
2021-03-26 09:35

如何评价电影《朱诺》? 小编精心为你准备了朱诺这部电影网友看后的观后感,看完朱诺的网友的观后感帮助您更好的选择影片.


  • the best thing you can do is find a person who loves you for exactly what you are. Good mood, bad mood, ugly, pretty, handsome, what-have-you. The right person is still going to think the sun shines out of your ass. Thats the kind of person thats worth

    • 罗马电影节最佳影片

      • Ellen Page, you are Hollywoods future!

        • 因为 inception 即将上映 十分期待~~回忆了一下 还是把这个片子加上吧当年我最爱的一部电影 片尾曲 超棒

          • Find a person who loves you for exactly what you are.Good mood,bad mood,ugly,handsome,what have you,the right person is still gonna think the sun shines out of your ass.Thats the kind of person thats worth sticking with. -嗨,加大码的朱朱!

            • 好看得像Wes Anderson拍的一样 小猫腻无处不在 sonic youth版super star、Stooges、VU还有something wired简直就是特供 另外 ellen page真的是拉拉吗???

              • 好电影要经常说话,如果画面是用钱堆砌,而不是用感情营造的漂亮,还是多说有意思的话为好.

                • Good mood,bad mood,ugly,handsome,what have you,the right person is still gonna think the sun shines out of your ass.

                  • 如果有一天要背着吉他随意地走那样生活的话,那之前,我要学会很多东西。。。但是,现在貌似学会了很多其他的东西~~~~~~现在能写故事吗?随意的那种,貌似还不能。。。不晓得从哪里开始,哪里结束~~~~~~看以前写的故事说的话,很幼稚的样子。。。但是,不管怎么看,都一样的可爱

                    • 喜欢Ellen Page 不愧是少有的入围奥斯卡最佳影片的喜剧作品 正在长大的青少年和尚未成熟的成年人 『I hear they give away babies like free iPods.』

                      • Find a person who loves you for exactly what you are.Good mood,bad mood,ugly,handsome,what have you,the right person is still gonna think the sun shines out of your ass.Thats the kind of person thats worth sticking with.....坚强勇敢的朱诺

                        • 这是我看过的最最美丽的故事。

                          • Find a person who loves you for exactly what you are. Good mood, bad mood,ugly, pretty,handsome, what have you. The right persons still gonna think the sun shines out your ass. Thats the kind of person that worth sticking with.爸爸的话太正确,背景音乐主题情节都很perfect的电影!

                            • Jason Reitman is fine when hes not trying to be funny or playing music, but dude does he like doing those...

                              • The right person is still going to think the sunshines out of ur ass. Thats the kind of person thats worth sticking with.

                                • 朱诺寻找爱情的故事,青春期的女孩似乎都有这个症结,喜欢一个人但是又怕别的女孩觉得这个人很逊,于是就假装不爱,男主角的形象定位相当出彩。“你很酷,因为你一点也不装。”“其实我装酷装得很辛苦。”哈哈,清新唯美的小恋爱~

                                  • 16岁怀孕!在中国家庭发生这事无异于天崩地裂彗星撞地球……相当一部分人会选择去大铁棍子医院找王姐解决(郭德纲语)……对于这个沉重的问题,朱诺和父母选择了积极乐观的态度来面对,影片也拍的轻松有趣,正如古龙先生所言:无论任何时候,只要能笑笑,总是好的。

                                    • 该记住的, the right person still feels the sun shines out of your ass.

                                      • EllenPage人小鬼大很cool因为不同所以美丽。很很很喜欢Juno的性格有主见不做作虽然挑了个geek但和她蛮相称哒。Mr Right就是love U for exactly what U are+find U shine on Ur ass。父母真通情达理。养母是加纳耶。

                                        • 从去年末至今的热门影片,本届奥斯卡最佳原创剧本奖。未成年妈妈,相信这无论是在中国式的校园或者家庭中犹如晴天霹雳,但影片的调子却是很轻松的,16岁的朱诺挺着大肚子,同学站在走廊两旁为她开道的镜头让人忍俊不禁。今天再去讨论中美文化的差异或者关于民主还是人权的尊重已经没多大意义了。Ellen Page她并不可爱并不亲切,但足够坚强勇敢。强烈推荐OST。

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