夫片也是如数家珍,他总是希望自己也能成为一名功夫高手,然而当铺的老板老霍却认为,杰森根本不是这块料,他根本不知道什么是功夫。 这天,杰森偶然在当铺里面发现了一根神秘的金箍棒,竟然因此穿越“无门之门”来到了古代的中国!他发现自己已经置身于一个惊世预言中:一个使者要将传说中的武器交还给它的主人,从而解救被困在石头中五百年的美猴王。 在古老而神秘的中国,杰森开始了充满艰险的旅途。他一路遇到许多来自武侠世界或古代传说中的人物:号称是八仙之一及醉拳大师的吟游诗人鲁彦(成龙( 听歌 blog)饰),报仇心切的侠女金燕子(刘亦菲( 听歌 blog)饰)与沉默寡言又神秘强悍的默僧(李连杰( blog)饰)等。一行四人共同前往五指山,传说中的美猴王就被邪恶的玉疆战神(邹兆龙饰)禁锢在那里。玉帝督军派出麾下第一杀手——恶名昭著的白发魔女()霓裳(李冰冰( 听歌 blog)饰),霓裳率领一众杀手多番追杀杰森等人,令杰森在苦心领会中国功夫的同时还要面临内心的恐惧。到底杰森的这一趟旅程是因为太过着迷功夫所作的一场幻梦,还是他真真切切的穿越时空去实现古老的预言? 醉仙鲁彦说:“你来自的世界才是梦境,要解救美猴王,必须要先救赎你自己……”英文的关于《功夫之王》内容介绍和影评!
The Forbidden Kingdom(功夫之)The Forbidden Kingdom (Chinese: 功王) is a 2008 Hollywood martial arts-adventure film from Lionsgate and The Weinstein Company directed by Rob Minkoff. It is the first film to star together two of the best-known names in the martial arts film genre, Jackie Chan and Jet Li. The action sequences were choreographed by Yuen Woo-ping.The movie is distributed in the United States through Lionsgate and The Weinstein Company,[4] and through The Huayi Brothers Film & Taihe Investment Company in the People's Republic of China. PlotThe film opens during a battle between Sun Wukong, the Monkey King (Jet Li), and heavenly soldiers amongst the clouds. It is then revealed the sequence was a dream when a young teenager, Jason Tripitikas (Michael Angarano), awakens in his room plastered with vintage kung fu movie posters. After getting dressed, he makes his way to a pawn shop in Boston's China town to buy some new Kung fu DVDs. There, he converses with Hop (a prosthetics-laden Jackie Chan), the shop's elderly owner, and, while thumbing through some DVDs, he is drawn to a room full of antiques and notices a golden staff. Hop tells him that the staff is to be delivered to its rightful owner and then closes the door. On his way back home, Jason is attacked by local bully Lupo (Morgan Benoit) and his cronies who force him to take them to the store so they can steal some money from the old man. Feeling betrayed, Hop tries to attack the thieves with the staff, but is shot by Lupo (much to both Jason and Lupo's cronies' shock). He tells Jason that he must deliver the staff to its rightful owner. Jason takes the staff and runs from the thieves. On top of a building, he is surrounded by the bullies, with Lupo warning Jason that he "saw nothing" (out of fear Jason may turn them in to police). Before Lupo can shoot Jason, he is suddenly pulled off the roof by the staff and travels back through time.When Jason wakes up he has been transported back to ancient China, dressed in old-century clothing. There he is attacked by Jade Warriors who try to take the staff away from him. He is helped by the Drunken Immortal, Lu Yan (Jackie Chan). Later that night, seated in a restaurant, Lu tells Jason a story of how the Monkey King caused havoc at the banquet celebrating the Jade Emperor's forthcoming 500 year period of meditation and drank of the elixir of immortality. The Emperor took a liking to the Monkey King and decided to award him a heavenly title, much to the chagrin of the Jade Warlord (Collin Chou), a heavenly general. The Emperor then left the Jade Warlord in charge of heaven before retreating to his period of seclusion. The Jade Warlord later challenged the Monkey King to a duel, and turned him into stone by tricking the Monkey King to set aside his magic staff. But before he was fully immobilized, the Monkey King cast his staff into the mundane world. Lu ends the tale by stating a person known as the "Seeker" will be the person to find the staff and free the Monkey King. Lu and Jason then get into a fight with the Jade Warriors who track them to the restaurant and are saved by a mysterious woman, who turns out to be the Orphaned Warrior, Golden Sparrow (Liu Yi Fei). Golden Sparrow's family was killed by the Jade Warlord, and she has vowed vengeance against him.The Jade Warlord is notified by his men that they have seen the magical staff. The Jade Warlord then sends his bounty hunter, the white-haired assassin Ni-Chang (Li Bingbing), to retrieve it for him. When Jason wakes up in the morning he is attacked by a person dressed in white clothes, who takes the staff away. Jason, Lu, and Golden Sparrow follow the trail of the mysterious man. They reach upon a temple where the man is meditating. There, Lu confronts the Silent