八大关别墅于汇泉角景区北部,西邻汇泉湾,太平湾,最有8条以关隘命名的路是个关口命名的,即韶关路、嘉峪关路、涵谷关路、正阳关路、临淮关路、宁武关路、紫荆关路、居庸关路。这八条马路纵横交错,形成一个方圆数里的风景区,故称“八大关”(现已增到十条),是最能体现青岛"红瓦绿树、碧海蓝天"特点的风景区。 八大关别墅区汇聚了众多的各国建筑风格,故有“万国建筑博览会”之称。这里集中了俄、英、法、德、美、丹麦、希腊、西班牙、瑞士、日本等20多个国家的各式建筑风格,因而成为众多电影、电视外景拍摄的理想地方。如《家务清官》、《苗苗》、《13号魔窟》等40多部电影和20多部电视剧都在此拍摄,现在的很多歌星的MTV外景也选在这里,比如叶倩文、林子祥的《选择》、《重逢》就是在八大关拍的外景。 “一看道旁栽种的花木就知道路名”,这是八大关的又一特点。韶关路两侧种植了上百株各色“碧桃”与黄色的连翘;宁武关路上种植是如火如荼的海棠;正阳关路则是尽显风姿的紫薇,使许多外国朋友称之为“花街”。 近年在八大关东北角又新植了一片桃林,成为春季人们踏青的又一好去处。西南角则绿柏夹道,成双的绿柏隔成了一个个“包厢”,为许多情侣们所钟爱,因此这里又被称为“爱情角”。 这里还有很多的著名的景点,它们是: 花石楼是八大关中最著名也是最有代表性的一栋别墅,据说是1932年由一位俄罗斯人在此修建,由于是用花岗岩和鹅卵石建成,故得名花石楼。花石楼的建筑风格是典型的欧洲古堡式,又融入了希腊式和罗马式的风格,也有哥特式的建筑特色。相传解放前国民党特务头子戴笠曾在此住过,也有老百姓说蒋介石也在此避过难等等,解放后,花石楼成为接待中外贵宾的馆舍,现已对外开放。 花石楼的旁边是第二海水浴场,浴场由宁武关路入口处分为东西两部分,东区更衣室前有一个凉棚,是中共中央政治局会议的旧址。1957年,毛泽东主席来青岛主持召开中央政治局会议,在第二海水浴场游泳时发现这个凉棚面向大海、环境清静而且十分宽敞,于是提议大会在这里召开,工作人员便把凉棚用竹帘围起来,在这里召开了中央政治局会议。 山海关路5号是日寇第二次占领青岛期间,在这里建的一座日本式别墅。该建筑外墙用绿色的釉面砖装饰,显得格外别致,与花石楼一样,解放后, 山海关路5号成为了中外宾客的下榻的宾馆。1957年,时任中共中央总书记的邓小平同志在青岛参加中央政治局会议时就在此下榻。 沿山海关路再向西走不远就到了山海关路9号,这里接待的宾客大都是外国的国家元首和政府领导人,因此有"青岛钓鱼台"之称。山海关路9号是一幢美式建筑,解放前是美国第七舰队司令柯克上将的官邸,室内的家具全部是美国制造,有的现在还在使用。 与青岛钓鱼台一街之隔的是元帅楼,元帅楼也是一幢日式建筑,但与青岛钓鱼台不同的却是红瓦黄墙的"青岛风格",由于共和国的十大元帅中有五位曾在这里下榻过,故得名元帅楼。相传文革时期江青也在这里住过。另外,公主楼、宋家花园、朱德别墅、义聚合别墅等等也是十分有特色的建筑。别墅区位于汇泉角景区北部,西邻汇泉湾,南接太平湾,最初因有8条以关隘命名的路是以八个关口命名的,即韶关路、嘉峪关路、涵谷关路、正阳关路、临淮关路、宁武关路、紫荆关路、居庸关路。这八条马路纵横交错,形成一个方圆数里的风景区,故称“八大关”(现已增到十条),是最能体现青岛"红瓦绿树、碧海蓝天"特点的风景区。 八大关别墅区汇聚了众多的各国建筑风格,故有“万国建筑博览会”之称。这里集中了俄、英、法、德、美、丹麦、希腊、西班牙、瑞士、日本等20多个国家的各式建筑风格,因而成为众多电影、电视外景拍摄的理想地方。如《家务清官》、《苗苗》、《13号魔窟》等40多部电影和20多部电视剧都在此拍摄,现在的很多歌星的MTV外景也选在这里,比如叶倩文、林子祥的《选择》、《重逢》就是在八大关拍的外景。 “一看道旁栽种的花木就知道路名”,这是八大关的又一特点。韶关路两侧种植了上百株各色“碧桃”与黄色的连翘;宁武关路上种植是如火如荼的海棠;正阳关路则是尽显风姿的紫薇,使许多外国朋友称之为“花街”。 近年在八大关东北角又新植了一片桃林,成为春季人们踏青的又一好去处。西南角则绿柏夹道,成双的绿柏隔成了一个个“包厢”,为许多情侣们所钟爱,因此这里又被称为“爱情角”。 这里还有很多的著名的景点,它们是: 花石楼是八大关中最著名也是最有代表性的一栋别墅,据说是1932年由一位俄罗斯人在此修建,由于是用花岗岩和鹅卵石建成,故得名花石楼。花石楼的建筑风格是典型的欧洲古堡式,又融入了希腊式和罗马式的风格,也有哥特式的建筑特色。相传解放前国民党特务头子戴笠曾在此住过,也有老百姓说蒋介石也在此避过难等等,解放后,花石楼成为接待中外贵宾的馆舍,现已对外开放。 花石楼的旁边是第二海水浴场,浴场由宁武关路入口处分为东西两部分,东区更衣室前有一个凉棚,是中共中央政治局会议的旧址。1957年,毛泽东主席来青岛主持召开中央政治局会议,在第二海水浴场游泳时发现这个凉棚面向大海、环境清静而且十分宽敞,于是提议大会在这里召开,工作人员便把凉棚用竹帘围起来,在这里召开了中央政治局会议。 山海关路5号是日寇第二次占领青岛期间,在这里建的一座日本式别墅。该建筑外墙用绿色的釉面砖装饰,显得格外别致,与花石楼一样,解放后, 山海关路5号成为了中外宾客的下榻的宾馆。1957年,时任中共中央总书记的邓小平同志在青岛参加中央政治局会议时就在此下榻。 沿山海关路再向西走不远就到了山海关路9号,这里接待的宾客大都是外国的国家元首和政府领导人,因此有"青岛钓鱼台"之称。山海关路9号是一幢美式建筑,解放前是美国第七舰队司令柯克上将的官邸,室内的家具全部是美国制造,有的现在还在使用。 与青岛钓鱼台一街之隔的是元帅楼,元帅楼也是一幢日式建筑,但与青岛钓鱼台不同的却是红瓦黄墙的"青岛风格",由于共和国的十大元帅中有五位曾在这里下榻过,故得名元帅楼。相传文革时期江青也在这里住过。另外,公主楼、宋家花园、朱德别墅、义聚合别墅等等也是十分有特色的建筑。
Eight critical junctions villas position Yu Huiquan north the anglescenic area, west the neighbour collects the spring bay, south meetsthe peaceful bay, at first because some 8 the road which to themountain pass name is names by eight important passes, namely theShaoguan road, the Jiayuguan road, contain Gu Guanlu, right noon timeGuan Lu, near Huai Guan Lu, Ningwu Guan Lu, Guan Lu, occupiesthe commonplace pass road. These eight streets criss-crossed network,forms surrounding area several miles scenic spots, therefore called"eight critical junctions" (already increased to ten), was most canmanifest Qingdao " Red tile green tree, blue sea blue sky "Characteristic scenic spot. Eight critical junctions villas area hasgathered the multitudinous various countries' construction