
武陵源,位于湖南省西部,距长沙约400公里由张家界、索、天子山三部分组成的国家级著名旅游风景区,总面积369平方公里,其中属国家一级保护区面积53.5平方公里,二级保护区面积55.5平方公里,三级保护区面积203平方公里。现辟有旅游线路14条70公里,观景点560多个。 武陵源属世界上罕见的砂岩风林地貌,整个景区,沟壑纵横,岩峰高耸,绿树翠曼,兽鸟成群,有“大自然迷宫”、“天下第一奇山”之美誉。


武陵源,被国内外游客誉为“人间仙境,世外桃源”、“天下第一奇山” 、“山的代表、山的典型、山的精灵”、“扩大的盆景,缩小的仙境”、“中国山水画的原本”。景区内三千座岩峰热拨地而起,耸立在原始旷野之上,八百条溪流蜿蜒曲折,穿行于莽荡峡谷之中,可谓融、林、洞、湖、瀑于一身,集奇、秀、幽、野、险于一体,“五步一个景,十步一重天”,因而被评为全国重点风景名胜区。






  武陵源,位于湖南部,距省会长沙400公里。这由张家界溪峪、天子山三部分组成的国家级著名旅游风景区,总面积369平方公里,其中属国家一级保护区面积53.5平方公里,二级保护区面积55.5平方公里,三级保护区面积203平方公里。现辟有旅游线路14条70公里,观景点560多个。 武陵源属世界上罕见的砂岩风林地貌,整个景区,沟壑纵横,岩峰高耸,绿树翠曼,兽鸟成群,有“大自然迷宫”、“天下第一奇山”之美誉。


  武陵源,被国内外游客誉为“人间仙境,世外桃源”、“天下第一奇山” 、“山的代表、山的典型、山的精灵”、“扩大的盆景,缩小的仙境”、“中国山水画的原本”。景区内三千座岩峰热拨地而起,耸立在原始旷野之上,八百条溪流蜿蜒曲折,穿行于莽荡峡谷之中,可谓融、林、洞、湖、瀑于一身,集奇、秀、幽、野、险于一体,“五步一个景,十步一重天”,因而被评为全国重点风景名胜区。






张家界位于湖南西北部,澧水中上游,属武陵山脉腹地,为中国最重要的旅游城市之一。1982年9月,张家界成为中国第一个国家森林公园,1988年8月,武陵源被列入国家第二批40处重点风景名胜区之内 本回答被提问者和网友采纳





    1982年9月,张家界国家森林公园成为中国第一个国家森林公园。 1988年8月,武陵源风景名胜区列入第二批国家重点风景名胜区;1992年,由张家界国家森林公园等三大景区构成的武陵源自然风景区被联合国教科文组织列入《世界自然遗产名录》;2004年2月,被列为中国首批《世界地质公园》;2007年,被列入中国首批5A级景区。










Wuling source scenery scenic spot position northeast Hunan Province.The scenery scenic spot area scope is the east longitude 110°20"30" 110°41' 15" North latitude 29°16' 25"~ 29°24' 25" Total area 390.8 square kilometers, among,periphery safety-strip area 126.8 square kilometers. Is situated atnorth the central Asia tropics the climatic region, is 山原 thehumid climate. In the area the quartz sand rock pillar peak has 3,103,the kilometer take 上峰 column 243, the high point as the rabbitfull moon peak, the elevation 1264.5 meters; Boundary minister of theinterior 2,000 meter above run-off ditch 32, the total length amountsto 84.6 kilometers, among, is most famous by Jin Bianxi. The peak isthree cliffs canyons place at most, often lives in contentment for themountain person sets up camp place, most famous has the Huang Shihstronghold, the hawk nest stronghold, the percussion instrumentstronghold, hides the official stronghold and so on. The Wuling source is the biological treasure house, in the area theplant vertical climatic zone spectrum obvious, the group falls thestructure integrity, the ecosystem is balanced, is the Chinese - Japan植物区 Central China plant area, is this plant area core region,is containing the multitudinous ancient precious plant and the Chinaunique plant resources. Forest 覆盖率 reaches 88%. The higher planthas 3,000 kinds, xylophyte has the l07 branch, 250 is, 700 kinds.First batch includes "China Rarely and preciously Is in imminentdanger Protection Plant Name list" the key protection plant to have 35kinds. The land fresh vertebrate has 50 branches, 116 kinds, is thecountry grade one protected animal 3 kind, the national two levels ofprotections animals 10 kind, the national three levels of protectionsanimals 17 kinds. In 1988 the State Council examined and approved the Wuling source forthe national key scenery scenic spot area, and the authorizedestablishment province governed 张家界 the city, established theWuling source area people's government, strengthened the sceneryscenic spot area the protection and the management. In December, 1992,the Wuling source is officially included by the United NationsEducational, Scientific and Cultural Organization as the naturalheritage "World Inheritance Name list". Natural heritage Has the prominent value the geological landform The Wuling source in the areal structure system, is