发布于:2020-08-25 12:09
浏览了 85次
one-to-oneadj.一应的; 一对一的; 英][wʌn tə wʌn][美][ˈwʌntəˈwʌn]Can we get her in for a one-to-one?. 我把她请来一对一吗?
ONE-TO-ONE AND MANY-TO-ONE FUNCTIONSOne-to-one functions satisfy both the vertical line test and the horizontal line test.This means that: 2
2If the function f (x)no vertical line can meet the graph more than onceno horizontal line can meet the graph more than once.is one-to-one, it will have an inverse function which we denote f ¡1 (x).A one-to-one function is any function where:2 for each x there is only one value of y and2 for each y there is only one value of x.Functions that are not one-to-one are called many-to-one. While these functions must satisfy thevertical line test’ they do not satisfy the ‘horizontal line test’. At least one y-value has more than onecorresponding x-value.If a function f(x) is many-to-one, it does not have an inverse function.引用ib级highlevel pg82 本回答被网友采纳
one to one new一对一新
改成我这没任何问function z=zyx(x,y)if x<20 z=('极高');
elseif x>=20&&x<=50&&y>=14&&y<=16 z=('高');elseif x>=20&&x<=50&&(y<=14||y>=16) z=('低');elseif x>=50&&x<=100&&y>=14&&y<=16 z=('');elseif x>=50&&x<=100&&(y<=14||y>=16) z=('低');else z=('极低');end 的如下:>> result=zyx(20,15)result =高
onto 是漫射 台版翻译叫映成函数 映成函数(onto function):设f:A→B,如果f(A)=B,则f是映成函数。换言之,B理的每一分子都出现作A的像,那f是映成函数。
fevalEvaluate functionSyntax
[y1, y2, ...] = feval(fhandle, x1, ..., xn)[y1, y2, ...] = feval(function, x1, ..., xn)Description[y1, y2, ...] = feval(fhandle, x1, ..., xn) evaluates the function handle, fhandle, using arguments x1 through xn. If the function handle is bound to more than one built-in or M-file, (that is, it represents a set of overloaded functions), then the data type of the arguments x1 through xn determines which function is dispatched to. Note It is not necessary to use feval to call a function by means of a function handle. This is explained in Calling a Function Using Its Handle in the MATLAB? Programming Fundamentals documentation.[y1, y2, ...] = feval(function, x1, ..., xn). If function is a quoted string containing the name of a function (usually defined by an M-file), then feval(function, x1, ..., xn) evaluates that function at the given arguments. The function parameter must be a simple function name; it cannot contain path information.RemarksThe following two statements are equivalent.[V,D] = eig(A)[V,D] = feval(@eig, A)ExamplesThe following example passes a function handle, fhandle, in a call to fminbnd. The fhandle argument is a handle to the humps function.fhandle = @humps;x = fminbnd(fhandle, 0.3, 1);The fminbnd function uses feval to evaluate the function handle that was passed in.function [xf, fval, exitflag, output] = ... fminbnd(funfcn, ax, bx, options, varargin) . . .fx = feval(funfcn, x, varargin{:});