style,therefore has "Wan Guo to construct the exposition" the name. Here hasconcentrated Russia, England, the law, Germany, America, Denmark,Greece, Spain, Switzerland, Japan and so on more than 20 nationalvarious types construction styles, thus becomes the multitudinousmovie, the television outdoor scene photography ideal place. If"Housework Honest official", "Seedling Seedling", "13th Devil's lair"and so on more than 40 movies and more than 20 soap operas all in thisphotography, the present very many singing stars' MTV outdoor scenealso elects in here, for instance Ye Qianwen, the grove are auspicious"Choice", "Has a reunion" is an outdoor scene which pats in eightcritical junctions. "As soon as looked nearby plants the flowers andtrees know path", this is an eight critical junctions characteristic.The Shaoguan road two sides have planted on hundred assorted "theprunus persica" and the yellow weeping forsythia; Ningwu closes on theroad the planter is the like a raging fire hypericum; Right noon timeGuan Luze is reveals the graceful bearing , causes many foreignfriends to call it "the colored street". Recent years newly hasplanted a piece of peach forest in eight critical junctions northeastcorners, becomes an good destination which the spring people goes fora walk in the countryside at the qingming festival. The southwestcorner then the green cypress avenue, forms a pair green Bai Gechengone each one "theater box", for many lovers cherishes, therefore hereis called "the love angle". Here also has very many famous scenicspots, they are: Flowered Shilou is in eight critical junctions mostis famous also most has a representative villa, it is said was in 1932by a Russian in this construction, because was completes with thegranite and the cobblestone, therefore acquired fame flowered Shilou.The flowered Shilou's construction style is the typical European oldcastle type, also melted into the Greek type and the Romanesque style,also had the Gothic style the construction characteristic. Handed downbefore the liberation the Kuomintang spy chief's to wear the cooliehat once to live in this, also some common people said Chiang Kai-Shekalso in this evaded difficult and so on, after the liberation, spendShilou to become receives the Chinese and foreign distinguished guestthe dwelling, already foreign opened. Flowered Shilou's side is the second sea water bathing place, thebathing place closes the road entrance by Ningwu to divide into thething two parts, east in front of the area changing room has anawning, is the Politbureau conference former site. In 1957, ChairmanMao Zedong came Qingdao to preside over the convention CentralPolitical Bureau conference, when second sea water bathing placeswimming discovered this awning quietly face the sea, the environmentmoreover is extremely spacious, thereupon the proposition congressconvened in here, the staff then enclosed the awning with the bamboocurtain, held the Central Political Bureau conference in here. ShanhaiPass road 5 are the Japanese invaders second time seizes Qingdaoperiod, in here constructs a Japanese type villa. This building outerwall with the green glazed tile decoration, appears especiallyuniquely, is same with flowered Shilou, after the liberation, ShanhaiPass road 5 have