in the newChina third upheaval zone. In the long geologic history time, hasapproximately experienced a Wuling snowy peak, Indo-China, Mt.yanshan, happy Shan Jixin the tectonic movement. The Wuling - snowypeak movement has established the home court basal structure. TheIndo-Chinese movement has molded the home court fundamentalconstruction landform rack, but happy Shan Jixin the tectonic movementforms one of Wuling source unusual silicarenite peak forest landformlandscape most basic intrinsic factors. The constitution sandstone peak forest landform stratum mainly by thefar paleozoic group in, the Upper Devonian 云台 view group and theHuang family pillar group constitutes, stratum demonstration 滨海相clastic rock class characteristic. Crag lithical pure, level thick,the bottom shape is gentle, the vertical festival principle growth,the rock appears to the syncline outline, reflected the sandstone peakforest landform landscape forms special geologic structure environmentand basic condition. But the external force geology mobilizationerosion and the gravity collapse and its the biological biochemistryfunction and the physical weathering function, then molds the Wulingsource landform landscape essential external condition. Therefore, itsformation is in the specific geological environment because inside andoutside the geological gravity mutually affects for a long timeresult. Unusual varied landform landscape * Silicarenite peak forest landform: The Wuling sourcealtogether has pinnacle 3,103, the peak body distributes in theelevation 500 ~ 1,100 meters, is highly different by several dozensmeters to 400 meters. Peak forest modelling scenery 体完 US dollarlacks, if person, if god, if immortal, if birds and beasts, if beast,if the thing, is eternally changing. The Wuling source silicarenitepeak forest landform characteristic is: The nature pure, the stone isthick, the quartz content is 75% ~ 95%, rock layer thick 520 meters.Has the layered measure structure, namely 厚层 the silicareniteclamps the thin layer, extremely the thin layer mica siltstone or theshale, this measure structure is advantageous to the natural modellingsculpture, the enhancement vivid feeling. The rock layer exposes tothe syncline outline produces the shape to be gentle (5° ~ 8°,partially most greatly reaches 20°), increased the rock stability,rose straight from the ground for the peak forest has provided theprecondition. The rock layer vertical festival principle growth,demonstrated 等距 the characteristic, the spacing is ordinary 15 to20 meters, was molds the differ in thousands of ways peak forestlandform shape and the profound canyon has provided the condition. Based on the above factor, adds it in the region new tectonic movementintermittence 抬升, inclines, the erosion cuts, the action ofgravity, the physical weathering function, the biochemistry and theroot divides and so on under the many kinds of 力 functions,Shan Tize forms the peak forest according to the complex naturalevolution process, demonstrated Gao Jun, goes against, 壁陡and so onthe characteristic evenly. * Structure 溶蚀 landform: The Wuling source structure 溶蚀landform, mainly appears to the permian is, three packs is thecarbonate distributes the area, the area amounts to 30.6 squarekilometers, may divide is five subgroups, mays be called is "thewestern Hunan" the karst landscape typical representative. The mainshape has dissolves the grain, dissolves the mark, dissolves