简介:无锡浩备有限公司成立于2008年,是一家专门销售洗车机的企业,2016年起,公司将重点放在引生产当今国内最先进的无接触式全自动智能电脑洗车机。公司坐落于无锡市锡山区东港镇阳光工业园区,成立至今,已经拥有一支专业的技术团队及管理团队,本产品的零部件由德国、日本、美国、意大利等国家提供,公司生产的每一台洗车机都经过重重检查,不遗漏一丝细节,在确保没有任何一丝问题后,才会销售给客户,所以,公司在产品质量这方面有着绝对的保障。公司本着“顾客的要求就是我们的标准,顾客的满意就是我们的动力”的理念,将会在未来,使我们的产品走向国际化,让更多的客户了解并感受全自动电脑洗车机所带来的便捷。 Wuxi hao Thai equipment co., LTD., founded in 2008, is an enterprise specializing in the production of sales of car washer, beginning in 2016, the company will focus on the introduction and production of today's domestic super advanced non-contact automatic intelligent computer car washer. Company is located in wuxi xishan district yangguang Industrial area donggang town, since its establishment, has a professional technical team and management team, the components of this product by , such as Germany, Japan, the United States, Italy, the company produces each washing machine after many inspection, not missing any details, after make sure there is no any problem, will only be sold to customers, so, the company has, of course, when it comes to product quality assurance. Company in line with "customer requirements is our standard, customer satisfaction is our motivation" concept, will be in the future, make our products towards internationalization, let more customers understand and experience the convenience of automatic computer car washer.