可爱的用英语怎么说 超可爱的用英语怎么说
2021-04-08 01:03爱问
简介可爱的用英语怎么说超可爱的翻译为:super cute 1、super英 [su:p(r)] 美 [sup] adj.超级的,极度的,过分的,超等的,极好的;面积的,平方的n.特级品,特大号商品adv.非常,过分...
super cute 网络 超级可爱; [例句]When that super cute song comes on the radio, you roll your eyes 100% of the time, but do you know all the words?当你从收音机里听到那首超级好听的歌的时候,你眼睛会一直转,但是你听清楚歌词了吗? 本回答被网友采纳
非常可爱的英文 very cute Very lovely So sweet Cute as a bug 非常可爱的英文例句: 虽然一件衣服非常可爱,但是也会由于它的纤维质地而觉得价格过高。 Even if an article of clothing is very cute, but still seems overpriced for the fabricquality -- it is. 因此他们把我们团转移到雅典郊外一个非常可爱的酒店,以避免我们呆在雅典中心。 And so as a result they relocated our group to a very lovely hotel outside ofAthens to prevent us from being in the center. 她在宴会中穿了一件非常可爱的衣服。 She was wearing a very lovely dress at the party. 同时让我来给你们介绍来自北京电视台的非常可爱的姜华小姐. And let me introduce to you ,from BTV, the very lovely Jiang Hua. 当他跪在岸边时,他发现清澈的溪水中有一张非常可爱的面庞。 Kneeling down on the bank,he saw a lovely face in the clear water. 暮眼蝶不是我们这个榜单里颜色最显眼的,但它翅膀上镶嵌的眼点和云纹让它非常可爱。 Although not the most colorful of our list, the Evening Brown is a lovely butterfly, with its mosaic of eyespots and cloudy wings. 吉尔勒莫笑了:“你可能不像从前那么烈性了,不过你还是非常可爱。” You may not be quite that anymore. But you are still very lovely. 在他看来,她的脸非常可爱。 How very lovable her face was to him. 当北极熊在冰山上睡觉时,爪子抓住周围,就像一个蹒跚学步的婴儿抓着他们的泰迪熊一样,那是真的非常可爱! While a Polar bear sleeping on an ice berg with its paws clutched around it like atoddler holding their teddy bear is truly cute. 他们非常可爱。 They are very lovely. 而他却回给我一个非常可爱的‘你好’手势,然后我就忙着整理我的钱包,直到他也弄好有时间聊天。 He gave me a cute little ‘hi there’ wave, so I busied myself rearranging my walletuntil he was free to talk. 她是一个非常可爱的小女孩,有一颗了不起的心... ...一个与众不同的女孩。 She was a very little girl, with a very large spirit...an unusual girl. 临回香港的时候,她在去火车站的路上遇到一个街边小贩,小贩带着一整箱非常可爱的小白兔崽。 On the way to the train station for the return journey to Hong Kong she came across a street vendor with a box full of very cute, lovable little baby white rabbits.app. 而且你也毛茸茸的,还有一件非常可爱的厚夹克。 And you are woolly, you have a lovely thick coat. 上图:卫生间是以前的主人装修的,有非常可爱的石灰石地砖。 Image above: The bathroom was put in by the previous owners and has a lovelylime stone floor. 这位女发言人说:“这本书令人开怀,非常非常可爱,可爱程度超乎你的想象。” "It's delightful, it's actually very very cute, even cuter than one might imagine, "the spokeswoman said. 现实生活中的贾斯珀神气活现,是一只非常可爱的宠物猫,阿比很漂亮。它们跟随主人多年,深受宠爱。 Jasper in the flesh is very hoity-toity, in a good cat way, and Abby's gorgeous.They're old family pets, much beloved. 在那一天到来之前的漫长等待时间里,我们已经收集了一些我们所能够找到的非常可爱的超级狗。 To bide the time until that day comes, we've collected some of the cutestsuperdogs we could find. “我本来希望你和罗宾会结婚的。”她母亲说,“我只有他一个孩子,我本希望能做祖母,有非常可爱的小宝宝。” "'I had hoped that you and Robin would one day get married" she said, "He wasmy only child, and I would have loved to be a Granny, they would have been such lovely babies'- she was like that! 他承认,让西方人吃昆虫是强行推销:如何烹饪非常重要,你必须做的非常可爱,以克服令人恶心的因素。 He acknowledges that in the west eating insects is a hard sell: “It is very importanthow you prepare them, you have to do it very nicely, to overcome the yuk factor. 他住在“一个非常可爱的老主人的别墅里”。听起来他哪儿也不想去,即使英镑一文不值。 He lives in "a lovely old maison de maitre" (master's house), and it doesn't soundlike he's planning on going anywhere, despite sterling's woes. 本回答被网友采纳
你真可爱 用英语怎么说
对男士 you are so cute.(cute 比 handsome 更好,用handsome不时会有点讽刺意味,讽刺你所说的人并不是真的帅或是可爱,而是装的!)对女士 (开放型的女士)you are so amazing/incredible.(传统型的女士)you are so nice/beautiful/lovely. 本回答被网友采纳
Don't talk with me/talk to me /speak with me /speak to me in English please.
英 [kju:t] 美 [kjut]
adj. 漂亮的; 娇小可爱的; 机灵的,精明的; 矫揉造作的;
1. She wasn't beautiful. But she was kind of cute.
2. There was this girl, and I thought she was really cute.
3. I got off with a cute boy from Nottingham.
4. Oh, look at that dog! He's so cute.
5. That's a cute trick.
6.I got the cat which is very cute.
7. Leila kept smiling her outrageously cute smile.
8. The little girl is very cute.
Tags:可爱的用英语怎么说,超可爱的用英语怎么说,你真可爱 用英语怎
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