It is a thin and old dog. The dog stopped near him and barked at him.. With the dim light from the obscure moonlight, he caught a glance of the dog. Then he went on seeing the front where he didnt know. “Poor dog, you make me think of my dog and my little house.” the beggar said without any warning. Yes, the beggar had a little shabby house in a small town. And his own dog, accompanied him for more than ten years.“You are much more like my dog” he said “…I am quite familiar with him”, he said. At this moment, the dog barked and walked slowly into the darkness. “Where are you leading me?” the beggar asked, “Ok, I have no where to go and maybe you can lead me to some comfortable place.”普拉提每小时消耗多少热量?
你是问在40分钟内消耗的热量?还是包括持续消耗的热量? 追问40分钟内追答如果心率达到的话,大概有660千卡左右吧运动60分钟能消耗多少热量?