become the guesthouse which the Chinese and foreignguest stays. In 1957, when is appointed Central Committee of the CCPGeneral Secretary Comrade Deng Xiaoping when the Qingdao participationCentral Political Bureau conference stays in this. The Yanshan customsroad walked again to the west not not far arrived Shanhai Pass road 9,here received the guest mostly was the foreign head of state and thegovernment leader, therefore had " Qingdao Senkaku Islands "Name. Shanhai Pass road 9 are an American construction, before theliberation is American US seventh fleet commander general'sofficial mansion, in the room furniture completely is US makes, somepresent also are using. Is marshal separates which with a QingdaoSenkaku Islands street the building, marshal the building also is adate type construction, but and the Qingdao Senkaku Islands aredifferent actually are red tile Huang Qiang " Qingdao style" Because in republic ten generalissimo had five once to stay inhere, therefore acquired fame marshal the building. Hands down GreatCultural Revolution time Jiang Qing also to live in here. Moreover,the male main building, the Song garden, Zhu De villa, righteousnesspolymerization villa and so on also is extremely has thecharacteristic the construction. Villa position Yu Huiquan north theangle scenic area, west the neighbour collects the spring bay, southmeets the peaceful bay, at first because some 8 the road which to themountain pass name is names by eight important passes, namely theShaoguan road, the Jiayuguan road, contain Gu Guanlu, right noon timeGuan Lu, near Huai Guan Lu, Ningwu Guan Lu, Guan Lu, occupiesthe commonplace pass road. These eight streets criss-crossed network,forms surrounding area several miles scenic spots, therefore called"eight critical junctions" (already increased to ten), was most canmanifest Qingdao " Red tile green tree, blue sea blue sky "Characteristic scenic spot. Eight critical junctions villas area hasgathered the multitudinous various countries' construction style,therefore has "Wan Guo to construct the exposition" the name. Here hasconcentrated Russia, England, the law, Germany, America, Denmark,Greece, Spain, Switzerland, Japan and so on more than 20 national various typesconstruction styles, thus becomes the multitudinous movie, thetelevision outdoor scene photography ideal place. If "Housework Honestofficial", "Seedling Seedling", "13th Devil's lair" and so on morethan 40 movies and more than 20 soap operas all in this photography,the present very many singing stars' MTV outdoor scene also elects inhere, for instance Ye Qianwen, the grove are auspicious "Choice", "Hasa reunion" is an outdoor scene which pats in eight critical junctions."As soon as looked nearby plants the flowers and trees know path",this is an eight critical junctions characteristic. The Shaoguan roadtwo sides have planted on hundred assorted "the prunus persica" andthe yellow weeping forsythia; Ningwu closes on the road the planter isthe like a raging fire hypericum; Right noon time Guan Luze is revealsthe graceful bearing , causes many foreign friends to call it"the colored street". Recent years newly has planted a piece of peachforest in eight critical junctions northeast corners, becomes an gooddestination which the spring