微信号: yzucoe
关于2021-2022学年秋季学期境内国际学生返校报到的通知 根据学校统一安排,2021-2022学年秋季学期,境内国际学生返校报到时间安排如下: 老生返校时间:10月10日(星期日)、11日(星期一)。 2021级境内本科、研究生新生来校报到时间:10月17日(星期日) 、18日(星期一)。 未经批准,所有学生一律不得提前返校。 Notification on Back-to-school Arrangement for International Students in 2021-2022 Fall Semester According to the general arrangement of Yangzhou University, back-to-school date for students within Chinese mainland for 2021 fall semester is set as follows:Senior students shall return to school on October 10th (Sunday), 11th (Monday).Freshmen of bachelors, masters and doctoral students shall come to school on October 17th (Sunday), 18th (Monday). All students shall not enter the campus before obtaining the approval. END 撰稿:赵璐 编辑:莫航 点分享 点收藏 点点赞 点在看