Monk (Jet Li), who was the mysterious man. There they both fight for the staff. The Silent Monk later learns that the staff is meant for the traveler. The four head towards the Five Elements Mountain in a quest to free the Monkey King and destroy the rule of the Jade Warlord.On the way to the Mountain, Lu and the Silent Monk teach Jason Kung Fu. After crossing a great desert, they are attacked by Ni-Chang and the Jade Warriors, but the four escape on their horses with the staff intact. Ni-Chang fires an arrow into the air after them, and Lu is hit with the arrow and falls from his horse. They take refuge in a monastery where they find out that only the elixir of immortality from the Jade Warlord will heal Lu from his mortal wound. Jason wanting to help Lu, heads toward the palace with the staff to exchange it for the elixir. Once at the palace he learns that the elixir was promised to Ni-Chang if she brought back the staff, but since Jason brought it, he has to fight Ni-Chang to death, the winner getting the elixir. The Silent Monk discovers that Jason has left with the staff and pursues Jason along with Golden Sparrow. Back at the palace, Jason and Ni-Chang fight. Though Jason had developed some skill in Kung Fu, the more experienced Ni-Chang easily defeats him. But before she can kill him, the Jade Warlord orders her to stop and, instead, sets his own men on Jason. The boy's life is once again saved when the Silent Monk and Golden Sparrow arrive (with Lu Yan in the rear being carried by monks from the monastery who join in the fight with the Jade Army with their staffs) and intervene. The Silent Monk duels the Jade Warlord while Golden Sparrow fights Ni-Chang. During the fight, Jason manages to grab hold of the elixir and throw it to Lu Yan, who drinks it and regains his strength and energy. Lu then fights Ni-Chang on the balcony. The Silent Monk is mortally wounded during his battle with the Jade Warlord and throws the staff to Jason. Jason takes the staff and frees the Monkey King from his imprisoned statue form. The Silent Monk dies from injuries and reverts into a golden hair, revealing him to be a magical human familiar created by the Monkey King prior to his imprisonment. The fight between the Monkey King and the Jade Warlord commences. Golden Sparrow tries to kill The Jade Warlord, but is countered by Chi. After a long battle, Jason is able to kill the Jade Warlord while Lu Yan dispatches Ni-Chang by knocking her off the palace balcony, presumably killing her. Jason reaches Golden Sparrow, who thanks him before dying. He is then praised by the Jade Emperor for fulfilling the people's prophecy. As his reward for his bravery, Jason is transported back home to modern day Boston.When Jason wakes up, he is lying flat on the ground below the building he supposedly fell from and is attacked by Lupo's gang, but this time he uses his newfound Kung Fu skills, fights back, and defeats Lupo single-handedly. Hop, who turns out to be an old Lu Yan because he said that he is immortal is then taken to the hospital (the medics stated that the bullet missed his heart), before Jason leaves the scene, he sees a girl who looks like Golden Sparrow. She thanks him for being brave and tells him she will see him later. She then goes into her store (Golden Sparrow). Jason, surprised but delighted to see her, leaves and goes home, where he practices his Kung Fu on the roof with a staff.Critical receptionThe response to The Forbidden Kingdom, by both critics and audiences, has generally been positive. As of May 12, 2008, the review aggregator Rotten Tomatoes reported that 61% of critics gave the film positive reviews, based on 101 reviews — with the consensus being "Great fight scenes, but too much filler."[13] Metacritic reported the film had an average score of 57 out of 100, based on 26 reviews — indicating mixed or average reviews.[14] The movie received an average score of 60.9% from 48 film critics according to Movie Tab.for more information please visit: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Forbidden_Kingdom& http://movies.yahoo.com/movie/1809869644/info谁知道一部电影内容是一个外国人拿着孙悟空的金箍棒穿梭时空然后来到另一个世界在酒馆碰见了成龙扮演的角
由 “讲古佬” 毕彼叙述开始,分别带出四个鬼。
抄:讲述三名青年(古天丁子峻、朱永棠)到荒岛上度假,夜晚在海边偶遇三个露营少女(蔡少芬、麦家琪、白嘉倩)便一起大讲鬼故事,Ken 自认大胆,提议到附近坟场抄墓碑上死人的资料,在抄墓碑时发现了其中一名刚认识女子的墓碑.....
