2020-10-15 18:19电影
简介名为葛朵的女巫纯阳光滴下坠落地面,生出一朵神奇色花朵,歌唱就能让自己恢复年轻,保持容颜不老,所以她独占了金花几个世纪。几世纪后,邻近王国的王后怀孕了,但她病了,病得很严重。国王便下令寻找传说中的金色花 ...
名为葛朵的女巫纯阳光滴下坠落地面,生出一朵神奇色花朵,歌唱就能让自己恢复年轻,保持容颜不老,所以她独占了金花几个世纪。几世纪后,邻近王国的王后怀孕了,但她病了,病得很严重。国王便下令寻找传说中的金色花朵,在无人的悬崖处,守卫找到了它,王后喝下花朵烹煮的汤,神奇般治愈,并顺利生下一名金发女婴长发公主(乐佩)。女巫葛朵得知金花被王后喝下,夜探王宫,找到长发公主,对着熟睡的公主唱起歌谣,公主的头发发出耀眼的金光,葛朵又恢复年轻,但同时发现剪下来的头发魔力会消失,变成棕发,所以她带走女婴,闭关在密林深处的高塔与世隔绝,像母亲一样抚养他。每年长发公主的生日,王国发送成千上万的天灯在天空,期望有朝一日能引导失踪的公主回国。十八年后,长发公主与她的变色龙宠物帕斯卡住在高塔。长发公主要求葛朵让她去看在每年生日远方漂浮的星光,但葛朵始终拒绝了她的请求,说世界充满贪图她魔力的坏人。同时,梦想拥有一座城堡的窃贼弗林·莱德和两个同伙偷取了王国城堡里的王冠后逃向树林中。在逃跑过程中费林背叛他的同伙,同时也为甩掉王国守卫和落单的守卫长的白马坐骑马克西姆斯的紧追不舍,误入树帘,发现高塔,在好奇心的驱使下,弗林爬上了高塔。守卫长的白马坐骑马克西姆斯仍继续搜索费林的下落。弗林一进入高塔,就被长发公主用平底锅打晕,然后把他藏匿在衣柜里并将王冠藏了起来。长发公主认为自己有能力对付坏蛋,向母亲证明他可外出,依然被否决了。她失落地告诉葛朵想要一个特殊颜料作生日礼物,寻找这种颜料需要数天,长发公主想以此拖延时间,条件是不再提离塔的事,葛朵答应了…… -
故事原格林童话,说的是一位姑娘婆诅咒,囚禁在的中,惟有放下她的长发,人才能上到高塔,一次她认识了一位路过的王子,王子天天来与她相聚,不料被巫婆发现,于是巫婆剪了姑娘的长发,并害王子瞎了双眼,几经波折之后,这对爱侣才终于在异地相逢。 追问这叫全?别回我了
魔发奇缘》情 我们将会看到的是一个热闹、喧嚣且与神奇的力量的长发有关的魔奇……当受到了全国范围的悬赏通缉并最具迷人魅力的强盗弗林·赖德(扎克瑞·莱维配音)抱头鼠窜、无处躲藏的时候,他只好选择暂时逃进了一座神秘的城堡中,结果却不幸地变成了“长发公主”拉佩泽(曼迪·摩尔配音)的人质,她是一个聪明、活跃、生气勃勃的美丽少女,因为长着70英尺长的具有魔力的金发,所以她的活动范围只能局限在城堡的塔楼里。伴随着弗林的意外闯入,对外面的世界充满着好奇心的拉佩泽意识到她掌握的是一张能够帮助自己走出城堡的“门票”,要知道她被锁在这里已经太长的时间了,于是她决定与这个帅气的盗贼做一个交易,这对看起来极不搭调二人组展开了一场处处充满着危险的“胜利大逃亡”——他们沿途将会遭遇的是一匹被称为马克西莫斯的超级警觉的马和一只被过度保护的变色龙帕斯卡,以及一群看起来粗暴又狂野的酒馆强盗。英语 长发公主概括
以下是电介Tangled is a 2010 American computer animated musical fantasy-comedy film produced by Walt Disney Animation Studios. The film features the voices of Mandy Moore, Zachary Levi and Donna Murphy and is loosely based on the German fairy tale "Rapunzel" in the collection of folk tales published by the Brothers Grimm.以下是故事:The film tells the story of a lost princess with long magical hair who yearns to leave her secluded tower. Against her "mother's" wishes, she enlists the aid of a bandit thief to take her out into the world which she has never seen.以下是具体:A drop of sunlight falls to the ground and grows into a magical flower with healing powers. A woman named Gothel uses it to keep herself young by singing to it. Centuries later, a queen becomes ill while pregnant, and the king orders a search for the legendary flower. The queen is healed after being fed the flower, and gives birth to a daughter, Rapunzel, whose golden hair has absorbed the abilities of the flower. Gothel tries to steal a lock of Rapunzel's hair, but, once cut, the hair turns brown and loses its power. So she kidnaps Rapunzel to raise as her own child in a high tower, telling her it is for her own safety.Every year, on Rapunzel's birthday, her parents and their subjects release thousands of sky lanterns, in the hope that the lost princess will return. For her 18th birthday, Rapunzel asks Gothel for permission to go outside the tower to see the source of the annual floating lights, but Gothel refuses. Meanwhile, Flynn Rider and the Stabbington brothers steal the tiara of the lost princess. During the ensuing chase, Maximus, horse of the Captain of the Guards, is separated from his rider but continues on his own. Flynn outwits his accomplices, takes the tiara, and stumbles upon Rapunzel's tower. He climbs up into the tower, but is knocked unconscious with a frying pan by Rapunzel who puts him in a wardrobe. When Gothel returns, Rapunzel