the nest,dissolves fights, dissolves the ditch, dissolves the trough, Shi Ya,buries Shi Ya, the hoodoo, goes through a hole, the marsh land, ShiMo, the funnel, falls the water-dunnel, the shaft, the roof louvrewindow, Fu Liu, the buried river, the karst spring and so on. Thelimestone cave mainly concentrates north the rope brook valley rivervalley the side and south emperor Shandong the reason, always amountsto dozens of. Is most typical by the yellow natural tunnel, is called"the speleology research treasure house", has the tour and theexploration aspect special value in the speleology. * Disintegration structure landform: Distributes to 志留系 thedetritus area, sees and three subgroups: The clastic rock Zhongshan单面山 landform, distributes to silicarenite peak forest landscapeperiphery and faces upwards area the view utmost point from Ma Jingjieto the white tiger hall; The carp keel V valley Zhongshan landform,distributes in places such as lake level ground, Shijia valley, Huangfamily level ground; The clastic rock low mountain landform,distributes in the Zhongshan outflow boundary, the hillsidecomparatively slow, the river valley assumes open V. * The river valley corrosion piles up the landform: This type maydivide into in front of the mountain to flush Hong Shan, the step andthe high tidal flat. Former distributes to shapinging the village,grows Yu Chaqi valley - Shi Jiayu area the valley mouth; Rope brookboth banks grow two 级阶, two levels for the base step place, outdothe river surface 3 - 10 meters; Armed force grounds around a house -Yu Jiazui a high tidal flat growth, the area amounts to 4 ~ 5 squarekilometers. West the complete ecosystem Wuling source is located the plateau Asiaarea with the eastern part knoll plain Asia area edge, northeast meetsHubei, west goes directly to places such as Shennongjia, southwestassociation Yu Qiandong Fanjing. Each place biology mutually seeps,species rich, specially here terrain complex, slope steep ditch deep,in addition climate temperate, rainfall rich, the forest growth isluxuriant, has provided the good environmental condition to themultitudinous species survival and the multiplication. Adds the Wulingsource transportation inconveniently, the sparse population, are been less the jamming, thus has preserved the rich biological resources,becomes the our country multitudinous child to lose the plant and therare and precious zoology and botany centralism distributed area.According to the textual research, does for hundred year Wuling sourcenever to have bigger climatic anomalies, soil erosion, the crag bodyavalanche or the forest plant disease greatly has and so on thephenomenon, proved the Wuling source maintained a structure to bereasonable and the also complete ecosystem, had the extremelyimportant scientific research value. * Wuling source plant resources extremely rich: In multitudinousplant, Wuling pine distribution broadest, quantity most, the shape ismost wonderful, has "in the Wuling source 3,000 peaks, the peak has108,000 pines" the reputation. 古树 is in the natural heritage "the live cultural relic". TheWuling source 古树 famous wood has ancient, is big, the treasure,wonderfully, many characteristics. The god hall bay, the black firbrain preservation has the complete virgin forest. 