阳信县教育局 05438223909是阳信教育局的电话吗
公交线路:c902路 9路 → c901路,全程约95.7公里 1、信火车站约6.0公里,南宋村站 2、c902路,经过12站, 到达从家村站 3、步行约20米,到达孙集站 4、乘坐9路,经过18站, 到达汽车总站广场站 5、步行约420米,到达开发区医院站 6、乘坐c901路,经过28站, 到达惠民宾馆站 7、步行约1.2公里,到达惠民县教育局从阳信火车站怎么到惠民教育局,有客车或者公交车?
I. 1-5 ABBCC 6-10 ABBABII. 1. Are, going to 2. What is,do 3. Whydoes, like 4. How does , playIII. 1. famous soccer star 2.arrives at / getsto 3. going to be 4. make usstronger 5. half an hour doingIV. 1-5 CCACB 6-10 CBACBV. One possible version:My favorite sport issoccer. I think it is verypopular all over the world. It can also make me strong.I play soccer with myfriends every Tuesday and Friday afternoon. It helps tokeep us healthy. DavidBeckham is my favorite player. I am going to be afootball player like him whenI grow up
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