红当当:讲述小波、大B、Jo Jo 去祭拜已故朋友 Ken,在陵园无意中被已故杜先生的鬼魂缠上,幸遇与“毕彼得”长相一摸一样的灵异专家“一颗痔”解救。脱险后“一颗痔”警告其少穿红衣,“跟红顶白”是鬼怪的习惯......
佗地位:讲述电影明星雄哥(吴志雄)带着他的女友 May(伍咏薇)前往电影院看一出他有份主演的恐怖片,两人误坐了两个“鬼陀地”的“陀地位”,最后,在剧院洗手间突然遇到灵异事件,一直走不出剧场……
《阴阳路》主演:古天乐 / 蔡少芬 / 雷宇扬 / 罗兰 / 丁子峻
《阴阳路2:我在你左右》主演:古天乐 / 雷宇扬 / 丁子峻 / 钱嘉乐 / 黎耀祥
《阴阳路3:升棺发财》主演:古天乐 / 雷宇扬 / 张锦程 / 袁洁莹 / 罗兰
《阴阳路4:与鬼同行》主演:古天乐 / 孙佳君 / 雷宇扬 / 陈妙瑛 / 黎耀祥
《阴阳路5:一见发财》主演:古天乐 / 吴毅将 / 李健仁 / 雷宇扬 / 罗兰
《阴阳路6:凶周刊》主演:古天乐 / 黎姿 / 雷宇扬 / 黎耀祥 / 吴志雄
《阴阳路7:撞到正》主演:古天乐 / 雷宇扬 / 李蕙敏 / 黎耀祥 / 罗兰
《阴阳路8:棺材仔》主演:陈松伶 / 雷宇扬 / 罗兰 / 张可颐 / 唐家辉
《阴阳路9:命转乾坤》主演:雷宇扬 / 罗兰 / 张可颐 / 谭小环 / 黎耀祥
《阴阳路10:宣言咒》主演:黎耀祥 / 罗兰 / 姚乐怡 / 唐家辉 / 林雅诗
《阴阳路11:撩鬼攞命》主演:罗兰 / 谭小环 / 唐家辉 / 张豪龙 / 麦家琪
《阴阳路12:美容尸》主演:罗兰 / 张慧仪 / 邝文洵 / 唐家辉 / 张豪龙
《阴阳路13:花鬼》主演:罗兰 / 王合喜 / 陈颖妍 / 张豪龙 / 唐家辉
《阴阳路14:双鬼拍门》主演:罗兰 / 施明 / 唐家辉 / 张豪龙 / 关宝慧
《阴阳路15:客似魂来》主演:曾志伟 / 梁汉文 / 罗兰 / 黄泆潼 / 黎骏
《阴阳路16:回到武侠时代》主演:雷宇扬 / 蓝洁瑛 / 罗兰 / 钟镇涛 / 张豪龙 / 曾志伟
《阴阳路17:监房有鬼》主演:李灿森 / 麦家琪 / 罗兰 / 雷宇扬 / 唐家辉
《阴阳路18:鬼上身》2主演:罗兰 / 唐文龙 / 雷宇扬 / 任港秀 / 吴志雄
《阴阳路19:我对眼见到鬼》主演:罗兰 / 雷宇扬 / 陈颖妍 / 张豪龙 / 王合喜
《阴阳路20:降头》主演:郑浩南 / 邵美琪 / 黄德斌 / 许邵雄 / 林雪