张家界 villagegingko 古树 reaches as high as 44 meters, the tree diameter at chestheight is 1.59 meters, is called in the natural heritage the livefossil. The growth to the kidney stronghold Chinese dove tree, isnational level of protections precious trees. These plant idioplasmresources, have the extremely high scientific research value, theirsurvival environment, 林相 the structure and its the protection, thepreservation and so on all are the significant research topic. * Precious wild rare and precious animal: The Wuling source belongs toJapan in the animal geographic distribution west, the Chinese centralarea, is located the mountainous region plateau Asia area and east thearea department knoll plain Asia area junction demarcation line edge.Here terrain complex, climate temperate, rainfall rich, passes throughthe long-term corroded decency, the silicarenite constitution gianthigh peak different stone, the slope steep ditch is deep, adds theforest cover, for the animal the life, the multiplication has createdthe good environmental condition. After the preliminary examination,the land fresh vertebrate altogether has 50 branches 116 kinds,including "National Key Protection Animal Name list" center grade oneprotected animal 3 kinds, two levels of protections animals 10 kinds.In what the Wuling source animal world, are more is 猕 the monkey,according to the preliminary observation statistics is above 300. Thenative is called "the baby fish" big gill, then sees in the brook, thespring, the deep pool. The research animal ecology in the Wulingsource ecosystem function and two relations, has the importantscientific value regarding the protection animal and the maintenanceecological equilibrium. In the precious geological vestige landscape Wuling source Echo Wallin the Devonian system stratum the granulated substance grain andjumps nearby the fish deep pool on the rock painting 波痕, is therare geological vestige, not only may supply the visit, moreover isstudies the ancient environment and the sea land vicissitude evidence.Distributes in the emperor mountain permian is in the stratum coralfossil, the shape like turtle back pattern, therefore called "theturtle grain stone", is the sculpture each kind of handicraft verygood material. The colorful climate landscape Wuling source spring, the summer, thefall, the winter, cloudy, are clear, the dynasty, evening, the climate11,000. The fog is the meteorological marvelous sight which the Wulingsource most sees, has the fog, the cloud sea, the cloud, the cloudwaterfall and the cloud five kind of shapes. After the rain ceasesraining, first is the fat dim big fog, subsequently changes into thewhite clouds, indistinctly sinks floats, group peak in limitless cloudsea appear and disappear from time to time during, if the Penglaiimmortal island, 玉宇 the fine jade building, places oneself,graceful, sometimes the cloud sea has risen the peak, then blots outthe sky the potential, flies rolls straight flows swiftly, changesinto the cloud waterfall, splendid sight. Rosy cloud date. Whenever the cloudless day early morning, a turn ofred glowing sun in under red cloud accompanying, raises slowly fromwonderful Shan Yifeng; Evening, accompanies the all colors rosy cloudslowly to drop, that stands in great numbers the peak stone, underrosy cloud bathing, reveals the rhyme posture gracefully, particularlyis enchanting. Moonlit night. Same month star thin time, silences reigns, the peakforest under the bright moonlight, puts on layer upon layer the foggauze, brims with 幽 is being wonderful, the mystical feeling. Winter