people goes for a walk in the countrysideat the qingming festival. The southwest corner then the green cypressavenue, forms a pair green Bai Gecheng one each one "theater box", formany lovers cherishes, therefore here is called "the love angle". Herealso has very many famous scenic spots, they are: Flowered Shilou isin eight critical junctions most is famous also most has arepresentative villa, it is said was in 1932 by a Russian in thisconstruction, because was completes with the granite and thecobblestone, therefore acquired fame flowered Shilou. The floweredShilou's construction style is the typical European old castle type,also melted into the Greek type and the Romanesque style, also had theGothic style the construction characteristic. Handed down before theliberation the Kuomintang spy chief's to wear the coolie hat once tolive in this, also some common people said Chiang Kai-Shek also inthis evaded difficult and so on, after the liberation, spend Shilou tobecome receives the Chinese and foreign distinguished guest thedwelling, already foreign opened. Flowered Shilou's side is the secondsea water bathing place, the bathing place closes the road entrance byNingwu to divide into the thing two parts, east in front of the areachanging room has an awning, is the Politbureau conference formersite. In 1957, Chairman Mao Zedong came Qingdao to preside over theconvention Central Political Bureau conference, when second sea waterbathing place swimming discovered this awning quietly face the sea,the environment moreover is extremely spacious, thereupon theproposition congress convened in here, the staff then enclosed theawning with the bamboo curtain, held the Central Political Bureauconference in here. Shanhai Pass road 5 are the Japanese invaderssecond time seizes Qingdao period, in here constructs a Japanese typevilla. This building outer wall with the green glazed tile decoration,appears especially uniquely, is same with flowered Shilou, after theliberation, Shanhai Pass road 5 have become the guesthouse which theChinese and foreign guest stays. In 1957, when is appointed CentralCommittee of the CCP General Secretary Comrade Deng Xiaoping when theQingdao participation Central Political Bureau conference stays inthis. The Yanshan customs road walked again to the west not not fararrived Shanhai Pass road 9, here received the guest mostly was theforeign head of state and the government leader, therefore had "Qingdao Senkaku Islands " Name. Shanhai Pass road 9 are anAmerican construction, before the liberation is American US seventhfleet commander general's official mansion, in the roomfurniture completely is US makes, some present also are using. Ismarshal separates which with a Qingdao Senkaku Islands street thebuilding, marshal the building also is a date type construction, butand the Qingdao Senkaku Islands are different actually are red tileHuang Qiang " Qingdao style " Because in republic tengeneralissimo had five once to stay in here, therefore acquired famemarshal the building. Hands down Great Cultural Revolution time JiangQing also to live in here. Moreover, the male main building, the Songgarden, Zhu De villa, righteousness polymerization villa and so onalso is extremely has the characteristic the construction.