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Refers to the fashion?Since the 1970s, PUNK outfit bell-bottom trousers to 1980s explosion head stopped; beckon Since 1990s, the BP machine cell phone to the new millennium, MP4, changing trend IPOD, new era to emerge in endlessly, the wave unstoppable. From Paris to milan's catwalks, renovation of stumping up faster than the speed of forever, even those two-decade-long before the tide waves are also risk of death at the beach, who predicted the trend towards the next season?Once, how many children in NIKE shop a long time ago, how many would not leave children to the supermarket to cast XinXian ADIDAS. When the innovation into copying when unique into vulgar, plover case, snow, the era of pet boots rage and then become yesterday huang2 into chest, never forgotten.If only, must follow trends by tide.But the witness, Bubbery timeless classic of grid, GUCCI double LOGO, G in a large trends were abuzz, their stubborn, flexibility, appear not understand, but through years of age, and stood in the roll remarkably, still have many of his character.Classic became classic, lies in its accuracy of personality of ego cognition and the control of ego orientation firmly. Suitable for their best, sometimes, so a little out is the tide.Outdated are called Out, "the Man who was acclaimed fashion is" In ". Then I thought, In between In and Out, what is the standard definition. Perhaps tide is not only more times, and looks for internal update. In the end, the red < > pass feather righteously: "you tell cao obsolete." The audience of the punchline and retold. With intriguing In my opinion, the real tide people should keep sharp insight into the heart of the mainstream, grasped instantly, also have profound sober self-perception. To follow, but not blindly follow sb, discards the dross and selects the essential reference for just as a definite loss to the shelf a distinctive style is the essence of the holder. And most importantly, please retained a thankful heart. Because of the loss of soul with the real love, outdated.要别人的翻译也不是你自。最近总是看到千鸟格这个款式衣服、什么意思 什么来源!求解!
素色T或衬衫(灰白黑)外面可以加黑,灰西服外套下面穿双复古风的单鞋(怕整体颜色太暗 鞋子或包可以搭配鲜艳点)