新建项目->Visual C++->Win32项目 MyDLL
extern "C" _declspec(dllexport)int add(int a ,int b)
int sum=a+b;
return sum;
注意:函数前一定要加extern "C" _declspec(dllexport),可被外部引用
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"I believe the way he reacted was off of him thinking his baby was gone, then," Bartholomew said. "He loves his daughter. When we broke up, he said: 'If we're not together, I at least want to be there for her because my parents weren't there for me.'""She's great, still a little busy body," said Alena Bartholomew, 19, said today. The 18-month-old girl, Jayla,abercrombie kids cheap, is Bartholomew and Taylor's daughter.Bartholomew said early reports that Taylor had "thrown" Jayla into the street didn't make sense because the girl was not hurt as badly hurt as she would have been if that had happened.She hadn't spoken with Taylor since the arrest and was in Sacramento for the weekend, but she described her daughter as a speedy runner: "She moves very fast. She will spin off so fast, you can't believe it."OAKLAND — The man accused by police of putting his daughter into traffic over the weekend was charged with two felonies today, police said.Taylor is scheduled to be arraigned Tuesday at 2 p.m.Bartholomew said Taylor grew up in foster care,ed hardy kids jeans Mastercard, suffers post-traumatic stress disorder and is on medication for depression but has worked regularly, takes classes at Laney College and has never shown anger or been short with Jayla.While John Taylor Jr., 21, remained in jail on charges of child endangerment and resisting arrest,alexander wang mesh dress, his daughter returned home after a brief hospital stay with a scrape on her forehead and a small scratch on her back, the girl's mother said.An off-duty police officer saw Taylor, who does not live with his daughter but had custody of her for the weekend, "pick up a toddler, shake the toddler and bring the toddler into the street on 5th Avenue just south of E. 15th Street," police spokesman Jeff Thomason said in a statement.Witnesses said an oncoming Volkswagen Jetta stopped just as it had run over Jayla, missing her with its wheels but hurting her with its undercarriage. At that point, they said, Taylor broke down and ran into the street, flinging himself at cars as if to hurt himself. He was arrested at the scene.eEdition / Subscriber Servicese-Edition Home Delivery--> Mobile Mobile Alerts RSS By Sean MaherOakland Tribune"She's been asking for Dada, and when I give her a picture of him, she won't give it back," Bartholomew said.中国批发网站有哪些啊?
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