tries to show her the captive Flynn to prove she is capable of handling the outside world, but Gothel cuts her off by saying she is never leaving the tower. So Rapunzel instead asks Gothel for a special paint, the ingredients for which require three days' of round-trip travel. Gothel leaves, and Rapunzel tells Flynn that she will give him the tiara back if he takes her to see the lights. Flynn agrees. While en route, he takes her to the Snuggly Duckling Inn, which is full of Gaul thugs, in hopes of scaring her into giving up her quest. The thugs, however, are charmed by Rapunzel, who encourages them to follow their dreams.Mother Gothel returns early to the tower to find Rapunzel gone but finds the tiara. She then teams up with the Stabbington brothers so she can get Rapunzel back and the brothers can get revenge on Flynn. Meanwhile, the guards invade the tavern, and chase Rapunzel and Flynn to a dam which collapses. Flynn and Rapunzel become trapped in a flooding cave. Believing he is about to die, Flynn admits his true name: Eugene Fitzherbert. Rapunzel admits her hair glows when she sings, then realizes they can use her hairlight to find a way out. Rapunzel later uses her hair to heal Flynn's injured hand. Flynn tells Rapunzel that he was an orphan who dreamed of being like the storybook hero that inspired his alias, but Rapunzel tells him she likes Eugene better than Flynn. When Flynn goes to gather firewood, Gothel meets Rapunzel insisting that Flynn does not care for her and gives Rapunzel the tiara, suggesting that she test Flynn by giving it to him.The next morning, Maximus confronts Flynn but Rapunzel befriends the horse and convinces him to help them instead. Arriving at the kingdom, Flynn takes Rapunzel to see the lanterns. There, Rapunzel gives Flynn back the tiara. Flynn spies his old accomplices and leaves Rapunzel to give them the tiara, realizing that he cares more for Rapunzel. However, the brothers tie him up on a boat and sail him across the lake. They claim Flynn betrayed Rapunzel as they attempt to kidnap her for her hair's power, but Gothel rescues her and takes her back to the tower. Later, reflecting on what she had seen during her adventure in the kingdom, Rapunzel realizes she is the lost princess and attempts to flee the tower.Meanwhile, Flynn is arrested and sentenced to death, but he is rescued by Maximus and the Gaul thugs from the inn. Flynn races back to the tower and climbs up Rapunzel's hair only to find her chained to the wall and gagged. Gothel stabs Flynn from behind and prepares to take a struggling Rapunzel to a new hiding place. Rapunzel tells Gothel that she will stop resisting if she can heal Flynn. Gothel agrees, but before Rapunzel can heal him, Flynn cuts her hair which subsequently turns brown and loses its power. Gothel begins to age rapidly, falls out of the tower, and turns into dust.With his last breath, Flynn declares his love for Rapunzel. She cries, and the healing power of her tear revives him. Returning to the kingdom, Rapunzel is reunited with the King and Queen. Flynn then closes the film, telling the audience that he readopted his original name, and he and Rapunzel eventually get engaged and married.Wikipedia
乐佩的头发能绕地球一圈, 可以当灯泡可以当滑梯