snow. After the winter snow, layer upon layer the mountainrange, the place place pinnacle, 银装素裹, ices the curtain tohang down, jade leaf 琼枝, exquisitely carved, turns in the fairytale the crystal world. Esthetics value The scenery esthetics characteristic Wuling source estheticscharacteristic, may summarize for is wonderful, Austria, Xiu, 幽, thewild five characters. Wuling source peak stone unusual, rises straightfrom the ground, steep is lofty, Feng Feng relies on, layer upon layerfolds. Ascends catwalk place and so on emperor mountain, Huang Shihstronghold, the bird's eye view thousand peaks ten thousand gullies,like ten thousand 丛珊瑚 stemming from blue sea abyss, immeasurablydeep, infinitely subtle. Wuling source vegetation luxuriant, typemany, especially by Wuling source pine growth unusual, modellingwonderful beautiful, either towers the peak, either is hanging thecliff, either horizontally lies the peak crack, its shape plain, itspotential is vigorous, its god 邈远, for person by esthetic senseand spiritual inspiration. Wuling source varied many condition brooks,spring, lake, waterfall, its nature pure, its taste glycol is fresh,for person feeling of by the good-looking smooth god. Wuling sourcecloud fog sea, 神秘莫测, ever changing, from time to time thetranspiration fills the air, from time to time flows out drops, fromtime to time spreads out all over the condensation, from time to timeextends the volume to be elegant... ... Composes makes the illusionboundary which one is enchanted by. Wuling source undergroundlimestone cave sublime mysterious, the construction scenery isenchanting, full of beauty and significance. The varied and colourfulnatural landscape organically arranges the combination, mutuallyserves as contrast, enhances one another's beauty, constitutes theempty dharmadhatu to aid, to contain the free scenery happiest extent,has


袁家界位于砂北麓,是武陵源又一风景集中之地。   天悬白练:砂刀沟尽头,有一抹从200多米高的悬崖顶端飘然而下,游人站在对面的观景台上望去,只见一匹白色长练从九天飘落,溅玉飞花,蒸岚生雾,冲漱谷涧。若遇大雨,更是气象万千,胜似雨后的黄山九龙瀑。  下第一桥:属武陵源精华景点。大自然的鬼斧神工,将一块厚约5米的天然石板,横空"架"在两座山峰之上,把东西两峰连接。高度、跨度和惊险均为天下罕见,故称"天下第一桥"。   迷魂台:位于天下第一桥东400米处,台分两级,第一级由东向西呈一面缓坡,约100平方米,第二级比第一级大约低2米,是一块紧连着第一级悬空横伸的石板。坐在台上,可见金鞭溪和砂刀沟争奇斗巧,云雾翻滚,群山时隐时现,变幻莫测,使人难辨天上人间。   后花园:有"天然盆景"之称。园内石峰千姿百态,溪水绕峰而流;山上古木参天,云雾弥漫,犹如古时皇宫内的后花园一样。 门票:35元 地址:张家界砂刀沟北麓。 旺季:旅游的最佳时间是每年的4月和10月,在这两个月份,张家界的自然风光最美。 张家界7月会有雨,雨天路滑,并且有大雾,不宜登山,雨后1、2个小时的山景最美,烟雾缭绕,有如仙境;冬天会下雪,但不会封山,大雪中的张家界别有一番情趣。 开放时间:7:00——18:00 餐饮:湘味极具地方色彩,小吃更以辛香酸辣而闻名。 臭豆腐、春卷、龙脂猪血、红烧猪蹄、麻辣子鸡、发丝牛百叶、土家腊肉、 石蛙、岩耳烧鸡、侗家腌鱼、芷江鸭、洪江鸭血粑、临武鸭、湘黄鸡等都别具特色。   另外,土家腊味菜系列有腊猪肉、腊羊肉、腊牛肉、腊狗肉、腊猪蹄、腊猪肠、腊血豆腐等;酸辣菜系列有酸野薤、酸青菜、酸猪肉、酸鱼、酸辣玉米糊等 ;土家家常系列有和渣、南瓜汤、米豆腐、粉蒸肉、扣肉、岩耳炖鸡、泥鳅煮豆腐、鱼儿辣子等 ;腌菜类有腌肉、腌鱼、腌辣椒、腌萝卜、腌辣玉米粉、腌生姜等;野菜类有地米菜、野葛粉、蕨粑、南金姜等都不可不尝。   在张家界景区的餐饮比较贵,一份肉菜至少要30元,一份野味要80元或更多,蔬菜每份15元,张家界郊区的餐饮不那么贵。晚上,旅游者在街上随处可见小吃摊,土家火锅不错。但景区中有不少小摊,可以买到便宜的土家小吃,麻辣酱汁是不可不尝的土家风味。 交通:上袁家界有几条路可走。原本都是纯粹要靠原始动力徒步上山的,从金鞭溪中段的千里相会景观附近的左山坡上乱窜坡,步行一个多小时可以到袁家界山上;或者从金鞭溪紫草潭左侧,逆行杉刀沟的小路,沿那条路也能到达袁家界,但路途更远些。袁家界虽然海拔不算高,但山路较艰险,徒步登山却要很长时间,因此目前较多游人采用的,是从水绕四门附近乘百龙电梯上山,全程只需两三分钟。 住宿:一般到张家界旅游最好是住在风景区内,尽管那里的住宿价格要比市区贵些,但可以省却来回奔波之累,还节省了时间。 市内有四星级的祥龙国际酒店、张家界国际大酒店,还有金都大酒店、南航富丽来大酒店等都是理想的住处。景区内有天子国际大酒店、亘立国际大酒店、江汉山庄、湘水宾馆等,条件都还不错。 提醒:背包族也许会觉得住宾馆比较奢侈,那也可住单位招待所或私人旅馆,服务热情,价格低廉,如果想卫生些,自己带上一个睡袋就有备无患了。 注意:别在雨天去爬山,一则路滑,二则山顶会有大雾,什么也看不见,应该是雨后的1、2个小时内去山顶观景最好;也不要在天气炎热的时候去爬山,一则体力消耗太大,二则几处山顶均无绿荫遮阳,人会被晒得很晕。 张家界风景区每年以春节、劳动节、暑假、国庆节为旅游旺季。 本回答被网友采纳






























张家界是湖南省辖地级市,原名大庸市,辖2个市辖区(永定区、武陵源区)、2个县(慈利县、桑植县)。1982年成立中国第一个国家森林公园 本回答被网友采纳

